Another week of fantastic work for the Minting Music dev team.
Technologies continue to be on pace to meet the requirements posed by the influencer event. The weather forecast for Wednesday is high of 95F, low of 73F, slight (23%) chance of rain in the evening. Perfect weather for a party.
Had some interesting conversations with NFT gurus this weekend. Market learning continues.
White labeling and modular systems for the marketplace are coming along nicely. The Minting Music Marketplace is ready for deployment. It should go live tonight or tomorrow morning. ( Marketplace testing will begin shortly after.
Airdrop systems have been defined. Testing of those will begin shortly as well.
QR capture systems are being explored.
A new Web2 site update is under construction. It should launch early this week as well. It includes some new blog posts and copy. Thanks Ryan!
Business Systems
Conversations concerning community systems and internal legal matters continue.
Thanks to Jass and Nick for their hard work this week.
I, for one, am pumped for all these features to go live. I’ll bet you are too.