Project: Boneyard Gaming Community
Previous Proposal: [Approved] May 2023 Boneyard Gaming Monthly Social Media & Community budget
Twitter spaces metrics held prior to this proposal (40 spaces)
This includes hours, interviewees, date, attendees and links to each spaces.
Boneyard Gaming Discord (225+members)
Boneyard Gaming Twitter (858 followers)
billybones1 Twitter (2375 followers) - verified Twitter account
TikTok (NEW - 216 followers)
Youtube (NEW - 48 subs)
Linktree 1 link to rule them all!
Hello @marketingdao-council
Its been a little over a month since our last proposal and I’m ecstatic to say we’ve continued our growth on all channels since. I’ve also created a Kick Channel to stream live as well as Xeenon.
We’re also continuing to observe more support from founders, @MarcusNEAR and Mark Mi from the foundation, and most importantly the community. Having relations and BD from the NF side shows that they still care about gaming on Near. Current and prospective founders need to see this support to continue/start building games on Near.
This proposal is for the same amount as last month seen below. Links to metrics and socials are above. We do plan on scaling to have 3-5 content creators to promote gaming on chain with a Near Protocol focus. Content showcasing fun and exciting moments will draw more attention from normies and fellow natives. Also plans for live streaming sessions as well. We have made a couple tutorials this past month and plan to scale the onboarding process as well.
Any questions and credible critique is welcomed. If you have any suggestions we are all ears. With this continued funding I hope to scale into a group of content creators and possibly a gaming guild on Near. So far, its going quite well with the talent we have at a modest price point. I wish to thank the MDAO and NF for the past and hopeful future support.
Host - billybones1
Co-host - Soos
Funding: 1 month of Twitter spaces - 8-12 spaces ~1.5 hours each (see metrics above)
Time spent hosting (1-2+ hours) + Time spent prepping (2+hours) outreach/scheduling/flyers/art/research - 200USDC per spaces (1600USD/month)
Weekly Game Nights/tournaments - 400USDC/month
Total monthly requested: 2000USD
The total price includes any giveaways/promos. It does NOT include if we do more than 2 per week.
Wallet owner - billybones1