Introduction: South West Near Club of Nigeria (SWNCN)

Good day Nearians,

This post is an introduction to a new DAO under the RC DAO specifically operating from Ibadan, Oyo State, the South West of Nigeria, hence the name, SouthWest Near Club of Nigeria.

The Southwest is home to one of the largest cities in Africa which is Ibadan and the Southwest of Nigeria is highly populated representing different ethnic groups but with very large representations from the three main ethnic groups representing the three geo-political zones of the country which are Hausa, Ibo and Yoruba, although the Southwest region is predominantly Yoruba.

The target of this DAO is to serve as an outreach within the region to spread Near education, increase awareness and organise events that encourage the utilization of Near dApps.

The Focus and Value:

The focus shall be on assembly of individuals that are in the fields of web/software development - to teach them about Near education and encourage them to start building on Near Protocol by creating web3 websites and apps that can be downloaded both on the Google play store, apple store and windows store.

Much emphasis shall be placed on education and the aim is to gather individuals who are already into teaching profession or similar fields, show them around the Near Ecosystem and impact them with the knowledge so that they can teach others too.

We aim to teach so they can re-teach. Teach one, one teaches all.

Another target is to initiate a campaign to bring in existing business running on web2 platforms to adopt web3 and especially Near Protocol which they can use for payments. Local businesses can receive payments services for goods in Near tokens and do a lot more with the Near Tokens. This would remove the problematic nature of the banking system that involves traffic, delays in payment and failed transactions.

Networking and Connections: Southwest Near Club Of Nigeria will facilitate networking opportunities for its community members to connect with like-minded individuals, developers, entrepreneurs, and industry experts within the Near Ecosystem community around the world.

Mode of Operation

Every organisation has modes of operations. In SWNCN, we will make use of the following

A. Student clubs

For students related activities, in other to get maximum participation, we would utilize the student governing body in charge of the caliber of students needed. For student developers, a club such as Association of Computer Engineering Students can be contacted for collaborations, which would guarantee the full participation of their members.

B. Community Based Events

All events would be to encourage participation of the immediate environment to get them to know more about the Near Ecosystem. This would encourage a policy of assimilation and not just association. When the community members are assimilation, they are acculturated into the Near Community where they are made useful based on their skills and areas of expertise.

To recap, our focus is:

A. Education

B. Conversion of web2 platforms to web3 platforms and specifically to adopt Near Protocol

C. Build a team of developers in the region focused on building dApps for Near Ecosystem

D. Train a group of teachers in each state using different languages so they can also teach others

E. Bring onboard business owners and encourage them to employ the Near Ecosystem platform for their web3 payment platform.

From the above, the immediate target is Education and the rest are long term goals.

Our Core Team

@officiallehleh01 - He has been in the ecosystem for more than a year. He is a community moderator at other DAOs such as Reggaedao, OmegaDigi-World Dao and used to be a moderator at Burlesque DAO.

Post: Community Leader

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Overseeing the activities of the community and enforce discipline.

  2. Representing the community by attending the regional council’s meetings.

  3. Daily engagement in community chats and groups

  4. Technical assistance to community members when problem arises

  5. Troubleshooting issues

  6. Accepting internal proposals submitted in-house by the community

  7. To make the final decision when critical deliberation has been made on a subject matter.

  8. Adding and removal of an onchain members

  9. Design plans and initiate ideas that will impacted the community positively in achieving the the community’s aim and objectives.

  10. To enforce law and orderliness in the community.

Social Media Handles:

Near Social: Officer LehLeh on

Facebook: Redirecting...


