Congress members transparency activity tracking list and REPORTS

TC Council Rahul’s Report For December 2023

  • Full attendance at meetings and providing valuable feedback on pertinent matters.

  • Notably, I maintained a 100% voting participation rate on proposals, which can be accessed through the following link:

  • Furthermore, I took the initiative to post a proposal for the removal of three Congress members in accordance with their resignations.

  • Additionally, I drafted a General Investigation Form post, intended to post via NDC Socials, to streamline the reporting process and enhance transparency.

  • Throughout December, the TC diligently organized multiple meetings addressing a range of topics, including on-chain voting for forms, remuneration discussions, and the formulation of a third-party review framework.

  • Lastly, active participation in discussions on dedicated roles within Houses.

  • Spent more than 4 hours per week

Thank You!!


Hello respected NEAR Community, NDC contributors, and NF representatives,

I would like to share my report to ensure that the community and any involved parties are informed about my contributions to the NDC as a TC member.

  • Voted on the docs that need to be publish
    Check the details here

  • Review and input for inactivity post.

  • Communicating with ex-gwg Robert regarding report from TC

  • Involve in the discussion for October and November renumeration

  • TC weekly report involvement (posted on X)

  • Voted for the Congress member who resigned ( Eugene, Jared and Bowen)

  • TPR discussion and bringing the concern on the need of TPR and who it should be to bring the balance to TC when it comes to a report that involved the TC (discussion in the chat and meeting, nothing being dropped on the docs from my side)

  • Escalated the Conflict of interest form need to be filled by Congress members asap.

  • Join the call with the enforcer and other congress members to understand how the V1 will be proceed.

  • Feedback on role requirement

  • Engage with the community and make sure they noticed we are back to live


(post deleted by author)

Hey, I’m Evangel, Council of Advisors member

To continue from October and November:

In December I tried to attend all CoA meetings and vote on proposals created on Astro++. I monitor and record the activities of all CoA members, and also try to be in touch 24/7 with the HoM as a PoC to provide information and any other assistance in the work of the NDC.


I voted and reviewed confirmed HoM proposals before VETOing proposals.

December’ 23: 3/3 [Vote CoA]



During December, I participated in meetings conducted by CoA, except for one due to the unstable situation with the Internet connection in Ukraine.

December’ 23: 2/3 [CoA weekly sync]


I would like to add that I continue to do my best for the benefit of the NEAR ecosystem and be available 24/7 without holidays or weekends for NDC, so you can always contact me and I will try to provide my assistance.

My telegram: @EvangelS

I thank all members of the NDC Congress for their work and dedication.

Thank you all :heart:


Hello and good day to everyone!

I’m Dk, a House of Merit (HoM) member, and I’d like to show my work in December month in the NDC, It’s been a pleasure working with all the NEAR ecosystem members, Trustees, NF Mod, congress and OG’s!

Being involved

~ I have scheduled several calls and attended all the possible calls! (Scheduling all the calls according to the grassroots dao team members and HoM speaker & PoC suitable time, collecting the email account list of each grassroots dao, and maintaining all the details and emails in the spreadsheet for future use!)

~ Actively voted on the Astro++ (In December month, I voted for 31 polls out of 33, approximately 94% voting in December month!) and actively voted in Internal vote polls!

~ Active in group chats, with Congress and grassroots Dao’s!

~ Reviewing and guiding the grassroots dao team about the proposal draft with all the possible suggestions!

~ Handling the House of Merit email: or maintaining the Google calendar of the HoM for all the possible calls!

~ Helping with sharing important announcements with the ecosystem group chats & grassroots private chats, etc!

~ Creating several astro++ polls for the House of Merit!

~ Sponsor of Freelancer Dao


  • I was an active participant in the Calls with Congress!
  • Examining documents such as MEMOs and collaborating with members of Congress!
  • Actively voted in on-chain or internal polls!
  • I’m responsible for scheduling inter-house, cross-house, community, and stakeholder meetings primarily for funding and operations!
  • Me and @rexux_in are responsible for managing ClickUp for HoM!
  • Helping with many other different tasks!

According to the Congress member’s activities!

Attendance at the House of Merit’s weekly sync and other calls!

  • December’ 23: 3/3 ~ 100% [HoM weekly sync]

Onchain Voting at the Grassgroot Dao Proposals and other polls!

