[Closed Bounty] Logo Design for INA DAO


Hey there @Belen_Zuazo! I’m a designer from de NEAR Design Guild

I took a look into your post and based on your briefing I created this Logo design proposal for the INA DAO. I think there are a lot of important discussions around Gender equality and participation in all kinds of work environments that need to be done.

As for the inspiration here: I had this feeling about using some elements from the ancient feminine tradition and at the same time create some sort of “brain/hair” which brings us to an idea of connectivity and technology.
This elements can be used separately too and become icons and even a pattern to be used in all your visual and branding materials.

Looking forward to get to know more about the INA DAO’s projects.

In case you like the proposal I will then export all the images in their final formats.

Thank you!