[Concluded] Mintbase Sunday 5th edition

MintbaseSunday 5th edition

Cleusa Raven

  • Near account for payment: cleusaraven.near
    Alexandre Macieira
  • Near account for payment: macieira.near

Holding a collective publication on the Mintbase website on 04/17/2022


Title: MintbaseSunday 5th edition

The idea of the project is to invite participants of the Gambiarra store and also other artists of the Mintbase-NEAR network to publish (mint) their art. An important strategy of the value at 0.77 NEAR is precisely to draw the attention of investors to the action, the value will be available for 24 hours (throughout Sunday) and after that time the work will no longer have copies and will cost 7 NEAR a single piece (if there are copies left). In other words, it is a special time to purchase a work of art from the Mintbase-NEAR network.

Show the strength of the Mintbase-NEAR network collective through the Gambiarra store and how it is possible to have punctual actions that encourage artists to continue publishing their works and creating.

MintbaseSunday Edition becomes NFT: The gathering of all visual works will become an NFT, to compose this final work a JPEG file will be produced with the list of participants’ names to be used along with the file that will become the NFT.

See the NFT of the 1st edition of MintbaseSunday

See the NFT of the 2nd edition MintbaseSunday

See the NFT of the 3rd edition MintbaseSunday

See the NFT of the 4th edition MintbaseSunday

Marketing: In order to register the MintbaseSunday edition in the Mintbase-NEAR network, a list of the participants of the event will be organized, with name and link to the work.
Images of each publication made on the network Mintbase-NEAR will be prepared for a video production that will be published on Youtube channel and the Gambiarra’s COS.TV with a list of all participants with the link to the work of each one. In addition, an exhibition will be organized with the works at 3XR Space.
An example of how this will be done is exposed in three projects “Gambiarra By” and “MintbaseSunday edition 1, 2 , 3 and 4” that can be checked here: gambiarranear | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

Complete list of participants of the 1st edition of MintbaseSunday

Complete list of participants of the 2nd edition of MintbaseSunday

Complete list of participants of the 3rd edition of MintbaseSunday

Complete list of participants of the 4th edition of MintbaseSunday

Event poster: production of a poster to publicize the event on social networks, it will be published and will become an NFT, it will be distributed among the participants and interested collectors.

History: MintbaseSunday is an action that was born inside the Gambiarra store of the Mintbase-NEAR network. The 1st edition #MintbaseSunday happened on a Sunday, on December 26, 2021, counted with the participation of 13 artists and yielded an NFT with the reunion of participating works. The 2nd edition #MintbaseSunday took place on January 30, 2022, was attended by 18 artists and yielded an NFT with the gathering of participating works. The 3rd edition #MintbaseSunday took place on February 27, 2022, was attended by 21 artists and yielded an NFT with the gathering of participating works. The 4th edition #MintbaseSunday took place on March 20, 2022, was attended by 22 artists and yielded an NFT with the gathering of participating works.

The Action:
Always hold a special action for the Mintbase-NEAR network on the third Sunday of every month. Invite Mintbase-NEAR participants to publish 7 copies of a work for 0.77 NEAR each. Use the hashtag #MintbaseSunday both at the time of publication (as one of the 4 hashtags, if it fits) and at the time of posting on social media.

Starting April 3, 2022 the graphic and text materials will be produced for the following week to be released.
Dissemination: From April 10 to April 16 the texts, posters and all the dissemination and invitation in Telegram, Whatsapp and Discord groups of the network of artists interested and active in NFT will be organized. All this content will also be available for dissemination in the social networks of Gambiarra DAO. This announcement graphic material invites artists to participate in the collective publication.
MintbaseSunday: on 04/17/2022, when all the artists participating in the project will be published collectively.

