My name is Kelly Lindeman, it’s so good to meet you all! I am putting together this proposal as I am starting a podcast interviewing people building innovative things in this world, target audience a bit outside of the crypto world.
A snippet about myself- I travel the world and currently manage social medias while doing so. I am passionate about asking people their “why” behind what it is they do what they do and am currently in the midst of vlogging and interviewing the most interesting people I’ve met along the way.
I met the NEAR family at NEARcon 2022 and was the guest contributor for Crypto Banter, interviewing the entire floor and in the midst of shenanigans met some really interesting people building projects I find really wholesome and innovative. I got to know some of the team really well during the afterparties and even hung out with the Paras HQ team during my Bali, Indonesia travels.
Long story short- as this podcast grows and I continue to collaborate with bigger influencers on other social media platforms and channels, I think it would be a really neat idea to feature some of the NEAR team and projects in my podcast and give some exposure outside of the crypto bubble. It would be really beneficial to the entire ecosystem as it introduces the language and concepts in a way that’s a bit more relatable to “normies”.
I have a google doc ready explaining a bit more about this idea and the technicalities around it. Please feel free to ask questions or provide feedback to this idea where you see room. I’d love to hear any and all ways we can make this work in the best way possible! Thank you so much:)
Hey Kelly – thanks for posting. In order to review this, we need the proposal to include links to past work samples and address the guidelines we have in place for funding. Can you take a look at those and update your post? Thanks!
Absolutely! I am trying my best to find a way to attach the google docs, however because I am new to this forum it’s not letting me post links. Is there a way around this? Thanks!
Thank you for your proposal. This proposal amounts to $10K for just 4 episodes. I’m sorry, I cannot support this proposal.
If you go through previous proposals that have received grants, you’ll get an idea of the pricing that we would support. The price of the equipment is more than the actual cost of the production.
Hi @lindemandala – I appreciate what you’re trying to build here and the subject matter sounds interesting, but in reviewing the additional information, social links and reviewing the pricing for the deliverables proposed, I think this project is still too early stage.
In most cases where we’ve funded podcasts or media projects brought to us by a host, the proposer has already launched the show, made it a reality, built an audience and grown the project to a degree where we can see funding has the potential to benefit growth in NEAR ecosystem as much or more than it benefits the proposer (one of our core values when assessing proposals).
As a longtime podcaster myself, I think there are many ways to produce a quality show on a much smaller budget – especially when you’re testing out a new concept.
I encourage you to build on this and come back when you’re farther along. Thanks!