  • December’ 23: 31/33 ~ 94% [In astro++]

Feel free to connect with me, if you need any guidance, questions and answers or suggestions from me!

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @dk_51

Thanks, Have a great day ahead!


Hey everyone,

I’m rexux, House of Merit member, and it’s been a pleasure working with NEAR Ecosystem and Other Congress Members. Here’s my December 2023 report:


Maintained 100% attendance in all Internal HOM calls and actively participated in other NDC-related meetings.


Achieved an 84% voting activity in December, covering voting for Internal HOM Docs, GDAO Proposals, direct requests to HOM, and more.

Works that I am doing with Clickup!

  • Managed Every general tasks for HOM on Weekly basis, ensuring regular updates.

  • Oversaw HOM Polls, reminding members to cast their votes promptly.

  • Updated all MEMOS and SOPs of HOM for comprehensive record-keeping.

  • Assisted @dk_51 in maintaining records of every HOM call.

  • Collaborated with the Clickup team to streamline Congress Activity for all members.

That sums up my December report. For any questions or comments, feel free to reach out, and I’m more than willing to discuss further.

Telegram: @rexux_in

Thank you to everyone for your collaboration and support.



December 2023 Report

In December, my primary responsibilities included managing the payroll for October and November, reviewing MEMOs, analyzing and evaluating proposals for both existing and new grassroots DAOs within NDC V1, actively participating in NDC discussions, and participating in House of Merit voting.

Salary Management

In December, the payroll for October and November was successfully completed. Minor delays were identified and rectified during the process, ensuring payments without significant issues.

MEMO Review

During the MEMO review, I actively analyzed incoming information, suggesting key improvements and providing constructive feedback.

Funding for Grassroots DAOs

I conducted a detailed analysis of funding proposals for existing Grassroots DAOs and voted accordingly.

Engagement with New Grassroots DAOs

Special attention was given to studying and assessing new Grassroots DAOs aspiring to join NDC V1. My votes were aimed at integrating the most promising and innovative grassroots DAOs.

Participation in Public Discussions and Calls and Voting

In December, I actively participated in NDC chats, responding to community questions and contributing to discussions. I also took part in 100% of House of Merit calls and 72% of the voting, thoroughly examining each proposal before making decisions.

December was a busy month, during which many key objectives were achieved. I believe my efforts contributed to improving processes within NDC V1.

Always happy to answer your questions!

If you need to contect me feel free to DM me:

Telegram: @evg3nykh

Best wishes


December report
TG: @johanga_n is open for everyone who has any issues regarding transparency on NDC :pray:

  1. Direction:
    – Aligned TC activities with NDC Houses’ goals and principles.
    – Acted as a connector between Houses to support the strategic direction of the Transparency Commission.
  2. Communication Hub:
    – Served as the primary point of contact for Congress members with TC.
  3. External Relations:
    – Communicated with external entities: SMM, Ops, Tech teams, as well as with NF and Supermoon regarding NDC on EthDenver organization
    – Promoted transparency within the NDC through social media.
  4. Regular TC Meetings:
    – Maintained the line of agendas and drew conclusions and CTAs during regular TC meetings.
  5. Coordination of Communication:
    – Facilitated communication between NDC Houses, Social Media team, events teams, NF, other internal government entities, and GDAOs Councils.
  6. Inquiry Management:
    – Effectively managed and tracked inquiries, complaints, or feedback.
    – Ensured all communications were appropriately documented and addressed.
  7. NDC on BOS:
    – Coordinated the development of NDC and GDAOs BOS pages (MDAO page is successfully launched!)
  8. Regular TC Reports:
    – Coordinated the production and publication of regular(weekly) TC reports along with other Houses’ updates.
  9. Tracking Activities:
    – Tracked TC and other Houses’ activities, ensuring a comprehensive overview.
  10. Review Performance Reports:
    – Reviewed performance reports from Congress for informed decision-making.
  11. Internal TC Coordination:
    – Collaborated closely with TC members to facilitate their activities, scheduling meetings, and sharing relevant information.
  12. Transparency Initiatives:
    – Enhanced transparency within the NDC through the publication of reports, updates, and guidelines.
  13. Framework Development:
    – Contributed to legal framework development, documentation, and compliance within the TC.
  14. Operations and Processes:
    – Coordinated and managed operational frameworks and processes within the TC, ensuring thorough documentation - prepared roles description doc for HoM and Trust.



