[Approved] Social Media and Marketing activities of GoaDAO. May-June 2022

Social Media and Marketing activities of GoaDAO. May 2022

Project name: NEAR GoaDAO

Funding scheme: monthly

Initiative Summary and Context:
From one side, because of approval our participation in NamasteyNFT half of May will be busy with its preparation and holding. From another - we realized that it’s time to put our attention to create a metaverse space where we will be able to expand our marketing activities and events. So in May we plan to start our metaverse experiment, that described for CreativesDAO

shortly, we’re aimed to find out - if it’s possible to create in metaverse a piece of Goa representing vibe and creative atmosphere of Goa through streaming all kinds of events and activities that pass here regularly: yoga-classes of diff.international Masters; Tea ceremony; Contemporary dance theater; ayurvedic or astrological lectures; macrame workshop; healthy food masterclass; DJ parties streams etc.

After NFT-contests (May) we’ll perform bounty for streaming programs from instructors of directions that were mentioned above (June). Bounty will be hold by applying for a project to stream in goadao metaverse residency through post on forum - who wants to do regular or one metaverse stream has just to post short description in the certain thread on gov.near.org. Also everyone has to share an announcement about an event on his/her social media.

Marketing and communication tasks/ funding details

1. Events: meetups + contest ( + educational workshops in Creatives)
a) 3 meetups (NFT-lab workshop on uniqart.io and more) = 3*100 = 300 usd
b) Charity NFT-contest in collab with UniqArt DAO
theme: Purity
40N (440 usd) +300 usd management
c) support TripFoundation event = 1000 usd
2040 usd

2. Social media

  • IG, TG, content management - 400 usd
  • Twitter, Discord, Youtube, linktree - 300 usd
  • design social media posters (and mint it) - 200 usd
  • logo GoaDAO redesigned - 100 usd/once
  • IG promo - 50 usd
    1050 usd
  1. Intensives for wallets + for gas to mint NFTs for new artists during NFT-competition - 100 usd
  2. Update of Astro - 12 N (80usd)
  3. Councils work (30%, curating activities, write proposal and report, etc)
    900 usd

Timeline :
May 1-13

  • preparation to Bangalore NFT Metaverse Summit
  • start NFT-contest in collaboration with UniqArt.io
  • meetup in Goa
  • announcement about voxel-art-classes 4-6 (in creative category, but it’s about promotion)
    May 13-16 - Bangalore
    May 16-31
  • holding NFT-contest with uniqart, voting, promotion
  • 2 meetups in Goa
  • 2 voxel classes (in creative category)
    May 31 - metaverse exhibition-party with participants of NFT-contest with UniqArt (in creative category)

Metrics :

  • numbers of contests participants and votes.
  • number, quality and reports of goadao-member’s proposals in Creatives category
  • number of voxel-classes attendants
  • social media metrics as a mirror of feedbacks

Total requested amount : 4200 usd

NEAR Wallet ID/ DAO: goa-dao.sputnik-dao.near
Wallet owner’s name: GoaDAO

Previously funded proposals in the Creatives DAO and Marketing DAO categories:
Marketing DAO - April
Creatives DAO - April

Current proposal in Creatives DAO - May 2022


Good morning, could you please share more information about the event? Thank You

gm! thank you for the question, glad to explain
here we speak about marketing activity of supporting an event with NEAR-connected activities - like create and use wallets and dapps on NEAR for NFTs and metaverse streams, as well as to onboard new creative artists.
it was mentioned a bit in previous report here

and here

And we proud of such collaboration because of community and trust level, that TripFoundation could bring to us.
From March we have rest budget of 750usd for supporting event, that now is used for testing how to work together and what results we can show. In a day i will be able to include report from today’s first NFT party with TripFoundation, but in general we are going to perform today:

  • free enter if creating wallet
  • we send as wallet activation 0.2N and pass all steps with guests.
  • anyone can take a drink on bar for 0.1 N (that normally costs 0.15N, and because of intensives of wallets it becomes free of charge, but we show how easy to buy smth with NEAR
  • during the event we send nft-airdrop to all new wallets of [welcoming NFT that is a minted poster] (https://old.mintbase.io/thing/nRsU_F_PZcUkmhiZh3LiAW2lzbY_xRCi4-_Mp8vJjeE:goadaostore.mintbase1.near)
  • and the next day using social media will remind people about it and show how to find out NFT in their wallets
  • every artist is recorded audio and video, then from each set 1NFT will be minted on Mintbase with all participants wallets in royalties (every artist will create a wallet)
    each artist will recieve NFT from his set.
  • 3xr-gallery will be created and minted with all NFTs from event, and this will be used before next event.

Step by step there’s a plan to use NFTs as tickets, discounts, membership cards, part of the game, that make people use NFT and come back again to the next party, even if it’s in Metaverse.

