I hereby announce 'Near Türkiye Decentralized Community’
It will be a decentralized structure where merit is at the forefront.
We will soon announce a date for an online call and discuss further about how we govern, the dao, roadmap and all new initiatives that we’re going to build and grow together!
this is a call to all Members who are looking forward to contribute to Turkish Community and the Near Ecosystem.
- Developers
- Community Builders
- Entrepreneurs
- and others.
you are invited!
I will guide and fully support all enthusiast Turkish contributors to organize and make sure we deliver at following hopefully in Q2+Q3:
- telegram support group with competent mods
- deliver high quality authentic content for:
- the Protocol Basics
- the Ecosystem and all it’s components
- Educational Material and Infographics
- set up and run a Near Turkish Twitter Channel where each new update/news being posted daily
- set up and run a channel that produces quality Infographics which contain network stats, interesting researches about the ecosystem and constantly update it. (like Near Daily)
- run creative channel events/contests in which community learn and enjoy.
- keep in touch with the top Turkish influencers/communities and coordinate price-performance efficient marketing.
- help distribute allocated funds to “Near Turkey Decentralized” in most fair way possible (by doing enough field research and sharing them with the community)
- start translating important Official Near content (near.org, some educational material: near.university: Protocol Basics, Rust, Assembly Script online videos etc.)
- start talks with other large Turkish crypto communities and organize events together, run twitter spaces weekly or bi-weekly
- organize Near Meets, Seminars, online/live workshops, bootcamps and hackatons(in 2023)
- brainstorm together for organic growth hacking strategies all other innovative start ups!
Imo, some skills should be sought** for mods and content creators: moderate level of English. be familiar with de-fi and dApps, be competent about Near Ecosystem, have some communication skills, love for the Community
To build on a strong foundation I propose not adding any members to the Dao those who run or heavily involved with a centralized entity. (ps they can propose promotions etc. but not be in the Governance Dao)
I propose some basic requirements to be eligible to join the Governance Dao https://app.astrodao.com/dao/near-turkiye.sputnik-dao.near
-proven contributions to the community
-be respected, respect and get along with all members of the Near Community.
-be around for at least (months)
-spend some hours (we will also discuss this) on the Governance forum contribute to the posts
-show up regularly on weekly (or bi-weekly) online calls ()
You don’t have to be in the dao in order to contribute!
We will let everyone come up with promotion offers and job appeals and compete for the good of Near Turkish Community and we need it!
**to be discussed and decided by the community
Anything I proposed above is not final can be changed. So feel free to propose, come up with better ideas.
Do you want to contribute to Near Turkey Ecosystem?
Now, please introduce yourself tell us about your: age, city(if you feel comfortable about it) profession, crypto background and your experience about Near.
Also please talk about your skills. How can you best contribute to the Community?
According to my rough research Near Turkey is not among top 30* among Turkish Crypto communities. In long term I anticipate Near Turkey being in top 3 (in both overall active community and developer count)*
*Hoşgeldiniz! *
*Near Türkiye komunitesine katkı sunmak isteyen geliştirici, komunite yöneticileri, girişimciler ve tüm bireylere açığız. Merkeziyetsiz Near Türkiye oluşumunda yer almak isteyen işin ucundan az da olsa tutmak isteyenler lütfen önce kendinizi kısaca tanıtınız:
- mesleğiniz,
- yaşınız,
- kripto geçmişiniz,
- Near tecrübeniz
- becerileriniz (bu yeni oluşumlara nasıl katkıda bulunabileceğinizden bahsediniz)
örn. iyi iletişimim, orta İngilizcem defi bilgim vardır, çok iyi makale yazarım, grafikerim, rust yazılımcısıyım gibi. *
Burası hem bir tanışma platformu hem de sağlıklı komunite oluşumu için bir referans kaynağı olur. İleride buraya bakıp daha profesyonel anlamda gelebilecek iş tekliflerinin de önünü açmış olursunuz.
Yukarıda yazılı tüm girişimler ve daha fazlası için karşılıklı saygı çerçevesinde fikirlerinizi belirtebilirsiniz. Ayrıca Ne konularda yeteneğiniz olduğu ve nasıl katkıda bulunabileceğinizi yazınız. Birkaç gün içinde online meeting düzenlenecektir!*
İngilizcesi çok iyi olmayanlar dert etmesinler Google translate kullanabilirsiniz!