[PROPOSAL] RAINDROPSDAO | Funding Proposal | September 2022

PROPOSAL] RAINDROPSDAO | Funding Proposal | September 2022
September 2022 Funding Proposal for Raindrops DAO

Council Members




Total Requested Funding Amount: $2200

Hello Team Near
It’s nice to see you all!

I represent RaindropsDAO, a community for artists, Poets, Developers, and authors, onboarding globally
I’d like to share our plan of action for the upcoming event and how we could make it large and impactful

Our previous event was very successful, and here is the report and insights from it.

  1. We had around 300+ college students, web#3 enthusiasts, poets, writers and developers who joined the event
  2. We have educated them about Near, Near Coin, Near University and their benefits.
  3. We had panel discussion on the future of crypto, nfts and how to use NearWallet.
  4. We have onboarded over 100 folks on our Telegram, Whastapp collectively.
    5)We had interactions and open discussion with students and web3 folks
  5. We shared our experience and invited our guests to share their experience in the web3 space.

PLAN OF ACTION - September 2022

RaindropsDAO Eventx Mumbai | Sept 2022 | Calling Authors, Poets, Web3 folks and Developers


    1. Mission to Onbaord Web3 Authors to Near Space .
    1. Creating Value to Ecosystem By Hosting an Offline and Online Event
    1. Creating more than 100+ Near Wallets and Also Sending NFTs
    1. Organizing First Metaverse Event for the Near India Community
    1. Influencing People and Developed to join Near University and Near Certified Courses
    1. Connecting 30 Big Influencer and Authors from Globally on These Event :fire:
    1. 100 Best Selling Authors will be talks on Near and Influence people about the Near Protocol
    1. Creating New Set of Art work and Passes for Web3 Community - Artworks / Content
    1. Raindrops Project will give an Open access to connect their 300 Authors Community .
    1. Holder of NFTs will be get early access to Near Event / Raindrops LiteFestival and Online Seminar Session , Metaverse Meet-up

Tagging council members for visibility @creativesdao-council

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Hello Raindrops DAO,

Thank you very much for the proposal. Here’s some suggestion:

  • Could you please link to an introduction post of your DAO (separately) so that the community knows you better.
  • Since this is your first proposal to Creatives, the max cap is $2000 according to our guidelines.


Thank you!


Hello @williamx

  1. As per your request, I have created a separate topic for introducing RaindropsDAO and our vision.
  1. I have made changes to the funding request and the new proposed amount is $2000

Thanks for the support.


Hey @bernarddsa
Your funding proposal contains only one main activity - [PROPOSAL] RAINDROPS DAO - EVENT x MUMBAI | September 2022, which doesn’t fall under CreativesDAO at all, as it has nothing in common with art or music. Moreover, your metrics are unclear to me, without any details of how you would like to achieve them by your event.
It’s a perfect proposal for Marketing DAO, therefore I’m not able to support RaindropsDAO in September.


Thanks @Paul

As per your comment and our interaction with Creative Dao Telegram call, we have moved the project to marketing Dao.

I am looking forward to the Marketing Moderators’ approval of the same.

@marketingdao-council kindly check



You have conducted courses on familiarization with the ecosystem, the University of Near, this is a good job. What are the results of your work? Has anyone been able to get a university degree? Do you interact with teachers from the university? Your requested amount does not describe the expense. I mean, what will this money be spent on?
Thx :blush:


It is unclear to me why the Creatives DAO did not think this proposal was suited under the creatives category.

It is very hard I not impossible for Council members to attest to the veracity of these statements. Are there any links to the social media, recording on the day, etc.?

I can see how the team is trying to promote NEAR. Yet, the target audience and overall operations of the DAO matter. It is not possible nor appropriate for Marketing DAO to grant funds to any project, regardless of it’s nature, as long as they mention NEAR. Unfortunately at this stage I don’t think the nature of this project falls under the scope of what we are supposed to be funding.


  • There is a strong contingent of new applications from very active community members and their projects. Competition for funding is increasing, only the projects that can show he most impact will be able to receive funding.
  • We are on a mission to onboard one billion users. At this stage of the journey, we have a strong focus on developers, builders and end users.