In December I attended HoM meetings and voted on the proposals posted to the HoM DAO. I also worked with NDC Ops on staked weighed voting.


Hey NEAR community!
Please, consider my report for December as HoM member.

  1. Participation in on-chain votings. 94% of all proposals.
  2. Participation on weekly meetings/calls. All calls attendance. 100%.
  3. Additional legal stuff: Fractal agreement, service agreement review, NF weekly calls, legal setup discussions and related activities.


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[Report] Transparency Commission Member Zubair - DEC’23

Meeting Attendance

  • TC held 4 meetings in the month of December to discuss mixed of things such as on-chain voting of the forms, documents, remuneration, steps after v1, third party review framework draft etc.

  • Recorded 100% meeting participation with my feedback involved in the topics.

Screenshot from the Congress Activity sheet :

Voting Attendance

  • TC councils have voted on the numerous forms, guidelines and procedures to streamline the process as v1 comes into effect.
  • Recorded 100% Voting participation on proposals at Astra++ by astraplusplus.ndctools.near on BOS
  • Voted on three Congress members resignation.
  • Apart from these, I have written weekly report for Transparency Commission and made it published through NDC Social Media.
  • Helped drafting announcement of General Report Form.
  • Left my comments on documents drafts in discussion such as Third Party Framework, Remuneration and proposals at Astra++ that have been voted.
  • Participation in discussion around dedicated roles in Houses.

Thanks everyone for believing in the NDC and helping in the launch of v1. Looking forward to serve the community well!

Telegram - @zubairansari07


House of Member Merit Individual Transparency Report - December 2023

Over the past month, as a House of Merit point of contact, I performed multiple tasks:

  • Successfully coordinated funding activities for Grassroots DAOs, ensuring timely and efficient operations.
  • Drafted, reviewed, and implemented the new legislation (MEMOs), ensuring alignment with NDC.
  • Coordinated efforts to facilitate smooth collaboration among House of Merit and CoA members during the legislative process.

  • Collaborated with team members to ensure balanced workloads and efficient task execution.

  • Actively engaged with the Community, DAOs, and stakeholders to foster transparent communication.

  • Facilitated open dialogue to address concerns, answer queries, and strengthen relationships within the broader NDC ecosystem.

  • Prepared and published February’s funding round guide

  • Maintained a detailed and organized record of House of Merit activities, ensuring accessibility for reference and reporting purposes.

  • Provided constructive feedback on proposals, representing the House of Merit’s perspectives and considerations.

  • Contributed to the decision-making process by offering valuable insights during proposal evaluations.

  • I coordinated the proposal execution involving House of Merit, CoA, Trust, and Ops teams.

  • Managed the KYC/KYB process for Grassroots DAOs

  • Monitored NDC budget expenses, ensuring adherence to specified limits and accurate allocation to relevant sub-codes.

  • Conducted educational calls to guide grassroots and individual members on the funding application process.

  • Offered support and insights to empower members to access funding and other assistance forms.

  • Participated in multiply calls with NF Legal, Ecosystem, Legal, Events, Super Moon and other teams.

  • Regular voting participation and meeting attendance:

  • Voting on proposals 100%

  • Meeting Attendance 100%

  • Feedback left for all rejected / abstained proposals

Thanks to NDC trustees and the Enforcer, Near Foundation Community (@fiatisabubble , @Alpar_NEAR), and Legal teams (Andreas, Bianca) for great support, help, and active participation in NDC.


AVB Report December 2023, Transparency Commission Speaker

Details on Governance Contributions

Voted on Proposals, including reasoning for voting in favour/against some contentious issues. Hosting weekly TC syncs, structure meetings to cover all topics, ensure all members have an opportunity to contribute. Review of tasks needed for TC to be fully functional. Communicate and coordinate with other TC members to get this done.

Details on Community Engagement

Active participation in weekly Twitter Spaces syncs to provide updates on TC and answer questions from community.

Details on Collaborations

Regular meetings and communications w. NF, Trustees, and other houses. Core focus during December was to understand the concerns and requirements to get v1 live. Secondary order of importance was to review the remuneration agreements so as to settle previous work and establish new, aligned benchmark. Thirdly, were conversations around inactive members. These will be followed up on now that v1 is live and we can formally begin an investigation, and if required, proceed with removal.

