[PROPOSAL] 9INES DAO Full Funding Request, June 2O22
Contact: near9ines@gmail.com
Council Members: 9ines.near, Sh8peshifter.near, dandelionsandhoneybees.near, mxtsetmefree.near, plut0.near
Target Address: 9ines.sputnik-dao.near
Current Balance: 11 N
Funding Period: June 2022
May Proposal
May Report
Total Amount Requested: $3000 in USN
$1000: New DAO support
$750: 9INES Community Liaison Collective Training Stipend for Participants
$350: New and Current User Support
$900: Council Work
In light of the shift in the Creatives DAO funding structure, we have shifted our priorities somewhat. We resonate with urgency to become self-sustainable and are looking forward to participating in the workshops that will be offered by the NEAR Certified creatives. We have a team of about 10 people who have expressed interest in a weekly or bi-weekly study group, where we will explore a range of web3 and NEAR related topics.
June Projects:
9INES New DAO Funding Support
Budget: $1000
Community Liaison Training
Budget: $750
New and Current User Support
Budget: $350
Metrics for success
Our metrics are both quantitative and qualitative. Our goal is to create wallets and also ensure that newcomers are equipped to confidently engage with NEAR protocol. Within 30 days of commencing the Community Liaison Training program, the participants aim to collectively:
- create 50 NEAR wallets using Neardrops
- mint 30 NFTs on our 9INES Mintbase Store
- stake 500 NEAR on Ref.fi testnet
- confidently be able to swap NEAR for USN and exchange NEAR for fiat
- outline a curriculum to teach communities how to successfully engage with NEAR protocol and affiliated DApps
- draft a baseline roadmap for how 9INES will proceed collectively
As always, thank you so much for your time and consideration!