Hi marketing team at Near. We are super excited to introduce Naksh, an NFT marketplace, working alongside artists across India who hold expertise in traditional and digital mediums.
We would love your help in spreading the word across and your support for funds to boost our social media marketing.
Name: Naksh
Team: @Srilakshmi @nidhi
Naksh is an NFT marketplace which provides a platform to artisans and artists of India. Currently the project is at the development stage, the landing page is planned to be launched by the 2nd week of November and the 1st Version is planned to be launched by the 2nd-3rd week of December.
Funding Scheme : One-time
Type of Marketing: Social Media and AD Campaigns
We are looking for a marketing fund to promote our social media and to get more users to our community.
Currently Naksh is active on
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NakshMarket?s=20
Instagram: @nakshmarketplace
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/naksh-marketplace/
Current traction at the platforms
Twitter: 19 Followers
Instagram: 110 Followers
Linkedin: 63 Followers
Expected (Approximate) traction after Promotion:
Near Wallet Creation - 1000 - 2000
Twitter: 2000 followers over a period of 2 months
Instagram: 3000 Followers over a period of 2 months
Linkedin: 400 Followers over a period of 2 months
Estimated Timeline and achievement milestone.
We want to run ads on all our socials to promote our page and increase our reach.
Ad Campaigns: 500N across 3 platforms
Platforms used will be Instagram, Linkedin and Twitter.
Details of the AD Campaign
We want to create two types of AD campaign on Instagram, Our target market on Instagram are the NFT collectors , budding artists and budding NFT enthusiasts who are new to the crypto and NFT world.
- Awareness Campaign : To create awareness about the platform and Introduction of Naksh with a Video AD/ Motion graphics with a call to action of learn now, which will take them to the landing page.
For the Awareness campaign our budgeting will involve both cost per impression (CPM) and cost per click (CPC) on an average it will be 1$ per click, our target will be about 1500 clicks for the 1st campaign. - Conversion Campaign : Conversion Campaign will be done once our Marketplace is launched, it will showcase the NFT’s and Artist information. It will be in the form of Carousel posts with a call to action of Shop now, which will redirect them to the Naksh Marketplace.
For the Conversion Campaign, we will only focus cost per click and regeneration of the previous audience and with the analysis from the previous campaign we will reiterate the strategy and big the CPC to $0.5 per click targeting 1500 customers.
The total budget for content and both the campaigns will be
Content: $ 500
1st Campaign: $ 1500
2nd Campaign: $ 750
Total Budget of $2750
On Linkedin our aim is to educate the audience about NFT’s, Near, blockchain, etc. And target professionals and students are new to the industry.
Our Ad campaign strategy for Linkedin would be 30% cost per click and 70 % through lead generation.
Lead generation will be done via message ads, where we will share our medium blog which covers various topics.
The budget for the Linkedin Ad Campaign targeting 500 people will be around $250.
With two month campaign, our total budget for LinkedIn AD will be $500.
Our target audience for twitter are all the NFT and crypto community members.
Through our ADs we want to give our platform updates and also invite them to join our community.
Since twitter works on daily Ad budget, we will start off with $30 a day and see the outcome and take it from there.
The AD campaigns will be interactive, in the form of motion graphics, single image ADs and videos.
On an average for 30 days the cost will come upto $900, for followers and engagement.
Content for twitter Ads - $850
The total budget for AD campaigns comes upto $5000 = 500N
Twitter giveaways for re-shares and retweet - a budget of 500 N
To expand the outreach of Near and Naksh we will be hosting campaigns once our landing page and marketplace is launched with a pool of 500 Near token as give aways, for re-shares and re-tweets.
Beta testing incentive - 500 N for 200-300 people
Post the launch of the landing page a small campaign will be done to funnel people to our discord and telegram community, who will be creating near wallets and testing out our marketplace prior to the launch and Near tokens will be given to them as incentives.
TikTok content that educates people about NFTs and why we use Near. - 300N
Focus group set up for qualitative analysis for Platform feedback - 200N
Discord Set up and moderator - 500 N
Telegram Moderator - 500 N
Moderation until Beta testing is completed - Beta testing period approx. - 3 months.
Full setup of discord with multiple channels like Introduction, announcement, Q&A, Alerts, etc.
Constant engagement on both the platforms across channels.
Total Requested amount in NEAR 3000 in USD 30,000 (As per 10 conversion)
Near Wallet ID : naksh.near
Please let us know if there are any other queries or if we missed out on anything, we will be glad to fill you guys in.