[IDEATION] Cross Collaboration using Dapplet Tips on Twitter + Discord Tip Bot Development

Hello Dear Near Community,

This time I want to share my thoughts about what could help the Onboarding and the Learning process of Nearcomers


  1. Nearcomers that start contributing with the Near community will engage more using dapps on the Near Ecosystem
  2. Tip projects in the NEAR ecosystem can receive more users and so more feedback to keep growing
  3. Cross Collaboration + More engage

How to

  1. Avoid direct payments, and start the cross collaboration by using tips or daos
  2. Ask contestants to spread their work in several communication channels (Twitter always recommended)
  3. Testing of the Astrodao feature for polls


Design Contests like the NEAR Meme Daily or the #ChristmasIsNear can send the rewards to the winners using Dapplets or if it is a Telegram group running a contests like MerchantsofNear then we can use Near Bot.

Additional feedback for contests reviews

We should have some ground rules for juries to choose design contest winners, the following is a raw example:


Our main communication channels are Telegram, Discord, Twitter, so we should develop a Discord Tip Bot, if u know someone that is already working on it, please share. :star_struck:

Also, there can be even more collaboration if this contests ask contestants/contributors to share their work on twitter + other community communication channel, so more users can see it and engage.

In order to achieve more engage, help NEARcomers to learn more, and help projects to receive more feedback I believe that guilds rewards and contests rewards should send the payout using DAOs or TIPS, and avoid direct payment to wallet.

Please, any comment is welcome. :white_check_mark:

I will tag you partners, because this Idea came from the collaboration with your contests: @GeorgePro1 @naveen_in @Merchants_NEAR
And thank you for your awesome work, cheers :beers:

NEAR tip bot team feedback about the need of “tx history” given :raised_hand:


I think it’s a good idea to onboard newcomers, improve organic interaction for the active members on discord, telegram when they do good deeds, and also help people in need to start their Near journey smoother (near faucet).
As you all may know, a lot of new funds move to NEAR from ETH, BNB, AVAX but are stuck in creating the NEAR wallet.

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You are right HaiVu, https://faucet.paras.id seems to be having issues right now, no more balance.

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Thanks for mentioning NEAR MEME DAILY. :slight_smile:
In case someone would like to join, here’s our telegram group link.

From my experience, I can say that Tipping the people based on the good content and activities brings more instant engagement.


@jlwaugh - Did you mention someone was developing this or am I dreaming?

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This is good idea. Even in the proposal stage of the Christmas contest @satojandro mentioned that I use AstroDAO to distribute the rewards.

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Cool, yeah but Astrodao had lot of interaction already let’s have some with other projects so other projects can growth :metal::100: