[APPROVED] SHITZU'S crossword and engagement activities to promote the entire NEAR ecosystem


Shitzu continues to strive to promote the entire NEAR eco via two methods: learn-to-earn (Crosswords, threadoors initiative) and engage-to-earn (attendance and participation in social media platforms).

We have awarded over 800 Near and 4.5M Shitzu in the past three months. Over 80 puzzles were sponsored, with an average award of 17 NEAR.

In addition to crossword.xyz, shitzu.crossword.xyz is also available now to avoid queues in puzzle launch. A new type of puzzle also has been implemented. The puzzle is linked to a live Twitter space. Hence, attendance is required to solve the crossword. The combination of learn & participate-to-earn is an avenue Shitzu is perfecting. We plan to continue to do 4-5 puzzles per week for all projects and communities. Puzzle makers’ bounty will also be increased to ensure steady puzzle contests.

Our participate-to-earn activities include RT/liking tweets, Aurora live attendance, attendance, and speaking at several near-related spaces. NEAR tipbot has been employed in our TG to help with rewards

Several members are actively writing educational threads on NEAR. Shitzu has also recruited an up-and-coming NEAR intern. These content creators are rewarded. Engagement with their content by the Shitzu community is also rewarded

Saturdays with Shitzu is a free-form twitter space about relevant issues within the eco. Shitzu sponsors awards attendance and participation. We average over 75 listeners per space.

NEAR is NAO is an in-depth space on the issues related to blockchain and near in general. We offer rewards for attendance and the best questions asked.

For Wax’s Chill and & Shill community, we are donating Shitzu tokens monthly. Wax will give these as community rewards for various engagement activities.

The detailed allocation of funds can be seen in our monthly reports (links below)

Total requested amount - 1500 USD
NEAR Wallet ID / DAO - cwpuzzles.near
Wallet owner’s name - Agt

Previously approved proposals: [Approved] Weekly crossword puzzles to promote Near's ecosystem and bring new users

Previously submitted reports:


Great job!

Hello @agt. I saw many positive and, unfortunately, negative (kind of attacks) posts regarding your Community on the governance forum.

Could you please give brief comments and provide more information about the Shitzu community, like -

  • founders,
  • leadership,
  • introduce team members,
  • date of launch,
  • goals,
  • roadmap,
  • quantity of active users in Near Ecosystem
  • in terms of transparency - sources of funds/donations.

Please pay attention that Community Events (Online Events → Streaming → Category → AMA, Twitter Spaces) and Education (General web3, Ecosystem Overview) categories are still on pause. So, could you please update your proposal?

I will be happy to support you.

Thank you!


Hey, thanks for the input.


Bastion launched the meme coin as an April fool’s joke. The hidden link embedded in the platform allowed for free Shitzu minting for 24 hours. From there, the community coalesced spontaneously. What began as a speculative endeavor has become a bastion of all things related to near


We are a decentralized community. There are no elected leaders per se, Just folks who have taken the initiative in upkeeping a community whose core beliefs centered around the power of transformation.

I have taken the lead in handling the crossword puzzle project with assistance from the Dev Mike Purvis. Other members are content creators or master organizers.

introduce team members

Well, we are a community and not a business entity. I ask for funding to continue sponsoring puzzles and rewarding the community by engaging in activities benefitting near. For puzzles, I am point. For tokenomics and organization, Odin guides. For content creation, Naomi and Antonio take the lead. To ensure community camaraderie, Midoriya reps in.


To continue to do puzzles highlighting the strength of NEAR and continue growing our community via learn & participate to earn activities.


Maintain current puzzle output. Do a puzzle for all projects within NEAR. Cont to produce quality spaces/content and ensure wide dissemination within crypto mediums. Ultimately, I want Shitzu to become a guidepost for all NEARIANS to come hang out and learn/laugh a little.

quantity of active users in Near Ecosystem

Unsure of how many attempts there are for our puzzles since there’s only one winner. But our TG and Twitter account continues to grow. The spaces we co-sponsor have over 50 attendees per session.

in terms of transparency - sources of funds/donations.

Funds have come from foundation grants ($2500). Last month, Mike Purvis donated 500 NEAR to ensure puzzle activity while NF paused funding. In the months that the foundation unjustly stopped funding, the sole providers were Mike and me. Our reports show a detailed breakdown of NEAR and Shitzu allocation. Since May, we have given back to the community over $6000.

The new guidelines put forth by the marketing DAO appear to support the activities Shitzu is requesting funds for. In particular, puzzle-making and content creation are included in the diagram released @satojandro


Hi @agt thanks for your proposal and your understanding during the pause in funding.

The DAO is now actively working to clear the backlog of proposals.

I see that you have adjusted your proposal, but before i can support it would be useful if you could complete this form .

To assist you please take a look at the new Marketing DAO proposal funding guidelines .

