[APPROVED] 9INES DAO Funding Request, May 2022

[PROPOSAL] 9INES DAO Funding Request, MAY 2O22

Contact: near9ines@gmail.com
Council Members: 9ines.near, sh8peshifter.near, plut0.near
Target Address: 9ines.sputnik-dao.near
Current Balance: (NEAR): 5 N
Funding Period: May 2022
Total Amount Requested: $2000 USD in NEAR

$700 - 9INES Info Sessions and Onboarding
$300 - New and Current User Support
$400 - 9INES Programs
$600 - Council Work

Greetings Creatives Community!

9INES is a brand new DAO that was birthed from Dandelions and Honeybees. The scope of 9INES is to systematize and streamline the onboarding process with an engaging format that is geared towards creatives, and to provide mentorship and support for new users. Please, check our 9INES Forum Introduction to get a little more background info and view our 9INES Slidedeck

9INES Sessions (Info/Onboarding)
9INES Infosessions/Onboarding Proposal Link
Budget: $700

New and Current User support
New and Current User Support Proposal Link
Budget: $300

9INES Programs
9INES Programs Proposal Link
Budget: $400

Council Work
Budget: $600
$500 - admin, voting
$100 - monthly budget and report

Thank you for your consideration!


This will be so helpful. Can I be a part of it?

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This is awesome miss @dandelionshoneybees :hugs: im looking forwards to be in your team and we can have a collaborate projects. Hopes 9INES DAO will get approved soon.

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That’s exciting for to hear! Thanks for your support @ImJami2017 !!!

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sure thing. :hugs: hope we can work together in the future.

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certainly!! i’d like that too

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Like to see lots of proposals by @dandelionshoneybees so great work with you!

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invite me2 , i want to join

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Hi! we look forward to getting to know you! Thanks!

Ops, I did a comment in the wrong post. haha

Just to say that I’m watching here and waiting for the updates on your Introduction post to move forward =)

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Happy to see miss @dandelionshoneybees working hard on your 9INES DAO PROJECTS :hugs: I’d like to proposed to be your admin too if you havnt found someone, im available for this position , just inform me if you get one. :hugs:

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That’s great Jami! I’ll reach out to you on Telegram. Thank you!!!

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Thank you miss @dandelionshoneybees :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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@dandelionshoneybees thank you for the updates in your presentation post. Now, to fit your proposal into our guidelines, I just need to ask you to create individual posts for each project. I mean a individual post to explain better the topic New and Current User support, 9INES Programs and New User Onboarding and DAO Sponsorship Funds. That way you will show to the community that the 9ines comunity already approved this projects and because this you are ready to ask funds here. =)


Thank you for your feedback! Will do :pray:t5:

Certainly! We’ll update you soon!

9INES Sessions (Info/Onboarding)
The Future is NEAR April Project Proposal
Budget: $100

April Report Summary:

  • “The Future is NEAR” has been renamed as “The 9INES Sessions”
  • onboarded 16 people people in April using neardrop links
  • hosted several virtual virtual info sessions, with a total of 13 attendees which yielded some of the newly onboarded

May Timeline/Goals

  • We have already hosted multiple virtual onboarding sessions. Our goal for May was to host an in person event, but due to an upspike in covid infections and in order to accomodate people in different locations, we have chosen to continue with virtual sessions for the time being.

In these sessions, we will cover the following topics:

  • the 5w’s (who, what, when, where, why) of the creation of NEAR
  • what NEAR protocol is within the context of web3, cryptocurrency, the NFT market, blockchain, etc
  • What are DAOs and the importance of community on NEAR
  • Engagement/ collaborative opportunities on NEAR for creatives, developers, educators, activists, etc
  • Investing and staking NEAR

Participants will receive NEAR Drop links to create their NEAR account and will be offered one-on-one or group onboarding support.

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New and Current User support
The Future is NEAR April Project Proposal
Budget: $200

April Report Summary:

  • ongoing progress with project development and management has facilitated us achieving the following milestones:
  • compiled NEAR Introductory Links living document
  • conducted one-on-one and small group post-onboarding mentoring for 4 of our recent onboarders (totalling over 10 hours)
  • facilitated the creation of one new DAO: AncestralAlchemyAcademy DAO
  • provided proposal support for AncestralAlchemyAcademy DAO and Reggae is Bigga Than Music DAO

May Timeline/Goals

  • Scout new users from our community networks

  • Provide customized mentorship support for existing participants, newly onboarded members and users from the NEAR community (we currently have 8 participants, which include 2 DAOs, plus 2 additional ones in the process of being created).

  • We are currently supporting/coaching and reggae-is-bigga-than-music.sputnik-dao.near and ancestralalchemyacademy.sputnik-dao.near with drafting their first proposal and navigating the various NEAR communication systems. We are encouraging and guiding them to research like minded DAOs to search collaborative opportunities with other Creatives DAOs.

  • Two of our communities are in the process of establishing DAOs, already have members with accounts, but life circumstances have required them to pause on the process, yet they should be on track again, soon.

Thank you!

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9INES Programs
Budget: $400
Build out resource and link library: i.e Introductory Links (work in progress)
Design Community Liaison Program
Design Mentorship Program
Design/curate learning Metaverse in collaboration with artists and developers

(link for image below: May Milestones )

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New User Onboarding and DAO Sponsorship Funds
Budget: $500

$500 = 10 people at $50 each onboarding support and Neardrops links
We will carry over the funds from April for this month’s DAO sponsorships.

This section encompasses the follow-up support that people receive after the infosessions and in order to navigate them through the onboarding process. We will also conduct a preliminary questionnaire to gather information about their skills and passions, which we will use to guide them to relevant NEAR engagement experiences. We will research and establish relationships with existing, experienced DAOs to make this process efficient and effective.