[Closed] FEMINU Folklore Exhibition

opa, obrigado pelo aviso Ghini, editei lá, ve se ficou bom


@iagods ficou perfeito. Valeu!!!


@iagods Muito obrigada! Linda obra e Linda descrição. :clap: :clap: :clap: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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muito obrigado @Ghini e @Mayramendes :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pray:

@Ghini, bom dia! Veja se está de acordo.

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Minha entrada para participar:

Uma obra que retrata a confluência de personagens e manifestações do folclore brasileiro. Na floresta, a mula sem cabeça e os curupiras indo para o maracatu.

Descrição da imagem:

Uma ilustração de personagens folclóricos, em toda a imagem aparecem personagens vestindo roupas coloridas e com os pés trocados em referência do curupira cuidador da mata, estão tocando instrumentos musicais como pandeiro e caixa de guerra. Próximo aos personagens tem as mulas sem cabeça, brancas com as cabeças de fogo.

Publicação no insta marcando a feminu: Elizabeth Ramos on Instagram: "Obra feita para concorrer a exposição da @feminudao #feminudao #feminubounty"
carteira: elizabethramos.near


Philippine Folklore

Title: Mayari

Mayari (or Bulan in Bisayan) is the Goddess of the Moon in Tagalog mythology. She is known as the most beautiful of the goddesses and is the daughter of Bathala, the Supreme God, and a mortal woman. In some origin stories she is the sister of Tala, goddess of stars, and Hanan, goddess of the morning; in others she is the sister of Tala and Apolaki, god of the sun. In a Pampangan myth, Bathala died without leaving a will and Mayari fought with her brother Apolaki for the right to rule the Earth. During the fight, Apolaki hit Mayari in the face with a bamboo club, causing her to lose one of her eyes. He asked for her forgiveness and agreed that they should rule together, he during the day and she at night. However, her light is dimmer than her brother’s due to the loss of her eye. In honor of Mayari, there is courtship tradition that takes place on the night of a full moon. Suitors give a corsage of sampaguita to the woman they are pursuing, and if she accepts him as her lover, she wears the corsage. On the night of a full moon, these new lovers pledge their love with the moon as witness.


The manananggal is an old mythical creature in the Philippines that separates from their lower part of body and their fangs and wings give it a vampire-like appearance.
The manananggal is described as scary, often hideous, usually depicted as female, and always capable of severing its upper torso and sprouting huge bat-like wings to fly into the night in search of its victims.
The Manananggal (“self-segmenter”) is a Filipino Aswang (evil spirit) that detaches her torso from her lower half and then takes flight during the night to eat infants.

Folklore dictates that the fainter the sound, the nearer the manananggal is (another type of deception). This is a way to confuse their victims of its exact location. On other accounts, black cats and crows also signal a manananggal’s presence.

MANANANGGAL PH FOLKLORE in Mintbase (click here)



good morning, @pemmiee ! i would like to ask you to describe your artwork in detail, telling about the shapes, colors…
thank you very much

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Thank you for reminding me! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


O trabalho foi realizado utilizando a inteligência artificial, fazendo uso de uma técnica que ela mesma sugeriu, algo como uma pintura em óleo. A obra se passa numa floresta amazônica de conotação surreal, no coração do Brasil. Em um cenário único, um corredor de plantas coloridas e arvores de diferentes espécies com suas raízes entrelaçadas formando um piso e convidando o telespectador para explorar essa floresta mística e protegida. O mesmo se trata do habitat natural de Curupira, Cuca, Boitatá, Saci e Iara, icones do Folclore Brasileiro.

Será que podemos encontra-los por ai!?

Tw: https://twitter.com/AldanoDaniel/status/1562820420092719107


Boa tarde, @Architect3D gostaria de avisar que a descrição da obra deve ser detalhada, contendo informações visuais, tais como: formas, linhas, cores, angulos e afins.
obrigada pela atenção, amigo! <3


Ops! Obrigado, foi editado. :smile:

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Nasreddin Hoca

One of The Most Important Folklore Symbols in Turkey: Nasreddin Hoca

Nasreddin Hoca is a fictional character in the Muslim World Folklore as well as a hero of humorous short stories and satirical anecdotes. He is believed to have lived in Akshehir, Turkey. His stories consist mostly of subtle humours and a pedagogic nature. The International Nasreddin Hodja festival is celebrated between 5 and 10 July every year in Akşehir. In terms of description. This kind of folklore depicts an old man with an enormous white beard, wearing a quilted turban on his head while also holding a cauldron on his right arm and a wooden spoon on his left. In addition, this man uses a donkey to travel far distances through. The scenery behind him is usually a heaven-looking background which is a meadow.

Thank you for this bounty content. I heartfelt believe this is one of the most interesting ones.

Nearwallet: stunter31.near


Hello to everybody from FEMINU DAO!
I’m traveller artist from Russia and I had great experience of living in India for 2,5 years where I had deep connection with northern Himalayan Buddhist traditional art.

I would like to represent you my digital traditional Thanka Art - White Tara Goddess created with inspiration of Himalayan Folklore.
Tibetans and Northern Indians pray to White Tara especially for health, healing and longevity. She offers healing to our wounds, whether it is our bodies or our minds that have been hurt.
White Tara has 7 eyes - with an eye in her forehead, and one on each hand and foot - symbolizing her compassionate vigilance to see all the suffering of the world.
Her left hand is in the protective mudra and her right in the wish-granting mudra. In her left hand she usually holds a stem of the Utpala lotus flower

Beautiful patterns are connected with traditional Goddess and bring spiritual inspiration to everybody who see this amazing art.
I was created this work during one month with deep inspiration, so hope you will enjoy and also get inspiration from this digital spiritual art of White Tara Goddess.

Link on mintbase (it was already minted to different store because I presented this art in exhibition)

My wallet: kintamani.near
My instagram: kintamani.art


A lenda da vitória-régia (irupé em guarani) é brasileira de origem indígena tupi-guarani.

A lua é uma deusa que levava para si as moças de sua preferência e as transformava em estrelas brilhantes. Naiá sonhava com este encontro que nunca acontecia. Um dia, a jovem parou para beber água à beira de um lago e viu a imagem refletida da sua amada deusa e então mergulhou para alcançá-la, mas se afogou. A Lua, triste com o ocorrido, transformou a jovem indígena em uma estrela diferente de todas as que brilham no céu. Assim nasceu a “Estrela das Águas” cujas flores perfumadas e brancas só abrem à noite, e ao nascer do sol ficam rosadas. Os ingleses deram-lhe o nome Vitória Régea em homenagem à Rainha Vitória, quando um explorador alemão a serviço da Coroa Britânica levou suas sementes para os jardins de um palácio inglês.

Descrição da imagem:

Uma ilustração (usando como base a tatuagem da propria artista) onde a imagem central contém três flores brancas com tons cor de rosa que são sustentadas por sua base verde escuro em formato de bandeja. Acima das flores a Lua aparece iluminando a cena. Lua e planta estão refletidas na água.



Boa noite! Estou preparando uma obra para mintar na loja da Feminu, poderia me adicionar?



good evening @stunter31 , could you provide some social network of yours? and about the description, it should be detailed visual content, for example: colors, movements, shapes, textures…
so that your presentation fits the rules, hope i helped you :slight_smile:

Oi @_xu farei isso agora, tudo bem? Favor não esquecer de colocar aqui no fórum a descrição da imagem, como formas, cor e etc…
Já te aviso.

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good evening @yonakawaii , could you provide some social network of yours?
so that your presentation fits the rules, hope i helped you :slight_smile: