Objective: The main objective of this project is to create the visual identity of Spiritual DAO. This visual identity is composed by:
• Logo (symbol+name) in color, black and white, negative and possible 2nd version
• Colors of the brand and variations
• typography for content of the brand (besides the typography used in the logo)
• Visual Identity guide of the Spiritual DAO
post here your original an authorial idea for the logo for Spiritual DAO
compromise to delivery the rest of the required material (color, typography and guide)
The guidelines for the logo are:
be original and authorial;
have a good readability;
can be used like a avatar in social media;
can be used in dark and light backgrounds;
Dont forget that Spiritual DAO is a place to develop ourselves, the way we think and see the world outside us and the universe inside us. Remember that spirituality isn’t just about enlightenment and light. It’s also to know ours shadows and know that sometimes they will not go away. It’s about give and share to others, but learn that you need to accept gifts from others cause we aren’t finished and perfect.
We will close this bounty at 29 April and choose a single winner.
We need the final material until may 4th. The Final material will be composed by:
High resolution logo in png (all the variations created)
Visual identity guide with the follow content: explanation of the creation of the logo; all vertions of the logo and information of wotch one it’s the primary one; blank space around the logo; minimal and maximal size of the logo; colors with RGB and HEX information; Typography of the logo, of the titles and of the text (please select some open and free font)
we will love if you can give us the open file of the logo <3
The winner will receive 378USD at their NEAR wallet when the job is finished and delivered.
In my opinion, generally Spirituality includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life.
So for the visible identity i use the connection of human with something big like universes.
Spiritual DAO Logo Design Visual Identity
Gellie Quisemundo (Jami2017)
My NEAR Wallet
The values of Spiritual is a meaning of building source of energy ,development and linked to mutual giving and taking, helping and being helped.
And for Spiritual DAO the mission of this community is to establish connection bringing spiritual understanding to each other,. To developed a linked for community. Spiritual DAO helps community to show your inner ability how you will delivered your arts expressions.
As i represent my Logo design, this styles i made meaning the bond thats represent we have in our community connecting to Spiritual DAO.
Hellow everyone <3
Hope you all doing fine.
First I want to thank you all for the incredible art and designs that you made. It was very difficult to choose one.
Said that, we want to congratulate our bounty winner for our visual identity, @Jull-gull.
We are sanding you a private message to set next steps.