[CLOSED Bounty] Promotional Video Creation - 100 NEAR

Nice. I can send here my material?

Sorry if its not the right place.

I have some videomaker pieces, a few art projects, some publicity of art events and music stuff at my youtube channel. Im into nft new productions, i can present some new stuff.

Videos on youtube channel

My nfts https://lynkfire.com/duOCELOT

Thank you

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Nice looks great! What kind of video do you want to take? We can always need some material on minting NFTs on Mintbase with split revenues and royalties :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reply! Good morning from Brasil ^^

What are my options atm?
what are you needing the most now?

I have a few nfts at mintbase also

And a animated collab wirh my family. Detail for the audio of our 2yo son ^^

What kind of video do you want to mint and list?

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Hello Xulipa! To earn 100 N it would need to be a more high quality video like this one How to Mint an NFT - YouTube We give you 10 N, please put a payout proposal in our Sputnik DAO linking to this message SputnikDAO
Thank you!

It would be so cool to have an educational video that shows how to use the split revenue and split royalty feature, that would be super cool as it kind of stands out and is different to other NFT platforms. Like max 60 seconds

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just did a video. Please see if it fits your needs.

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Thank you! Just to give you a reference of other videos, this one for example was one fulfilled project: https://www.mintbase.io/thing/5-_zL2HQn-SUliPY5z0_KMYe9DAQ6sRpPFZrEJOkIpE:createbase.mintbase1.near

We can pay 20NEAR for this, please head over to SputnikDAO and enter your NEAR wallet details with 25NEAR, we will vote on it :slight_smile:

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Thank you! Im without a pc, and thats my difficult to make that kind of video, but i will find a way to create pieces using android apps. Im sending the payout at the dao.

Hi there. I’ve finished the payout SputnikDAO

Mintbase 002 - Mintbase thank you so much for your help. Heres another video more related to what ypu’ve showed me

This is my video : Instructions for minting NFT on Mintbase | NEAR - YouTube
@caromintbase , can you see it ?

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Thank you! I think the production of the video is just a screen recording with music, we would expect a bit more for the bounty. For reference, this is what we would expect for 100 N https://www.mintbase.io/thing/5-_zL2HQn-SUliPY5z0_KMYe9DAQ6sRpPFZrEJOkIpE:createbase.mintbase1.near

Before you start producing in the future, please reach out and tell me what you want to create exactly.


We just closed the bounty


could you give me 1 week more for the video?

Hi, we closed the bounty!

It is private, I cannot see it

Hi Caro!

I had some issues, but should be all good.
I am trying to make the payout proposal for 10 NEAR for the YouTube video I created. Not sure which DAO I should submit my proposal to.

Best, X


Hi @Xulipa I am the new community manager :slight_smile:
Can you send me the link to your video?
We will need to agree on a new price as 100N are 1100 USD now :slight_smile:

Hi Maria

Lenara and the council agreed on 10 NEAR for the video. Not sure why I cannot find their response.
Here is the link to the video: NEAR Protocol and why it matters - YouTube

Best, X

@xulipa I believe you understand that we are talking about a cryptocurrency that fluctuates a lot. Since september 2021 we are using payment methods that are expressed like this: 100usd in NEAR.

As you have not answered for 2 months we will need to take a closer look to what can be paid. 10 near 2 months ago would have been 43 usd. right?