[APPROVED] Workshop "Ways of Seeing" with Natália Loyola and Coletivo Amarelo

It is with great honor that Coletivo Amarelo invites visual artist Natália Loyola (@NatLoyola) to mediate WAYS OF SEEING workshop and share her artistic research, thus creating an environment for dialogue about the construction and consumption of images. Critical and independent research on visual cultures is essential in the contemporary world and serves as an instrument for in-depth understanding of the spaces we circulate. The Coletivo’s main purpose is to promote meetings that challenge traditional ways of thinking and studying art, while bringing together different audiences interested in expanding their personal understanding of artistic practices and creative initiatives.

The union of independent artists such as Natália with educational initiatives is responsible for publishing updated forms of art studies. Loyola’s research and image-building practice is conducted in a meticulous and inviting manner, making Ways of Seeing workshop a special opportunity to immerse yourself within the study of images without prerequisite knowledge on the subject. All are welcome.

Ways of Seeing seeks to encourage a brief reflection on images, whether produced images or archive/reference images. The idea is not to offer formulas or answers for the construction of a narrative, but rather to discuss together the possibilities of visual thoughts from the collections of images produced in the workshop by the participants. Discussions about what they are and how we deal with our references and why we make certain combinations of images will be one of the pillars for us to think about, after all, the construction of these visual collections goes beyond aesthetic choices - it’s about combining layers of meaning, emotion and rhythm. Why do certain images capture our attention and others do not? How do they get our attention? These are some of the questions proposed by the workshop.

Workshop Content


Introduction of all workshop participants

Brief presentation on the invisibleness of the image from the Aesthetics of Wound chapter of the book The Salvation of the Beautiful by Byung-Chul Han.

Brief discussion about the concepts presented.


Composition of a collection of images from the choice of themes selected by the workshop participants

Presentation of image collections

Posting and/or formatting edits of image collection compositions.

*Each participant will receive a PDF with the theoretical references presented

Format / time / mode

1 day / 3h / online / free / Portuguese / General public

About the organizers:

Natália Loyola has a degree in Social Communication - Journalism (PUC Campinas) and is finishing her Master’s in Anthropology - Visual Cultures at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. His research is based on the construction of visual territorial markers of her own migratory process, all seen from her interactions with the city and its inhabitants. In November 2021, Natália participated in the group exhibition SURROUNDINGS, curated by Coletivo Amarelo. The photographs presented in the exhibition stem from her personal archive of memories, but also from her ability to map her own imaginary fields through the appropriation of physical spaces.

Stephanie Wruck is an independent curator/art researcher and the founder of Coletivo Amarelo. Stephanie seeks for experimental curatorial methodologies within the art world through themed discussions and open educational dialogue. She closely works with emerging artists by researching and promoting their work.

Amount: €350


Thank you for posting this and putting your idea together :slight_smile:

We are going to discuss the project internally and will come back here with a feedback :dizzy:


Hello @stephwruck e @NatLoyola, the council loved the proposal and we would like to support it. For us it is really important to have physical events as well as online events. The monthly seminars are all online, for that reason we would like to know if it’s possible to run this workshop physically in Lisbon. We have availability to support this workshop in April, are you free for that?

Another thing, we would have 350 USD to allocate here, not €350 if that’s suitable for you. :slight_smile:


Hi @JulianaM !! This is so exciting! I’m glad you guys loved our proposal <3

Yes, we are totally open to have the workshop in person. I talked to @NatLoyola and we thought about hosting the workshop on the week of April 18th. How does that sound? We could think of a date that week.

@NatLoyola what are some of the dates that work best for you, Nat?

And yes, 350 USD works, I think I made a mistake when I included the euro sign :wink:

Thanks guys!!!


Hey!!! @stephwruck @JulianaM <3

We can do it physical for sure. About the dates… Can we do it on 21 April? Before 21 April I’m still working in Coimbra, that’s why…

I’m so happy with this workshop.


April 21st sounds good to me! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m currently looking at some spaces to check if they can host the event. Once I hear back from some of them, I will come back here with more info :slight_smile:


Olá @stephwruck e @NatLoyola

Já recebemos o funding do workshop.
Fica aqui a referência: 21,6N (1N = 16,22USD). O montante ficará na nossa DAO até que ele se realize. Vai ser incrível! :star_struck:

:purple_heart: :dizzy:


Hi guys!

Here’s an update: the workshop will take place at Espaço Corrente on May 28th. They agreed with the proposal of the workshop and we secured this date.

