[CONCLUDED] MintbaseSunday 10th edition

Alexandre Macieira

  • Near account for payment: macieira.near
    Michel Nascimento
  • Near account for payment: micheltavares.near

Holding a collective publication on the Mintbase website on September 15, 16 and 17, 2022 and publishing the list of participants on 9/18/2022.


Title: MintbaseSunday 10th edition

The action aims to mobilize the members of the Gambiarra store and also other artists of the Mintbase-NEAR network to coin their artworks and participate in a collective movement, remembering to always use #mintbasesunday. The strategy is to put the value of the minted piece at a promotional price below 1 NEAR, thus drawing the attention of collectors and investors in NFTs. The decision of how many copies the piece will have will be at the discretion of each artist. The announcement of this collective movement will be made by the MintbaseSunday team on Sunday and we suggest that the promotional price be valid only during the period of the action. After this period the NFT will no longer count with copies and will cost over 1 NEAR, so it will be up to the artist to put whatever value he wants on the work after the action. In other words, the day of Sunday is a special time to purchase a piece of artwork from the Mintbase-NEAR network.

To show the strength of the Mintbase-NEAR network collective through the Gambiarra store and how it is possible to have one-off actions that encourage artists to continue minting their works and creating.

On Thursday, three days before the collective action, artworks can already be minted on the Mintbase-NEAR platform. Artists will have Thursday, Friday and Saturday to perform this action. On Sunday there will be no more artworks accepted, the Sunday will be exclusive for disclosure of the list of participants and promotion of the event, continuing the collective action, will be on Sunday, where everyone will disclose to their customers, friends, collectors and investors the action that is happening. The MintbaseSunday team will prepare all the dissemination strategy that will be delivered to Gambiarra DAO’s marketing.

A poster will be produced to publicize the event on social networks, Telegram groups, Whatsapp and on Discord, being the same coined on the Mintbase platform becoming an NFT that will be distributed among the participants and interested collectors.
An artwork will also be produced where the list of the participants of the event is organized, and it will be coined on the Mintbase platform becoming an NFT that will be distributed among the participants after the event.
Images of each participating artwork will be prepared for the creation of a video that will be available on Gambiarra’s Youtube channel with the list of participants and the link to each one’s artwork.
Tumblr - We introduced in our dissemination strategy this blogging platform that is popular worldwide and works as another space to share our actions. On Tumblr we will publish the poster and text inviting you to the event. On the day of the event, on Sunday, early in the morning, a publication will be distributed to the participants and in all the dissemination channels about the Sunday action, with the promotion taking place on the Mintbase-NEAR platform with the list of all the participants and the link to each artwork of the edition. The artwork and text listing the participants of the event will also be published on the blog.
An exhibition with the artworks will be organized at the 3XR Space and both the link to the NFT created and the art gallery will be available at mintbasesunday | Twitter, Instagram | Linktree.

All the history of the previous editions is available at the link: mintbasesunday | Twitter, Instagram | Linktree

Full list of participants in the 9th edition of MintbaseSunday

The 9th edition of MintbaseSunday continued by putting into practice some changes that happened in editions eight and seven. The changes were necessary and have proven to be effective. The outreach strategy becomes even more important, since the event has become a tradition on the Mintbase-NEAR platform and now is a time for us to continue to insist on reaching out to collectors and investors.

EDUCATION: In editions 4 and 5 the project also became educational with the participation of @cleusaraven, in edition 6 with @BiaVictal, in 7 with @Mayramendes, in 8 with @naju, in 9 with @Dazo and now in 10 with @michanascimento. The artists who are part of the Gambiarra store have shown interest in knowing how the Near ecosystem works. Alexandre Macieira takes advantage of MintbaseSunday to invite members of the community to experience how to participate in a project, so they can learn how to make a proposal, set up an event and participate in the NEAR forum. Thus generating the opportunity to execute an idea and then deliver a report telling how their action went. I am grateful to the Mintbase-NEAR network for this opportunity.

Collection of participating artworks generates an NFT: With the 3XR Space technology it is possible to create a gallery with participating artworks. The 3XR Space system creates the NFT itself by inserting in a single file the artworks from that exhibition. Since the seventh edition we have been using this NFT as our official one. The number of participants was large in this last edition, three galleries were created with the artworks, so three NFTs were also generated, both sent to all participants.

NFTs 9th edition of #MintbaseSunday

Gallery 1 - Exhibition of the 9th edition of #MintbaseSunday

Gallery 2 - Exhibition of the 9th edition of #MintbaseSunday

The NFTs of the previous editions can be seen here: mintbasesunday | Twitter, Instagram | Linktree


History: MintbaseSunday is an action that was born inside the Gambiarra store of the Mintbase-NEAR network.
The 1st edition #MintbaseSunday took place on a Sunday, on December 26, 2021, with the participation of 13 artists.
The 2nd edition #MintbaseSunday took place on January 30, 2022, with 18 artists participating.
The 3rd edition #MintbaseSunday took place on February 27, 2022, with 21 artists participating.
The 4th #MintbaseSunday took place on March 20, 2022, with 22 artists participating.
The 5th edition #MintbaseSunday took place on April 17, 2022, with 25 artists participating.
The 6th edition #MintbaseSunday took place on May 15, 2022, with 20 artists participating.
The 7th edition #MintbaseSunday took place on June 19, 2022, with 24 artists participating.
The 8th edition #MintbaseSunday took place on July 17, 2022, with 25 artists participating.
The 9th edition #MintbaseSunday took place on August 21, 2022, with 25 artists participating.

