[BOUNTY] Spiritual DAO Prints Bounty Topic -universe -

[BOUNTY] Spiritual DAO Prints

Bounty Topic


Timeline - 30th May to 3rd June 2022

We made some changes to our bounty program. Instead of offering 3 bounties we would like to offer 10 bounties as we feel it will increase community engagement and will generate more artwork. :slight_smile:

There will be 10 bounties and 1 winner for each one.
Each prize will be 50USD (50 USD in NEAR or DAI, whichever is more convenient for the DAO)


Hello community!

Artwork design brief

  1. Create tribal art that is in tandem with the design elements mentioned below not something which is not in accordance to the deign of the references.
  2. Please keep the designs close to the references as these are researched designs that Spiritual DAO wants to print. So something completely off from the references shared below will have very less probability of winning the bounty.

Artwork submission steps

  1. Post your art’s PNG here in the forum
  2. Mention your valid near wallet ID
  3. Share the full size .PNG images and creator files in the drive link

universe folder

  1. Please create a folder with your near ID and put the files in it. If your near ID is sahil.near then create a new folder with the name sahil.near and add all the files there.

Please keep in mind

  1. Artwork should be yours and not taken from anywhere over the internet. If this is found then you will be banned from participating ever in the future as posting someone else’s art work is completely against our guidelines.
  2. JPG and .JPEG will not be accepted in the drive link. Full size file with creator file is required for submissions to be approved.
  3. Large images with, at least 1920x1920 pxls (not need to be square, can be a rectangle but with 1920 pxls in the smaller size)
  4. The winners will be choose by the council members
  5. Didn’t win the boutnty? No worries your art still will be minted in Spiritual DAO store on Mintbase. So if your art is sold you will always get share 15% royalties from it.

We will set the others bounties in a wile, stay tuned in our telegram Spiritual DAO Community 2 to follow all the news

Be a part of the journey!

universe references attached below


This is my entry for the universe



Hi, here’s my entry :milky_way:


Hi, So I kind of go beyond the reference a bit with 3D.
If I do not have a chance to win it’s totally fine cuz I already have fun making this.
But still hope you guys like it!

I called this: Beyond the cosmos
Feel free to click the drive link to see the whole video
My wallet: toddpham.near


this might be a long shot, but i was really willing to participate, even though i just saw the bounty today!

this digital work is made with a shot of my experiments with paint on the microscope and i enjoy the fact that some of those slides look like the universe. i look at the sky very often, so i also have a fair amount of moon photos. i edited one of them to become the frame of the image, uniting the micro- to the macrocosm.

nice to see such bounties around, i’m excited to join this community!

near wallet: estherlourenco.near


This is my entry… Hope you will like it…

This is my wallet address: styleherbalist.near


Hello all!!
this is my first time creating for your bounties!! here is my sumbission:

“Universe Above” is how I called it

this image was created by overlaying some pictures I took, having very natural inspiration from an iron plate full of rust, which formed images like constellations, nebulae, and other shapes that reminded me of the theme.

it was inspiring to work on this!! thanks for the opportunity!

my near wallet: ritamaria.near


This is extraordinary

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This bounty is closed.

The winner was @Styleherbalist !!!

You can request your 50 DAI payout in astrodao.

The follow pdf has the step by step if you need
como pedir um pagamento no AstroDAO-NEAR - how to ask for a payment on AstrodDAO-NEAR.pdf (1.6 MB)


I have made my request on astrodao @Beetlejuice This the link https://app.astrodao.com/dao/spiritual-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/spiritual-dao.sputnik-dao.near-87

I’m really grateful… Thank you spiritualDao for me a winner @beetlejuice

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<3 congratulations

we really appreciate your art

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Thank you once more, for trusting my art

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