Blaqk Stereo August Report
- @hawwal (83 votes casted)
- @BlaqkStereo (66 votes casted)
- @cotmusic (51 votes casted)
@Sholaspark (20 votes casted)
Accumulated votes “Council & Committee”: (302 Votes casted)
On-chain members in total: 31
Funds on Astro : $2086 USD
Proposal for August - [Approved] Blaqk Stereo August budget
Completed August objectives:
- Blaqk Stereo legal wrapper
- Blaqk Stereo Official website launch
- Completion Illustrathons contest
Ongoing August objectives:
Pending August objective:
Cillyverse music concert
“concert has been postponed till October”
Council Report:
Moderator Report:
- Wallet creation for 20 people:
Wallet ID's
- rose-line03.near
- bdamsel9.near
- dolapo12.near
- ayo_miikun.near
- emma22.near
- murphy1623.near
- forsure.near
- moses12.near
- tiferay.near
- veniceego.near
- abbey02.near
- thegalliums.near
- deylotkhay.near
- bamiory.near
- mouzies.near
- faithchuks.near
- jidecollins.near
- topedave.near
- dayogr.near
- austinpaint.near
- 79 NFTs in store
- 87 followers on twitter
- 222 followers on IG
- 85 members on TG
- 48 members on Discord
- 13 subscribers on Youtube
The month of August was an interesting one we had a lot of organic growth which I am very happy about and I am super looking forward to the amazing projects for the months ahead. Though we experienced a minor setback last month in the time duration we set for the execution of the 2D animation workshop due to a power surge that fried the board of the laptop intended to be used for that workshop but we have been able to purchase a new laptop which would be used in executing that project.
We continually thank the Creatives Dao for their continued support.
Stay creative