We are very excited to have an in person workshop in Lisbon! Woohoo :partying_face: :partying_face:


Awesome!!! happy that it’s in person. Let’s go!

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hey! Querem alinhar divulgação nas redes connosco?

Hello, everybody. Hope everyone is well and living the summer.

I am in Brazil and unfortunately I will have to stay longer than the time I previously planned due to health reasons.

I think it is a great experience to do the face-to-face meeting and therefore I would like to propose that we could change the date to the first weekend of July. Let me know what you guys think about this possibility.

Sorry for the unforeseen event, but at this moment I really need to take care of my health.

Kisses from South America…


Alouu @NatLoyola e @stephwruck

Nat, lamentamos mesmo que vc tenha encontrado essa dificuldade aí no Brasil. Melhoras!! :crossed_fingers:t5::crossed_fingers:t5:

Em relação ao evento, nos reunimos esse fim de semana e decidimos que a data pode ser a que se encaixar melhor na disponibilidade de vocês.

Entretanto, o council deliberou que, diante da não realização do evento na data prevista, os 21,6 NEARS pagos em adiantado sejam transferidos de volta para a nossa DAO no endereço incubadora.sputnik-dao.near

O valor referente ao nosso apoio poderá ser novamente solicitado aquando da realização do workshop.

Beijos! :dizzy::purple_heart:


Yo! Perfeito, querida.

Acho que o valor entrou para a @stephwruck … Conferi agora a minha carteira e não entrou nada.

Apenas para eu deixar tudo claro, eu ainda estou passando por consultas e não tenho data definida da cirurgia, mas, assim que eu souber já aviso. De qualquer maneira, acredito que final de julho seja ótima data para mim.


Vamo que vamo! Louca pra isso acontecer, poder divulgar e coisa e tal. Enquanto isso, mexendo mais e mais na apresentação.

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Alô malta.

Notei agora que temos um problema entre mãos e que convêm falarmos entre todos para o tentar resolver.

O workshop ser adiado (e os fundos passarem para a Incubadora e serem depois reenviados) não tem qualquer problema, mas houve um problema com os ditos.

A transferência para a @stephwruck foi bem feita, mas para a @NatLoyola não.

pedido ste: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/incubadora.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/incubadora.sputnik-dao.near-296
comprovativo: https://explorer.mainnet.near.org/transactions/5npheN9AbAhbrHL1j9cRQ1WVoXUtu868Dd658VXfz6bf
pedido nat: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/incubadora.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/incubadora.sputnik-dao.near-297
comprovativo: https://explorer.mainnet.near.org/transactions/4vmxTPZPcKH8amZrYh5TABLd376VEZu7MfQxmFFMeCHM

@NatLoyola quando fizeste o pedido, fizeste-o para a conta loyola.near, quando a tua conta é loyolax.near. Esse dinheiro está perdido, infelizmente (e portanto não pode ser devolvido).

Isto coloca aqui uma questão que não sabemos bem como resolver, e era bom falarmos todos para ver alternativas.



Olá, espero que que todes estejam bem por aqui.

Eu já fiz minha cirurgia e foi sucesso, já estou quase 100%.
Sobre datas: Por mim podemos pensar já em final de julho ou inicio de agosto. Como é para vocês?
Sobre a questão dos nears, nossa, eu nao sei se entendi bem. Eu que fiz errado esse pedido? Podemos sim pensar alternativas… to aqui, gente. Bora falar sim.

Bom fim de semana pra todo mundo :wink:


oi! que bom :))

Em relação ao workshop, maravilha, então é escolher data.
Em relação aos tokens: sim, pediste para uma carteira que não é a tua, loyola.near (que é de outra pessoa) em vez de loyolax.near. :confused:

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Vou falar com a @stephwruck sobre a data.
Sobre os tokens, é isso, perdi?! Não ha como? Existe uma carteira loyola.near, certo? Eu consigo tentar entrar em contato com essa pessoa será?

Bjos p/ todes!!!

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Infelizmente não sei como…

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Grazie, meu querido!

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Hi everyone!

Me and @NatLoyola have been talking about a final date for this workshop after a couple roadblocks hehe. We figured it would work best for the workshop to be held online, especially because of the format of it.

The question is: would it be possible to happen during the week of August 29th? If not, are there any other better dates for the Incubadora?

Let us know :slight_smile:

Obrigada :heavy_heart_exclamation: