Launching the NDC Community Hub!

The NDC Marcomm Working Group has just launched the NDC Community Hub on Telegram!
click here to join

The NDC Community Hub is the place where the NEAR Community deepens their understanding of the NDC and is actively encouraged to engage and eventually contribute to its success.

Why do we need the NDC Community Hub?

The NDC Community Hub plays a key role in the middle stage of the onboarding process in which NEAR Community members become NDC Community members.

NEAR Community members go through an onboarding process depending on where they are in their NDC journey. Whether they are new to the ecosystem or OGs looking for specific working groups to join, the Community Hub is designed to help them get there. We have identified three broad groups.

  1. Just starting their journey with the NDC.
  • Goal: Help them find the information they need about the NDC and its purpose.
  1. Existing NDC Community Member looking to learn more
  • Goal: Help them find ways of taking part, give feedback, or help spread the word.
  • Participates in polling and votes in elections.
  • Consumes filtered information.
  • Provides feedback.
  1. Active Community member looking to shape the direction of the NDC
  • Goal: Help them find the right Working Groups, or DAO, and provide information on elections and representation.

The development of the NDC is a grassroots initiative. It started by first creating the open Working Groups that are actively establishing the NDC. Now that these Working Groups have established the NDC Constitution and Governance Framework, it’s time to invite the NEAR Community to get familiar and involved with the NDC.

The Community Hub allows the Marcomm Working Group to start generating awareness at the top of the funnel and direct the audience to a place where they can deepen their understanding and start contributing in several ways.

This is visualized below.

The NDC Community Hub functions as a town square for the NDC Community.

Signposting and a friendly team of moderators allow interested NEAR Community members to find their way to the relevant information.

This is what you can find in the NDC Community Hub:

  • What is the NDC?
  • Receive all updates about the NDC.
  • Participate in polls and elections.
  • How do I contribute to the NDC?
  • How do I join a - or launch my own Working Group?
  • How do I request funding?

What it’s not

It’s important to mention that the NDC Community Hub is not the place to discuss in detail everything that goes on in the Working Groups. The NDC Community Hub is intended to welcome new community members and provide filtered and accessible information to the community at large.

The Community Hub will also be strictly moderated by the NDC Mods, according to the recently launched Community Guidelines.

We hope to welcome everyone into the Community Hub soon!
click here to join