Gen Ops Introduction/April Report

Indroduction to GEN OPS.
Hey Near Community, this is Stan speaking, as you might know me and @mukuls9971 are managing Gen Ops, you might ask, what’s GEN OPS Stan?

Well, Gen ops is an internal team that manages and monitors the @ConciergeTeam ’s team workspace activity, you can look at it as the Human Resources of the Concierge Team.

What tasks GEN OPS covers?
Gen ops are:
• In charge of schedules and daily shifts
• Refining processes
• Maintains culture/voice
• Processes daily check ins
• Keeps internal FAQ sheet + corresponding Wiki pages up to date
• Reports on Moderator performance in the governance forum
• Assists in onboarding new moderators

At the beginning of Q1 we decided to move to a team management app which is called Connecteam.
You can learn about connecteam here:
April’s connecteam Report:

  1. The overall experience of the team and engagement level have shown very great progress over the last period.

April Month activity:-

  1. We have started using a new feature of task management on the connect team.
  2. End of Shift (EOS) Form:- A newly introduced EOS form includes details of daily work done during the shift by the team members.

  1. Auto clock out after 2-hour & to clock in again during the shift:- A user gets auto-clocked out after an interval of 2 hours during the shift & has to clock in again. It acts as a tool to keep the team attentive during the shifts.
  2. Added Shifts as per the new schedule

So far we have been using the following features:-
• Clock in/Out
• Work-Shifts
• Chat
• Updates and Announcements
• Directory
• Tasks
• Knowledge Base System

Features we are planning to add on in the coming months:-
• Recognitions: To provide encouragement to the team
• Surveys: To understand how a team is doing?
• Suggestions: For improvements on the NEAR platform
• Welcoming new team members with a brief announcement on the app.

Previous reports:

Stay safe everyone,


I should really take some time off from working :muscle:

But anyways, according to @rimberjack “No sleep is the key to success”
Keep BUIDL :muscle:

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Is this feature rolled out already or just for admins? Because I still can’t use it on my desktop, which makes it harder to use.

I agree you should :joy: @bailey12

Yea we are working on it, it’s a weird bug, apparently tasks can be assigned by anyone, but it allows only desktop users, and desktop tasks can be accessed only with admin panel. Waiting to hear from Connecteam’s CS.

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great work team!
another important word
“bailey alive is key to success”

take care :hugs:

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