July education activities | Cristian Zambrano

Hello NEAR community @Cristian here :wave:t2:, I would like to talk about my report of educational activities in July in NEAR Hispano :grin:

Showroom apps NEAR Hispano July edition

Like every month, we have a showroom, a space to invite the DiR residency projects to show their progress to the community.

DApps Showroom | Julio 2022

Tracking and organize bootcamps offering by NEAR Hispano

Follow-up of the activities of Issac a certified instructor that teach bootcamps in NEAR HIspano.

Designing a new version of NCA for NEAR Hispano

The idea around the NCA is to be an entry point for web3 enthusiasts and to be a way to start the NCD.

Comunicate with other communities about NEAR

Talking with latam representatives from other blockchain protocols about NEAR to invite them to an educational event in conjunction with NEAR Hispano

Design of a Ambassador program manual for NEAR Hispano

This manual will help coordinate communities to be part of NEAR Hispano. Bringing certifications to their communities.

And that’s it, July was a month full of activities, I hope each month to break more and more goals for the benefit of the community. :grin:

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