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I submitted that form a while back. When it first came out. Should I resubmit?

Hey @agt do you have a link to your original form responses that you can share? We had to update and change the form as part of the relaunch process. If you’re able to share your previous submission, we can review without asking you to do it over.

Also noting your ongoing contributions to the community and ecosystem!


I have just sent it to marketingdao@proton.me


Hi @agt

The format of your application doesn’t directly tie the money requested directly to how its spent.

These puzzles and games do draw in a certain type of person but we need to find a way to support the new KPIs which require greater growth of specific near projects and the onboarding of new projects to the ecosystem.

Unfortunately given the format of the application and the unclear goals of this project, I’m not able to support at this time.

Yeah, I suspect the initial application was convoluted. The new format is different from the initial application. But essentially we create puzzles to promote incipient and established projects on NEAR. We further promote them by engaging different social media platforms to promote their projects. We are one of the largest communities on Near who sole purpose is to ensure its adoption. Is it possible to resubmit the application with clearer goals in order to change your mind?

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Thanks for your proposal.

I regard Shitzu Crossword puzzles as one of the success stories of the Marketing DAO.

Built and maintained by an active community of contributors, giving visibility to many projects in the ecosystem in a way that encourages learning, interacting with one another, etc.

I acknowledge that the transition process to new forms, etc. has been less than ideal and the responsibility to have clear, simple process to follow is on Marketing DAO Councils.

As we continue to review and improve these processes, and in the interest of getting core communities funding as soon as possible, I am able and willing to support this proposal and is clearly satisfies the new criteria. Any subsequent work required to ensure the information on the form is polished can be done in parallel. I also note this is an exception and a privilege earned by trusted and long-running community members.


Hi @agt i also feel unable to support your proposal at this point.

We are always open to reviewing new applications from the community. Please ensure that your proposal conforms to the proposal funding guidelines and is focused on achieving NEAR Ecosystem goals.

How come? Our proposal fulfills the criteria the DAO is looking for. The funding is to make crossword puzzles that highlight the NEAR ecosystem. We continue to be one of the most active communities on NEAR. Why not support now during these crucial times?

The DAO has supported the puzzle activities before. Why change now? All funds go directly back to the NEAR community.

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Thanks ser, I am glad you recognize our tireless efforts. I invite all the DAO members to come to the front lines of crypto marketing in order to see firsthand how the Shitzu community is out there trying to sway users to NEAR.


Hello Satojandro,

My sentiment parallels yours when it comes to the Shitzu community. Their reach extends further than just the crossword.xyz puzzles. From their participation with those who are dear to the NEAR ecosystem, such as WaxNEAR of Stake and Chill Twitter Spaces week after week to recently rivaling NEAR Native, Turkey, and Vietnam in the Spinfi Guild Wars. Also, a quick mention of the 800+ members on their highly active Telegram. All of this with only accepting a fraction of funding that communities similar to its size have received.

I’m a relatively new member to NEAR, first coming in around spring this year, but it’s easy for me to see the potential the Shitzu community has for the future. The de facto leadership and members are so passionate about the ins and outs of the entire community… NEAR, Aurora, and/or Octopus.

A disclaimer is that I am a Shitzu holder. However, the craziest thing about this community is that members don’t need to be holders. There is the random price comment here and there, but relative to other meme coin communities out there, it’s almost nothing. They talk about their favorite animes more than price. That is an actual fact.

Anyhow, if anyone doubts this community’s agenda, I invite them to please take a look into it themselves. It’s one click away. I feel what is happening there is beautiful and organic. It’s also fascinating how it all revolves around a meme coin.




Hi @agt – thanks for the replies and submission of the form to the Marketing DAO email.

I’m noting the support from the community and the debate, varying points of view from the council. I can support your proposal, and I’ll explain why:

  • You are creating a legit, engaged community that is coming back to participate in your activities, and that is helping to build community toward the KPIs outlined in our assessment guidelines – as well as if not better than many many projects we review.
  • You are also hosting activities and posting content across a variety of channels, and you’re not requesting funding for moderation or engagement activities – you’re asking for funding to produce the puzzles. I see the puzzles as content that requires more skill and specialized production that your typical social media infographic or meme, and in my view, the more specialized and more differentiated, the easier it is to see a view toward funding (albeit as long as there is engagement).
  • What I cannot support is Community funding going to support shilling a meme coin. But as long as you can keep those activities separate and show funding allocated toward the puzzles and content part of this initiative, you have my support.

I have noted the support from Dacha and AVB, so I am moving this to approved. You can submit to Astro.


Thank you! Yes, we continue to distance ourselves from the usual meme coin propaganda, but at times, some of the members do soft shills. I appreciate the support and apologize for the hasty proposal we put forth.


Glad this got through- looking forward to seeing how things play out. Lots of potential around projects that actively engage the community.