Hello community!
FintechLab ecosystem has been collaborating with Near Protocol and we are interested in attending to NearCon 2022, the biggest event of Near. This post is to show our objective to participate in the event at Lisboa and have a presence in the event.
Details about the event
Website: https://nearcon.org/
Event date: 11-14 Sep
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEARProtocol
Hackathon team (Squad) of FintechLab:
- Rosa María Orellana Maldonado, Product Owner @rosamaria | NCD ; DiR
- Dennis Vivas Zelada, Business developer @d3nn1svz.near | NCD; NCE ; DiR
- Walquer Valler, Back-end developer @WalquerX | NCD; NCI; DiR
- Diana Rivera, UX|UI Designer developer drivera.near | NCA
- Juan Carlos Iglesias, Back-end developer jciglesias.near | NCD; DiR
Purpose of attending NearCon 2022
- Participate in the IRL Near Hackaton (https://irlnearconhackathon.splashthat.com/)
- Present as speaker with our Esccrow.Finance (Esccrow) solution and the business case we are working with the Central Bank around Fintech Law in Latin America.
- Invite more developers to the FintechLab Ecosystem as a validator node (fintechlab.near - Fase II.pdf - Google Drive)
Previous editions working in Hackathon: