Requesting 5N from testing NEAR Linkdrop and 1000N to cover linkdrops for up to 500 registrations (we’re at 400 now and expect a rush with the summit).
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Round 2… If we want to do link drops to all of the summit people it will cost 3000N. Pricey, but Ross and I feel like it’s worth it since they are hot leads and 2N per to activate some % is a deal.
We’re asking for the funds to hit nftsocialclub.near which is the new proposed DAO name that @whatshertoes @iotachan and I came up with. We probably won’t change it for real until we migrate to sputnik V2
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Need 120 more NEAR for gitcoin registration linkdrops. Requesting from to nftsocialclub.near.
Need 530N for latest round of 261 registrations, going out to latest hackathon registrations
310 new emails from conference and 206 new emails signed up for hackathon = 516 linkdrops requiring 1032N funding
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