Hello, my name is Rafaela and I’m in NEAR by beetlejuice nickname.
I’m a 39 years old designer from Brazil. Also, I’m a 3D artist that work for a online platform (since august 2020) that base online events, classes, offices in a 3D environment. I’m one of the first members of a Brazilian mastermind group about NFT. I start an article about blockchain in 2018 with my professor, unfortunately we didn’t finished. I’m telling this because I want to show that my correlation with online environments exist before I enter NEAR.

My name appears 2 times in the @Isa_Danoninho text and I like to quote and talk about it.

Te first one is:

I wasn’t a member of Metaverse DAO at AstroDAO, but I’m in the community since 28 December 2021, what can be noted in the image bellow.

But, besides the Telegram group, i was WORKING to the Metaverse DAO diagramming the magazine since number 1

link to 1st hire:

Link to 2nd hire:

link to 3rd hire:

Link to 4th hire:

Here you can see my first contact with JohnX, the editor of the magazine, 18 December, 2021

So, to conclusion of this mention, I was there a long time, I just don’t talk much.

So, @thephilosopher and @gushlewis , the 2 councils at the moment, bring me in, a person that was working in the Metaverse DAO for months.

The second time i was mentioned in the text was here:

First it was told that i never lived the Gambiarra Community, but I’m there since 31 December 2021, what can be seen in the image below:

Second, about the CFC. When I saw the reply that @Dazo give in the CFC, immediately I went talk to him. But, because I as 99% sure that he is a Brazilian, I talk to him in telegram. I did this for 2 motives: first, I want to talk with him, person to person, that I apologize about the vote (I know that don’t fix anything, but I, personally, believe, that recognize your own mistakes it’s very important). Second, I speak in Portuguese much better then English, so I wanted to be sure that I’m talking right and nice to say that I was sorry.

I will put here the conversation, but, unfortunately it is in Portuguese. But at the end of it we agree that Metaverse DAO would make a pronunciation at Astro DAO about the apologies. And that was what The Philosopher did.

here is the link: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/creatives.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/creatives.sputnik-dao.near-258

here is the chat with @Dazo:

So, in conclusion, i think I explain the 2 quotes about me. I’m here if anything else is needed.

BeetleJuice a.k.a. Rafaela