DAO: The Auction DAO
Funding Scheme : Monthly
Project: Community growth and outreach support
Council : @VickyPlashevska @Anatolii Petrovskyi @Magicpowered
Links : The Auction | Linktree
Target Address : the-auction.sputnik-dao.near
Previous Creatives DAO proposals
Creatives DAO September funding
Previous Creatives DAO proposals
Request amount: 6150USD in NEAR
Hey Fam,
In accordance with the report mentioned, The Auction is growing, especially in the NEAR community supporting for NFT project and Market places for Sustainable NEAR NFT ecosystem; with the recent update upcoming about the Auction, we would love to leverage The Auction in Community Activation and Engagement.
To further proceed, we are requesting funds for The Auction Outreach and Marketing support for the month of September
1. Community Calls / AMA giveaways
Community Calls and AMA Help us in understanding community better for the growth of the platform and collaborate with various projects in the ecosystem.
Community calls / AMA already creating a good traction within the Auction community in order to giveaway for the AMA we are requesting $50 for one AMA Session, we will plan to have 4 AMA for the Month of September
Community Calls = $50 x 4 = $200
AMA Giveaways = $50 x 4 = $200
Requested funds: $400
We already had one AMA for the Month of September Near insider which attracted more than 215 attendees.
Please find the link below
2. Near Insider Collaboration
We had a wonderful collaboration with NEAR insider in the month of June, July, August and we would love to continue for the month of September.
Please find the report for the NEAR insider. The Content Created by the Near insider is rich in design and easy to interpret by the community which leads to the gratual increase in The Auction Community growth and traction.
Hence we would love to extend the collaboration
Requested funds: $1200
3. The Auction Community Degen
Also, we would love to continue receive support from Nearian, Thank you @calcamonia for the wonderful shilling and spreading The Auction Word to the Near Ecosystem.
Please find the report here
The Auction hired 2 Nearians and was breathe out of their exceptional work towards community growth and hacking. The auction is planning to expand its support. Thank you @sg and @jamila from Filipino Artist guild the support us The Auction journey.
Nearian 1x $200 = $200
The Auction Team : 2 x $300 = $600
Requested funds: $800
Requested funds: $3500
- The Auction Testnet Minting/Feedback Competition
As The Auction hits the minting feature in testnet, we would love to incentives the community while giving out a cool feedback to improve as well as develop new feature as well in order to sere community expectations.
We request $250 to get this going
Request amount: 6150USD in NEAR
Thank you