Instagram: @lehleh007

@Tobiparadise01 - He also has been in the ecosystem for more than a year and since joining has participated in several bounties from Near Writer’s Guild, BeatDAO, ReggaeDAO SpiritYut DAO, Blaq Stereo DAO etc. He is currently a council member of OmegaDigi-World Dao

Post: Council Member

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Representing the community in the regional council’s meeting

  2. Communicating with the community regarding council matters.

  3. To initiate new policies and activities successfully in the community

  4. To cast vote in adding or removing an onchain members

  5. Submitting of proposals both on astro and gov forum

  6. To prepare and submit a comprehensive activity reports monthly on behalf of the community at when due.

Near Social: Tobiparadise on

Facebook : Redirecting...

@hayyhux19 - He is a member of the ecosystem having joined more than a year ago, he was a moderator at burlesque dao before and has since participatd in many bounties and he is currently a council member of Reggae Dao.

Post: Community Moderator

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Posting in the community group

  2. Tabling ideas of the member to the other council members

  3. Responding to comments and paying attention to all other activities going on in the group

  4. Onboarding new members in to the community and ecosystem at large

  5. Creation of customized wallet to newly onboarded members and get them engaged

Social Media Handles:

Near Social: Aryorsammy hayyhux on


Facebook: Redirecting...


@shozy - He is the brand manager and he is in charge of real life collaborations with external parties and other interested stakeholders. He has been in the ecosystem for more than a year and he is presently a council member at Omega Digi-world dao.

Post: Brand Manager

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Creating stunning designs: I’ll be whipping up visually appealing graphics that catch the eye and convey our group’s message.

  2. Building our Dao identity: I’ll work on establishing a consistent and recognizable visual identity for our Dao across all design elements.

  3. Designing awesome marketing materials: From social media graphics to flyers and banners, I’ll be in charge of creating captivating promotional materials that grab attention.

  4. Collaborating with the team: I’ll closely collaborate with all of you to understand your design needs and provide creative solutions that align with our Dao’s goals.

  5. Staying on top of design trends: I’ll keep up with the latest design trends and techniques, ensuring our Dao visuals are always fresh and up-to-date.

Social Media Handles:

Near Social: Shozy on

Facebook: Redirecting...



@Esther - She is new to the ecosystem but she is a brilliant and well talented lady that has a good credit for herself on public relations. She has never been a council member of any dao and this will be the first exhibition of her unique potential.

Post: Social media Manager

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Content posting

  2. Responding to comments and queries

  3. Posting of relevant and accurate content

  4. Executing device social network strategy e.g campaigns

  5. Exploring the latest social media trends to upheld the community vision

  6. Communicating with members and senior management

  7. Provide advice that will bring about progress to the community existence.

Social Media Handles:

Near Social: Christerlight on

Twitter: @olawumi_es8940

Instagram: @miss_chatty

Facebook: Redirecting...


Astro Address: southwest-near-club-of-nigeria.sputnik-dao.near


NearSocial:SouthWest Near Club of Nigeria | Near Social


Telegram:Telegram: Contact @southwestnearclubofNigeria

Every member that form our team have completed I AM HUMAN verification exercise.


It’s good to see the enthusiasm to grow the presence of NEAR.

Your INTRODUCTION post will be taken into records. Just a few questions to clarify.

  1. Does your team have a developer?
  2. Are there intentions of building on BOS? That’s where we are putting all energy to now.

Also, could you make a disclaimer of any of your team member’s involvement with any other existing DAOs in the community presently?

Thanks, thanks and we build NEAR continuously.



  1. The council doesn’t have a developer but the community has and we are aware of the need to build on BOS, which is also going to be part of our initiatives; getting our team of developers to build components and dApps that interprete our dreams, visions and goals in real life.

  2. Presently, Lehleh is a council member in omega Digi world dao and ReggaeDAO but he is a non- paid council at reggaedao, tobi is a council at Omega Digi-World DAO alone, shozy is also a council at Omega Digi-World DAO, Hayyhux is a member of the ecosystem and a council in Reggae dao while Esther is not also a council anywhere.


Welcome onboard. Kindly join and tell your community to join this telegram group to stay informed about Regional Community updates


Ok thanks alot… They will all join as I will pass the message across to them