[Failed] Onboarding creative people to NEAR for May Hackaton

I brought two people (a writer and an art researcher) to NEAR ecosystem by helping them create NEAR accounts/wallets, showing them the NEAR community and createbase website, explaining how to submit creative proposals (how to reply to bounties) and interact with the community (NEAR forum,discord, reddit, twitter). We’re planning to create a hackaton project together to submit to VR-DAO and possibly create a DAO in the future.

accounts created:


Frederico is a portuguese writer and script-writer based in Lisbon.

Sâmia is a brazilian art researcher based in Lisbon. Her research is based on the study of possible relationships between new technologies, museums and Art. She is part of Coletivo Tarimba (curators collective) based in Lisbon:


I’d like to ask 10NEAR
target: jmm.near


Hi @JulianaM, and welcome Frederico and Sâmia to the NEAR community! Looking forward to what you will submit to the hackathon.

For onboarding to NEAR we have the Onboarding Ambassadors Program, so I suggest you apply through that. It is still being run manually in the Notion board (in the future it might move to this forum and the DAO as well).

Here is the link: Onboarding Ambassador program - ROUND 2

Just put your name and wallet in the Level 1 table and you will receive 3 NEAR.

After you onboard 10 people, you can put the info in the Level 2 table and receive 10 NEAR


Thank you @lenara for the info and link. :pray:
nice! I’ll do that for sure and also invite them to have a profile here :grin:

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Hi @lenara
I’ve now entered my info in the level 2 table.


Awesome @zeitwarp we sent you the payout, thanks for your ongoing work as ambassador!


thx @lenara

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