Attention to Ilia and Blaze

Attention to Ilia and Blaze

NDC is about Community, Democracy, and Openness. Lately, there has been talked behind the scenes in NDC closed groups about having GWG determine a list of people eligible to be elected to NDC government bodies. Moreover, a few people from the GWG, such as Sarah and others, have already created a DAO to continue working with them, which is obviously a conflict of interest.
Ilia, this is your initiative. Please do not give to some executors to use NDC for personal purposes.
Only community members verified via the I’m Human can elect representatives, not anyone else.

@blaze @Illuminfti @satojandro @illia

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Hi Rosalia,

I can’t speak on behalf of the GWG or any WG as I’ve only engaged with these organisations as a community contributor and do not have any formal role or decision maker power within.

However, as a very broad statement, the move towards having ‘closed’ Working Groups, which I have been advocating for for a while, is in response to several of the challenges that ‘open’ working groups have had in the past, including (but not limited to):

  • Lack of clear leadership with vision and objectives
  • Lack of ownership of work to be done with a clear delegation of tasks
  • Challenge of attracting and retaining best talent for the job
  • Too much noise - never ending circular conversations from anon accounts that make it impossible to do deep work (focus on achieving the actual objectives).

I would have to go and review how this groups have been setup. But in principle:

  • The groups are ‘closed’, not not secret. Their existence is publicly disclosed, and so should their line of work, members, progress, budgets, et al.
  • Most importantly, groups are ‘closed’, but a better way to describe them would be ‘membership based’. This means that anyone is allowed to apply to participate in the working group. While the application process may look different lines of work, I would expect people to show their experience, skills, time availability, what they seek to accomplish, and compensation expectations.

If there are any groups that you would like to participate, please reach out to those directly to explore joining (if there is a good match).

Overall, we are trying to replicate the working structures of organisations that actually get work done - no one (not NF, not Pagoda, not any company in the world) is able to accomplish anything meaningful with a constant swarm of trolls and engagement with people who, even with good intentions, do not have the skills, knowledge or experience to contribute in a productive way.

Thanks for raising the issue, I have several calls next week with relevant parties and I’ll ask around to ensure that whatever is being rolled out matches the original vision described above.


Thanks for raising this; as @satojandro mentioned, we are experimenting with public and limited work groups to determine the best way to have contributors working toward objective outcomes.

As you may have observed, several public work groups ended with infighting or stalled, now known as “default dead,” contributed by AVB.

When these groups are rebooted or new groups are spun up, we have been testing inviting members initially that have expressed either direct interest or shown the most significant contribution to NDC, or that are known as an expert in that area. This allows the workgroups to discover a cadence and synergy to gain clarity and alignment.

It does not mean the groups are not transparent or will not be public at some point. However, in all cases, the outcomes will be available for the Community to comment on and, in some cases, provide more feedback via polling.

We have also observed that some key contributors to workgroups have expressed their unwillingness to step forward into open workgroups due to the amount of noise and being swept into infighting and non-tangible outcomes. The new experiment allows contributors to contribute more meaningfully in many cases.

Lastly, the community is free to self-organize in publicly open workgroups or limited in how they see best to achieve objectives and outcomes to bring NDC V1 Gov online; that is the beauty of decentralization as long as they have a transparency policy and make budgets and outcomes public for community feedback.

Specifically on the OG WG, a few well-known OG’s that have been very active in NDC were asked to join the group to discuss some initial criteria like an OG form and how many OG’s need to approve an OG to receive the OG SBT. This does not mean they will pick who can serve in NDC V1 Gov directly, as the criteria are open for any Human Community member to review and comment via polling. The final members to issue OG’s will be made public with the potential for a call for more OGs to be added, in the end, the group should be well known for their contribution, not have any serious misconduct, and should be a smaller group.

The list of workgroups has been updated on NDCDocs based on this inquiry.


People, no matter whether OG or not OG should be elected to NDC bodies by the community. OG is only a subjective thing.

What the link on OG group?

Please find the Human Powered Poll for the Community to provide feedback on the OG criteria. There is a bug with typing being slow that will be fixed this week:

While every voice matters, the collective of Humans on NEAR (the NDC) will help finalize the criteria to run for NDC V1 Gov. This is being labeled as OG. Please make your voice heard by placing your comments in the poll.

For further background, there is more conversation on Twitter regarding the OG criteria. Please find some info on NDC V1 safeguards to ensure the first governance experiment is successful.

NDC is designed as a set of experiments with safeguards to move the ecosystem to a fully decentralized ecosystem.


  1. Trustees Fiduciary’s
  2. Short-Term Limit
  3. Term Budget CAP
  4. Must be OG Known Human
  5. ONLY Humans Vote

I hope this is helpful. You may also join the NDC Community Hub to converse more.

Due to the immense nature of bringing V1 Gov Online, I will be unable to respond further to this post.

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