The MintbaseSunday Collection reaches 214 artworks and a total of 78 artists participating in our editions.

Since September 1, 2022 we have been meeting and strategically organizing ourselves for this edition.
As of September 5, 2022 the graphic materials and texts will be produced for the following week.
From September 9 to 12 the texts and the poster will be finalized, and all the divulgation and invitation in Telegram, Whatsapp and Discord groups of the network of artists interested and active in NFT will be done. All this content will also be available for dissemination in the social networks of Gambiarra DAO. This graphic advertising material, invites artists to participate in the collective minting.
On September 17, 18 and 19 the artworks can already be received and the organization of the list of participants is done.
On 09/18/2022 MintbaseSunday takes place, the link with the list of participating artworks will be available for the collective announcement.

Budget: USD 500 in NEAR

USD 400 in NEAR to be paid to macieira.near
Teach and assist Michel in the entire process of creating, executing and reporting on a project.
Manage the production of the project’s artwork and images.
Organize the production of the project’s actions.
Publicize on the proponent’s Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Minting the arts on the Mintbase platform.
Organize and set up the exhibition at 3XRSpace.
Be accountable upon completion of the project.

USD 100 in NEAR payable to micheltavares.near
Publicize and make the call for participants (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Discord of Gambiarra DAO and in the personal profile of the proponent).
Participate in the organization and production of the project actions.
Be accountable at the conclusion of the project.

SIGNATURE: Alexandre Macieira

Alexandre Macieira:
Link Curriculo: alexandremacieira | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
Site: http://alexandremacieira.com.br
Michel Nascimento:
Link Curriculo: Micha | Instagram | Linktree


trabalho lindo !!! @macieira


A classic event @macieira!!!


Obrigado @naju :blush: sempre bom ter uma mensagem sua por aqui!!


Olá @Ghini :butterfly: :star_struck: obrigado por seu comentário! Seu apoio foi sempre importante pro sucesso do MintbaseSunday :pray:


@macieira, eu só tenho a agradecer por fazer parte dessa iniciativa sua. Sou grato pelo aprendizado e por tudo que venho conquistando com a NEAR, espero em breve poder retribuir para o coletivo da melhor forma possível. Força e Luz :fire::fist:t6::heart:


Como sempre, o Alexandre incentivando e propagando as artes de forma magistral.
Já participei de edições anteriores e foi sensacional ver meu trabalho divulgado e ter diversos outros artistas também envolvidos.
Uma incrível iniciativa do incansável @macieira que merece aqui nossso mais sincero agradecimento.


Iniciativa incrível para divulgação do nosso trabalho na plataforma Mintbase, possibilitando o fortalecimento do coletivo da Gambiarra. Parabéns aos envolvidos!!!:clap::clap::clap:


Muito grata @macieira , pois o MintbaseSunday também tem sido muito importante para divulgar a minha arte!


Super orgulhosa de participar desse projeto lindo! Parabéns a todos os organizadores e artistas envolvidos :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Show! adoro participar desse evento, sempre proporcionando aos artistas novas oportunidades de criar e ter visibilidade. Parabens pelo projeto! :facepunch: :muscle:


Parabéns @macieira por nos entregar esse projeto que só vem crescendo, já é praticamente um clássico q vem incentivando artistas a participarem de eventos com suas NFTs \o/ e muito feliz por ter sido parte do time como um dos designers q criou artes para os flyers de várias edições, legal saber também que eu e a @cleusaraven participamos de todas as edições \o/
Bora lá continuar fazendo desse evento um grande evento de arte nfts na mintbase :star_struck: :raised_hands: :art:


Aguardando para participar! :star_struck: :raised_hands:


Verdade @iagods, estamos desde a primeira edição! Esse projeto que desafia e estimula os artistas a criarem, dando visibilidade, além do lado educacional. Parabéns pela 10ª edição @macieira !


Excelente ação que movimenta a cena da NFT art congregando artistas de diversas vertentes. Espero mais uma vez poder participar. Sucesso!


Parabéns @macieira pelo Mintbasesunday! Participei da 7ª Edição e me sentimuito grata. É uma das ações na rede que entegra os artistas e permite que eles apresentem suas obras. Além de ter aprendido a escrever report e proposal.
Longa vida a Mintbasesunday!
Sinceros votos,


É uma honra fazer parte da história do Mintbase Sunday!
É um evento super importante pra comunidade :hugs:
GratidĂŁo pelos ensinamentos @macieira :heart:


Uhuul! Super feliz em poder contribuir de alguma maneira para a produção deste evento classico do ecossistema! Muito grato Ale :pray::heart::fire:


Minha participação para a 10º edição desse evento incrível !!


Minha contribuição para a 10º do querido Mintbase Sunday!


Muito obrigado!