  • to work on different ways of streaming events - next level to achieve (to use several cameras with several screens in meta-room for ex)

As far as concerned budget, now we had to call Sahil with his approved project to have enough funds for activation wallets.
Basically, funding details are:
6 artists 100$ = 600 usd
Sound engineer + stream setup + mastering audio for NFTs = 200 usd (lots of preparing work)
Videographer (2people take 2 camera views) 50
2 = 100 usd
Video editing work to compose NFTs from recorded data and to join audio = 100 usd
rent equipment = 100 usd
Mint and drop 25 usd
Adv (print flyers) 25 usd
Design 250 = 100 usd
for 100 wallets we have to save on balance min 20N (~250 usd)
awarding those from members of GoaDAO who creates wallets 3
50 = 150 usd
Total here is 1750 usd. And this sum i probably could be able to ask from Marketing DAO after successful reports from first 2 events at least. At the moment we are managing to deal things for the future.
Cause main goal of this collaboration is to grow by each other through using new technologies , like fresh breath of opportunities is. So to spend off-season (that is coming now here, until October it lasts) in experiments with schemes and mechanisms how NFTs could be naturally involved in events and promotions, to find forms of games or other interactives, to join NFT-contest to parties, and to become prepared for the next season.
The team of TripFoundation does their events everywhere in Goa, so it’s also a step towards expanding GoaDAO activities.


so it was great by experience we’ve got and by results.
this time we didn’t make big adv, we wanted to test our common interactions and found out the moments that will be solved for the next time

we’ve opened 60 wallets! 4 goadao-members were there to perform it, and now we know, that is not enough. also we’ve understood that next time we’ll try neardrop.io instead of nearnames, to try if it will be easier or not
not all of them are here:
Near Wallet Activation Sheet_tripfoundation_4May2022 (1).xlsx - Google Sheets

it was sent as activation 0.2N on each one,
everyone who created wallet could go and take one drink for 0.1N (for them - for free), one of our people was in bar area for giving support with transaction

31 transactions were made on the event in bar

it was earned (returned back) 47usd

then it was set up the stream to goadao CV parcel, it was lasting until the last battery finish

NFT that was created from the poster, has been transffered as NFT-drop to everyone, who cane to the party with the wallet, even we created double NFT because drops was more than 50 - a limit on Mintbase

and the post in IG and TG was made


now we are preparing some NFTs from event - to take records from video and sound, to edit it, to compose NFTs , to create utility (how it will be used for next event) and to mint it.

now we know: 1) we need to find more people to such a team to create wallets, and to try another dApp for near-drop
2) to start adv earlier and to take bigger part in it (this time i didn’t know that tripFoundation team do not pay much attention to it - they have their audience that follows every post in IG)
the announce of stream has to be separate from the whole event
3) wallet for bar (or whatever is used for stimulating transactions and activity with wallet) better to make as short as possible, was many difficulties with entering wallet name kitchen_tripfoundation.near


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@marketingdao-council thank you for reviewing (and approving :blush:) this proposal :pray:

Hi @johanga – thanks for the proposal. Can you share the other projects and proposals you’re currently receiving funding for from MarketingDAO, Creatives or other NEAR source?

We are trying to understand those connections as we consider proposals. Thank you!

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Hi @so608 all the links are in the post :
proposals to creatives and to marketing about Namasteynft summit :pray:

Ok, thank You. Happy to support. Have a great weekend.

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@cryptocredit @satojandro @Klint @so608
would be glad to answer your questions if you have any
and our team is ready to start working on announcements about first charity and first partnership NFT-contest with uniqart, that is planned for May and that is aimed to support NGO/NCO for cleaning/ecological activities in Goa
have a good day

@marketingdao-council @MktngDAO_Advisors

Also happy to support. Keep up the good work!

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good evening,
as you can see by links mentioned

all the proposals are separate and don’t have common issues.
from participation in Summit it will be report in a week, where it’s clear that all the funds are used exactly for preparation to it.
in creatives we’ve onboarded artist with her creative project and start prepare metaverse streaming point in CV
that is not mentioned here for MarketingDAO. here we’re working on social media and on NFT-contest, that will be in partnership with UniqArt and 25% of collected money from selling NFTs we’ll send to NGO that is cleaning Goa (for garbage bins and other needs, the list will be included to report). supporting this activity we’re preparing guide how to mint NFTs on Uniqart, holding educational meetups and spreading awareness about it all withing cultural event, where we’re opening near.wallets and studying about NFTs and NEAR Ecosystem
hope it gives clarification :pray:



highly appreciate your feedback @marketingdao-council

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GM @marketingdao-council team!
We’ve finished our participation in NamasteyNFT event in Bangalore,
It was collected online Instagram-report here

We’ve presented NEAR in a way that every visitor of event got some memory of us :slight_smile:
Full report with calculations and links will appear in some time under the post about it .
But here we’re ready to start NFT-contest and other our work if you approve it
Have a great day !

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I can support this for another month. Moving to approved and you can submit to Astro.

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Thank you!

there is poll on Astro

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