Details on Documentation and Reporting

  • Recorded and maintained AI Notes of all TC meetings using Fireflies AI (at my own expense). * Hired a freelancer to automate the Form Submission process so a submission automatially generates a PDF, these are clearly labelled and stored into specific Google Drive folders. These can then be easily shared with key stakeholders as required (cf. raw data on a spreadsheet).

Innovation / Improvement Details

Migrate all Documentation to Github. This was an initiative seeking better version control, particularly around documents that have been voted into operation by TC. Few things to note: - Google Docs remains a good place to work on Drafts - Once a document is Voted into operation (‘goes live’). It is recorded in Github - Any subsequent additions or changes are recorded on Github. We can see proposer, reasoning, compare historical versions of document, etc. * Drafted the TC Roles and Descriptions as required by Enforcer and Trustees as part of remuneration review (TC - Roles Descriptions - Google Docs) * MEMO on Remuneration Price Reference. This has served as the basis for interesting conversations in HoM and across TC, likely to evolve into a live framework using average pricing, etc. (MEMO: NEAR Reference Price for Congress Remuneration - Google Docs) * Third Party Review Framework. Extensive research, drafting, consultation with many key stakeholders including NF Legal, Trustees + Enforcer, HoM, among others. Updating document to incorportate and feedback and suggestions, reviewing to ensure it is cohesive, explaining the meaning, reasoning, and importance to everyone (including detailed responses to most comments on Document). This draft was the most time-consuming, and most important piece of work in December. TC - Third Party Review Framework - Google Docs

Additional links


Wax report - December

As a TC member I have voted on proposals, reviewed documents, provided feedback, attended weekly meetings, and participated in extensive discussions and communications both inside TC and with other stakeholders.

I have been also actively sharing all NDC events on my socials and getting my community involved

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Dear NEAR Community and NDC Congress,

I am pleased to present to you the final salary information for December. Below are the details of the payments, including the base salary and additional remuneration for fulfilling key roles.

  • Elliot: Base salary $1500, plus $5500 for the role of House of Merit Point of Contact (HoM).
  • Dk: Base salary $1500, plus $2500 for the role of House of Merit Scheduler (HoM).
  • Dav: Base salary $1500, plus $1500 for the role of House of Merit Coordinator (HoM).
  • Odin: Base salary $1500 (HoM).
  • Rexux: Base salary $1500, plus $2500 for the role of House of Merit Scheduler (HoM).
  • Alex Ustas: Base salary $1500, plus $1500 for the role of House of Merit Coordinator (HoM).
  • Chloe: Base salary $1500 (HoM).
  • Evgeny Khaienko: Base salary $1500, plus $3000 for the role of Achievements and Remuneration Coordinator (HoM).
  • Sasha Block: Base salary $1500 (CoA).
  • Evangel: Base salary $1500, plus $2500 for the role of Point of Contact - Operational Lead of Councils of Advisors (CoA).
  • Johanga: Base salary $1500, plus $4500 for the role of Point of Contact - Transparency Commission (TC).
  • Zubair: Base salary $1500, plus $3500 for the role of Transparency Commission Admin (TC).
  • AVB: Base salary $1500, plus $4500 for the role of Transparency Commission Speaker (TC).
  • Rahul Base salary $1500 (TC)
  • Aescobar Base salary $1500 (TC)

For full list of congress members with information about their remuneration in December, please refer to this document.

Details about the roles and responsibilities of each staff member can be found in this document.


Hi @haenko
Me and Aescobar gave more value and spend more than 4 hours per week. As TC Officers, we should be getting 3000$ according to the roles which we decided earlier.

HoM and Trust did not approve this Doc with such roles like “TC officer”

I would like to make an alignment regarding Rahul’s statement. TC officer that he pointed out might be the TC council in general, I would like to confirm that we didn’t work with “minimum” works for TC from our side either me and Rahul.

I am not here to make a statement without reasonable compensation for myself. The time spent on the work exceeds the minimum hours required for minimum remuneration. Changing things for the December remuneration may be challenging, but we need to expedite the process.

Perhaps there is a way to claim extra hour incentives.

HoM waiting for new memo about your remuneration for January

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Thankyou, we will open discussion with HoM member regarding this