[CLOSED] The Auction DAO - August 2022

DAO : The Auction DAO

Funding Scheme : Monthly

Council : Monish016 VickyPlashevska Anatolii Petrovskyi

Links : linktr.ee/The_Auction

Target Address : the-auction.sputnik-dao.near

Previous Creatives DAO proposals

Creatives DAO April funding

Total Requested Funding Amount: $3000

Projects & Timelines :

As the Bear market is expected to continue, it may cause a situation really difficult for the artist to survive in the ecosystem. It is our responsibility as a marketplace to support NFT arts and Artists. We will continue to support the creatives in accordance with the proposal.

  1. TA DAO would like to request $2000 in NEAR tokens in order to collect NFTs from Paras and Mintbase to support creative Arts and Artists. The Auction is being an secondary NFT build on NEAR, it is our responsibility to create a sustainable NFT Ecosystem on NEAR.

Please find the report here.

2.The goal is to expand upon the Auction DAOā€™s NFT collection and to focus the creativity of our growing community by implementing an Auctiā€™ano Challenge. We are requesting $1000 to run this event successfully. The main goal is to reward the max number of Creative artist who comes up with the best results.

Expected Metrics for Sucess

  1. List atleast 100+ NFTs on to the The Auction Platform
  2. Create and Develop Auctionā€™o Character
  3. Leverage The Auction Platform to develop sustainable Near nft Ecosystem through AMAs.
  4. Create and Educate on chain activation astrodao tools to list on the auction

Thank you


Hi @Monish016

Itā€™s good to have a Project like The_auction under the umbrella of Creatives DAO, but unfortunately I must say that its not following the guidelines, and I am sorry to say but i cant support this proposal at this time.

I would like to see The_Auction collaborating with other DAOs to rise more interest among ecosystem and beyond, bring NFT collectors from other ecosystems, but It very unclear for me where this money are going for.

Isnā€™t too much, asking 2k without explaining how it will happen?

I see no event presented. You could try to propose a collaboration with other DAOs from the ecosystem like metaverse-dao ina-dao gambiarra-dao feminu-dao muti DAO Arroz Criativo nomadelabel-dao MotionDAO writers-guild procd-dao mintbase to make something happen on its sense.

I hope to see bigger action to be taking around The Auction in near futureā€¦ perhaps an Live Auction in Lisbon around nearcon ??? I will be happy to support this, with my vote and also with my labour :wink:

Thanks for submitting your proposal.


Hi @TheAuction,

Thank you for the proposal. Since I have known The Auction and your activities, I believe that this is a project that has its own business model and really admire the thing youā€™re doing. Thatā€™s also the goal for many DAOs that want to build their DApp or MP to find a way to sustain.

Unfortunately, I canā€™t support the proposal. Collecting NFT is a good way to support artists, but personally I donā€™t think using direct (67% ~ $2000) of the fund to collect artworks is crucial. And this also somehow against the sustainable goal that DAOs are trying to aim for.


Hello, team!

Your Creatives Moderators cannot support this proposal due to the following reasons:

  • Thereā€™ve been conflict of interest as one of the member/council is in 4 other DAOs that is under the Creatives DAO umbrella
  • 2000$ isnā€™t justifiable just to collect NFTs from various platform and be listed to the Auction

Kindly refer to the additional comments made by other moderators above and thank you for the trust and proposal submission for Creatives DAO :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Hey @blusw, Thank you, Would love to learn more about the guidelines so that I could craft the upcoming proposal in line with the guidelines

Also, The Auction is Already Collaborating with Filipino Artist Guild, with miss @kodandi from hype DAO for our blog. We are actively & widely supporting & Collaborating with communities across the Near ecosystem. Open to more Collaboration as well.

I think 2K is not big money when it is served the purpose of supporting NEAR NFT Communities of Artist and Arts. I feel the Gap which is clearly not explained in the proposal, The Funding Goes in Supporting the communities by Collecting 1/1 curated NFTs from the NFT Artist. Which leverages The Auction Platform as a Tool. Also, The Auction is not a Standalone NFT Market place. So These funds go to supporting Other Marketplaces like Paras, mintbase, and uniqarts Etc., as well

Please Find the Link towards the Auctionā€™o Bounty, we have received way lot of cool Entries here. this bounty is open to all communities.

Wohoo, Now you can mint your NFTs on


Thank you

Sorry for the Delay in reply

Will Ask The Auction Team to post the edited proposal for September soon

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Thank you, @williamx, for the concern; we are happy to reduce the threshold or requested Value

Thank you @kc_sollano

  1. I understand the concern here, I would like to mention here I have been stepped down from the Council of 2 other DAOs ( Tribe Thrive & The Auction DAO 0

  2. it is not just about Collecting NFTs. It is about supporting the NEAR NFT Ecosystem, we are using this opportunity to serve the NEAR NFT Ecosystem; there might be a gap with the proposal, anyways this proposal got closed but will ask The Auction team to resubmit for september with a clear vision.


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