Guild Name: NPK Guild
Funding Scheme: Monthly
Guild Lead: @damboy22
Detailed summary:
This month of November we plan on building on what has been set up in the month of October in terms of Nigeria Fintech week and drawing creators into the NEAR ecosystem. With this in mind we would be focus on;
Educating various Nigeria communities on what the Future holds for creative Art and Nigeria Culture
Telling Nigerians how Nigeria Financial sector can produce better results when blockchain is infused into their respective solutions
Showing Nigerians that entities in blockchain aren’t bot or people trying to hide their faces but are real humans like themselves
Collaborations with respective sectors in terms of promoting Near in Nigeria
Increase activities in all NEAR Protocol Nigerian communities
Start up operations in our office based
Meetings and Collaboration with relevant authorities in Nigeria starting from Kano state.
Bringing in local creators from Nigeria starting from Kano state into NEAR ECOSYSTEM.
Launching of Near Nigeria website.
Increase activities within the near Nigeria telegram group in terms of number and interactions targeting an average of 50 messages per day
Opening up more social media accounts in popular platforms individuals and corporate bodies use to get relevant information
Creation of at least 2 quality written content and 1 video addressing issues written above which would be published on medium and uploaded on our YouTube and made visible through our website
Creation of at least 8 graphics/Infographics/meme per week which will be used to interact with our communities on various social media platforms
Translation of already prepared articles into the 3 major languages in Nigeria, meaning we expect to have a minimum of 6 Translations by the end of the month.
Increase activities on our various social media handle, Increase awareness of Nigerians to what is happening in NEAR ECOSYSTEM
Hosting at least two AMA sections one in NEAR Protocol Nigeria telegram group and second in any of Nigeria creator or developer group
Launching of our website which will have direct feeds from NEAR Protocol pages, activities going on in NEAR Protocol Nigeria, Increase credibility for partnerships and awareness, training of developers etc.
Office launch and running of daily operations.
Collaboration with C1 GUILD to actualize getting creative Artists and the rest especially from Northern part of Nigeria into NFTs via AMAs, tweet chat sections and the rest
Looking at the above we have broken down the cost of operations as follows
- Social Media Management
- Telegram Community Management
- Twitter Community Management
Rewards: $4200 to all council members as they take shifts in coordinating activities daily on the Telegram as well as twitter communities
$500 each for the Twitter management and telegram Community Management
- Graphics, Infographics and audiovisuals
- In form of bounties and based on improved activities for both council and non-council members
Rewards: $1000 as rewards splits for the best content created
- Articles and Translations
Our article writers @Crypto_doctor @Khady @Paulp5000 @VICJ2000 @damboy22 will work to make 2 - 3 articles available monthly and published
Our translators @Kareemc2 @qeeyah.near @Favourchristiana make available at least 2 each of the local Nigerian languages Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba
Graphics for each article written
Rewards: $100 for each article, $100 for each translation and $50 for each graphics done making a total of $1200
- Office Management
Managing day to day affairs of the NPK Guild office situated at Suite 16 Haneefa Plaza, Court Road Kano
Expenses as they may arise regarding paperwork, maintenance as well as logistics
Funding: $1000 for the month
GRAND Total estimated requested funding is at $7400