[Introduction] Kin DAO

Hello everyone!

We are Kin DAO; a digital extension of a real life cooperative called Kindness Grocery Cooperative [KGC] which has been in operation since May 2020. KGC is an innovative hybrid cooperative developing tested transitional systems to build equitable, sustainable and decentralized futures for all living beings. Our goal is to facilitate gentle transitions to balanced environmental, economic and societal systems. We have been progressively learning about the opportunities blockchain technology and community has to offer to make these goals a reality and decided to launch the Kin DAO in September 2021.

Kin standing for family or close relations, also the beginning of “Kindness”.

Kin DAO aims to use digital tools to bring opportunities, stability and change to the real world. We focus on educating and onboarding new folks into the digital world prioritizing those who have been marginalized and left out of this space. Our long term goal is to fund the collective purchase of farm land where we can implement, practice and refine our For Product Model. The For Product Model creates a system where people can trade work in exchange for land ownership or products. The point is to create ecosystems where land is accessible and regenerative practices can be embodied on social and ecological levels. We envision many communities branching off to create their own spaces to develop unique systems of equity and regeneration. Essentially we are looking to bridge the digital divide and bring decentralization to the physical so we can build stability in the midst of the increasingly unstable environments many of us are experiencing. We understand this is a large goal but we believe it to be completely attainable with our passionate action, the shifting atmosphere around collaboration and with the need for self sustainability as our world rapidly shifts.

Upon our launch in September 2021 we have already accomplished so much!

  • created a Kin DAO brand
  • cultivated a small but growing presence on IG, Twitter & discord
  • began partnerships with multiple other collaborative groups [EarthCoin, Ism.Earth, BushWick Film Festival, OAK DAO, MTTM, NFTBuzz, Codame, NEAR)
  • created our Kin DAO marketplace on mintbase using NEAR protocol
  • dropped our first NFT created by @starpause
  • onboarded an elder artist named John Charnon who was unfamiliar with internet usage but was willing to take the courageous leap to mint his first NFTs of 3 of his physical paintings!
  • onboarded and assisted several other artists with minting their first NFTs [EFAM, Najee Omari, Howie Whitehouse]
  • installed, curated and have been hosting a month long physical NFT Art Exhibition called “Hyphae” at the Local Maker Mart in San Fransisco from Oct 1st - Oct 24th
  • Hosted multiple “Blockchain Basics” workshops where we educated our community on how to get their first crypto wallets, how to buy and mint NFTs, and introduced them to DAOs
  • Partnered with @starpause to cohost two in person Codame & Kin DAO community discussions around DAOs

We were able to make all of this happen with only personal investment and 3 active team members out of the 5 total currently a part of Kin DAO. We know with expanded resources and community our goals can be met with more ease and efficiency. We are honored to have been introduced to NEAR and the Creatives DAO and are looking forward to what blooms from future collaborations!

Our last showing of our in person NFT Art Exhibition, “Hyphae”, will be next weekend Oct 22nd - 24th @ The Local Maker Mart on 580 Green Street, San Fransisco. Hosted in a former bank, this exhibition transforms a container that traditionally upheld extractive value structures into one that facilitates perspective shifts to collectively redefine worth using blockchain technology. If anyone here would like to come meet us in person we would be honored to have you!

Kindness Grocery Cooperative:


  • Twitter: @TheKinDAO
  • IG: @thekindao
  • Website: coming soon!

Can’t wait for the website!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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