Introducing Naksh - An NFT Marketplace for Vernacular Artists

Hi Guys!

I am super excited to introduce Naksh, an NFT marketplace, working alongside artists across India who hold expertise in traditional and digital mediums.

Our curatorial practice for our NFTs aims at recognising artists and artworks who are Indian at heart, and we aim at bringing this large group of people under an umbrella building a community that fosters growth and creative thought.

Naksh was ideated during one of the NEAR Hackathon’s by @Srilakshmi and I, as we were extremely passionate about the possibilities of NFTs and how they could bridge the past and the future of art exchanges in India. We aim to establish an ecosystem that can positively preserve these rich histories of Indian art which appear to be actively fading away.

You can find our initial plan here - [Ideation] Onboarding Artisans - Traditional Indian Art forms. (Super grateful to @starpause for helping us shape this whole thing)

The development of the marketplace is still in process but we intend to formally introduce ourselves to the world in the next few weeks!

We would love for everyone from the NEAR Community to show us a lotttt of support!

Feel free to ping us with any questions and suggestions you have.

Here are our Socials:
Instagram- @nakshmarketplace

(Discord & Telegram coming soon!) Please reach out if you can help set it up :stuck_out_tongue:

Follow us for updates on our development and also for all the fun stuff that we are planning for the community!


Hey gang!

This is awesome! :tada:

Check out the Flying Rhino Guild for assistance with setting up any social media pages and what not :ballot_box_with_check:

I’d encourage you to check out the wide range of Guilds which exist to help everyone, including projects like yours, to achieve success in the NEAR Ecosystem :tada:

:heart: :heart: :heart:That’s what we’re all here for :raised_hands: Good luck with the project :muscle:

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Thank you for the support, David! :sparkles:

Have gotten in touch with the Flying Rhino Guild and looking into the other guilds to see how Naksh can benefit from it!

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