Guild Coordination

Each and every guild is encouraged to create a forum thread (a.k.a. topic) in order to facilitate more interactions with our ecosystem of guilds / communities :sparkling_heart:

Create your official thread, with a simple, easy-to-understand title like “Guild Name”

Guild Charter Template

Title: Name of your Guild

Purpose(s): Why

Vision(s): What

Mission(s): How

Leader(s): Who

Group(s): Where

Also, please communicate any project ideas or specific goals! Let us know if you want help clarifying your statements.

Processes for Guild Contributors

Refer to each guild’s official thread for links, contact information, and other details. We hope you reply in specific threads in order to start a conversation.

Remember to create a new topic / thread, so interested participants may subscribe for updates.

Guild Value Systems

Guilds can design their own approach to incentivization based on a shared sense of identity. Feel free to ask questions and experiment! Guilds are meant for learning and building together.


Thanks for posting this James :slight_smile: following up on your post … I think we should add a few sub-categories under #guilds to give some order to guilds forum category.

Here are a few ideas from me (open to everyone’s suggestions):

  • /guilds /existing or official guilds: for existing guilds to post their intro topic. You can create a template with your proposed structure to make it easier!

  • /guilds /new or incubating guilds: for new guilds to apply publicly and get feedback

What I am not sure how to do is monthly/weekly (or general) updates! Should each Guild have their own sub-category (it’s doable) or do we aggregate updates in one thread or one sub-cat?

Cc @jlwaugh @shreyas


Hi All!

I did a research around node setup, staking, monitoring process etc… And found the DevOps guild be useful there. I have some thoughts and going to share them on a forum and post a link on discord/telegram channels. But wanna discuss some details first for the better understanding.

What about rewards? Who distributes them? Who provide a budget to run bounties and competitions inside a guild? Who decided how many rewards peoples will get? Or guild leader should share his own tokens for a work done inside this guild? I understand only “Leagues” rewards from info on the official near site. But “Boosts” and “Rolling” are not clear. But I will share my understanding. So, as I see ,we (as a DevOps guild for example) are going to create near node monitoring/logging/alerting solution. We do this as a guild, share with a community and get rewards ? Or we are running some contest/bounties for other peoples ?

So, If NEAR org submits guild proposal guild leader can come to you for example and ask for some tokens to run a competition or to do some job ? Correct ?

Thanks in advance!

Hmm…I found that probably the best place to organize such process will be DAO ?