[Approved] Workshop during XDesignWeek 2022 Cologne -> Virtual Gallery eXperience insitu

Hello everyone, next week we will be creating a virtual gallery experience in Colonge during the XDW22´ (6-10 june), this even is about destination experiences and sustainable tourism. It is going to be a very high and important event, one of the fews inside the sector that is looking for transforme the industry using the new technologies.

eXplorins is going to participate during the hall week in talks and workshops (lead by Daniel Ferrer). We will be creating an instan VIRTUAL GALLERY with the content generate inside of the workshop, and we are going to show the destinations as 3D models created after a workshop inside of a Virtual Gallery eXperience by eXplorins. So people attending will be able to get into the experience.

We would like to have your support as giving 100 links to wallet connection for the assistants inside of the workshop, and give NFTs as a subvenir to the 100 people is attending to the workshop. So we can facilitated the experience and connect ideas and user cases.

It is very relevant opportunity because inside of the audience will be people from the different tourism areas and destinations around Europe.

Total budget: 20N (100x0,2)

Thank you so much,
Happy day! :flying_saucer:

Hi Daniel!

Nice one!! Congrats on landing that partnership. How much NEAR were you thinking to put in each wallet? We usually recommend 0.2 so a total of 20 NEAR (we can always recover the ones that aren’t used after the event). I think should be ok for us to support with that.

Thoughts? @marianeu @LuisInfante

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Hi Regina, Luis & María,

Thanks a lot.

So actually we don’t care that much about the initial amount. The idea is just to have a wallet ready without the need to go through the slightly annoying top up process before the user can even get started…

And just as you said, Regina: from any link that will not be used you can easily recover the amount after the end of next week.

Any questions just drop me a line.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Have a great weekend.


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Hey Daniel! Proposal is approved. Sending you the 100 links with 0.2 NEAR each via DM

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