Human Guild [Proposal] LandToEmpire - May 2022

Hi all!

LandToEmpire for three months after the launch of the game on the Near mainnet boasts these numbers:

10’000 unique visitors to the site,
which registered in the game 3’700 accounts,
of which 1’200 play the game periodically
and 500 plays every day - our core players.
The lands were bought out by 250 players.

During this period, 43K PVP attacks were carried out and 123K buildings and constructions were constructed. Also, our dear players have created 42 clans and are actively preparing for tournaments and clan wars.

P2E statistics - Nft-marketplace is growing - the players sold more than 700 Nft-buildings worth over $10K. There are players who have already managed to make $300-$400 from selling Nfts while investing just $100 to buy land.

Many thanks to Human Guild and Near Fundation for their support that made the game possible.

Being in the 6th position in the ranking of the most popular Near Dapps on DappRadar, we aim for the first position.

Having made over 300 updates to the game and moving through our roadmap to IDO and DAO, we want to start active marketing campaigns to attract more players.

Please support us in this.


Great job guys. Always happy to support you.