[Internal Report] (August) Council report Blaqk Stereo Dao


Link to previous report

Hello, Community.
Here is my report as a council of Blaqk Stereo Dao for the month of August.

August was indeed an eventful month in Blaqk stereo Dao with the completion of the:

Which I oversaw working along side @cotmusic @Sholaspark @TIMI @BennyB & andrepryme.near.
I also managed Blaqk stereo social media pages and they all experience some significant growth within the month with the activities we had lined up.

  • Twitter pages - 85 followers
  • Discord server - 41 members
  • Instagram page - 214 followers

I hosted a 30mins twitter space for the Future is Near music competition and we had 9 listeners - Space

Created a doc on how to convert stable coin to Near using ref.finance.

Handled the Legal wrapper registration for Blaqk Stereo Dao.

Votes on Astro - 80