Budget: USD 500 in NEAR

USD 250 in NEAR to be paid to cleusaraven.near
Publicize and make the call for participants (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook of Gambiarra DAO and in the personal profile of the proponents).
Organize the event
Be accountable at the end of the project

USD 250 in NEAR to be paid to macieira.near
Publicize and make the call for participants (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook of Gambiarra DAO and the proponents’ personal profile).
Organize the event
Be accountable at the end of the project

SIGNATURE: Cleusa Raven

Alexandre Macieira:
Link Curriculo: alexandremacieira | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
Site: http://alexandremacieira.com.br
Cleusa Raven:
Link Curriculo: Cleusa Raven | Linktree


It is with great pleasure that we present our proposal for the 5th edition of MintbaseSunday :star: . It is the second edition that @cleusaraven is leading this important Gambiarra action. I invited her to participate and have the opportunity to learn how to make a proposal, hold an event and deliver a report. This way, the MintbaseSunday has become, since its 4th edition, also an educational action, giving the chance to those who are interested in the NEAR ecosystem to learn how to do it in practice. :pray: Thank you very much for your interest, trust, and commitment @cleusaraven . Congratulations! :star_struck:


I thank you for your availability and willingness to guide me through the whole process @alexandremacieira. Nothing better than being inside a project to really understand and learn how it works in practice. For me it was a big responsibility, as the MintbaseSunday every month is already expected by several artists and encourages the creation of new arts. Here we go! :rocket:


Must Luv Mintbase sunday :raised_hands::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


great action!! <3 Mintbase Sunday <3


cool! very nice proposal!!


Waiting for your beautiful art on MintbaseSunday 5th edition!


@cleusaraven and @macieira congratulations for this beautiful project! Looking forward to help you with the setting up and curatorial work, count on me. :sunflower:

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MintbaseSunday - 5th Edition

Project status: COMPLETED

Project Accounting:

We carried out a movement at Mintbase, through Gambiarra, encouraging artists to make a collective publication, on Sunday, April 17, 2022.

We created two galleries in 3XR Space with the works that participated in the 5th Edition MintbaseSunday.

We cut out the edition with works selected by the curator of Gambiarra Ghini that were exhibited in the GambiarraDAO building in the Cryptovoxels metaverse - https://www.cryptovoxels.com/play?coords=SE@6576W,105S,10.5F .

Artists put the requested hashtags in the orientation and this way we identify who signed up. #MintbaseSunday #GambiarraNear

We put invitations on event posters.

Links can be found in @gambiarraNear’s bio

** Budget: USD 500 in NEAR

250 USD - CLEUSA RAVEN cleusaraven.near

250 USD - ALEXANDRE MACIEIRA macieira.near

Updated project schedule:

In the second week of April 2022, graphic materials and texts were produced for dissemination.

In the third week of April, publicity was carried out with text and poster inviting the community through publications on social networks such as Twitter and Instagram, in addition to the Telegram, Whatsapp and Discord groups of the network of artists interested and active in NFT. All content was also available on Gambiarra DAO’s social networks.

In the week of the event there was a move to the new Mintbase website and unfortunately we had some technical issues on the day of MintbaseSunday, causing some artists to withdraw from participating. After contacting Mintbase, we got the information that it could still be done through the old site. In this way, we managed to bring 25 artists.

Official-Event: April 17th was the official day where artists minted their works worth 0.77 Near and 7 Editions, and shared them on their social networks using the event tags and @mintbase @gambiarranear

Highlights and comments:

The 5th Edition of MintbaseSunday was very special, our collection has grown to 101 works of art and a total of 54 artists participating in our editions.


Many artists have excelled in their research, have shared their work with amazing descriptions and works.

Next steps:

The next MintbaseSunday will be on May 15, 2022.


NFT Art to promote the 5th edition of #MintbaseSunday - EN


NFT Art to publicize the fifth edition #MintbaseSunday – PT


Participants of the 5th #MintbaseSunday – EN

Participants of the 5th edition #MintbaseSunday - PT

NFT 5th MintbaseSunday

Gallery 1 of the 5th edition MintbaseSunday Exhibition


Gallery 2 of the 5th edition MintbaseSunday Exhibition


Full list of participants for the 5th edition MintbaseSunday

Instagram posts:





Twitter Posts:


Gallery 1 of the 5th edition MintbaseSunday Exhibition


Gallery 2 of the 5th edition MintbaseSunday Exhibition


We cut out the edition with works selected by the curator of Gambiarra Ghini that were exhibited in the GambiarraDAO building in the Cryptovoxels metaverse - Cryptovoxels .