[Approved] September 2023 - Social media, AMAs, infographics, MarketingDAO in September milestone - Nearity

hello community, and @marketingdao-council

Nearity so excited to be back here, base on lastest ANN from marketingDAO in this September, Nearity also want to express our proposal for this month.

1. Project Information

  • Organization Name: Nearity
  • Proposal Title: August 2023 - Promoting Social media, AMAs, Graphics Design - Nearity
  • Established Time: Sep - 2021

Previous Approved Proposal : link
Rrevious report : link
Social link
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nearity_org
telegram: Telegram: Contact @nearity
Near.social : link
Website - (for guest post/announcement post) : Nearity Research - Nearity Research, report, Analystics, News
Instagram: (availble when promote for NFT projects)
Near wallet: nearityorg.near
2. Team Members & Applicant Information

Detail our team and our experience: [INTRODUCTION] Nearity DAO - Guild

3. Project Goals

  • Increasing numbers of active Developers
  • Increasing numbers of active Users and Transactions
    • On-chain onboarding
    • On-chain engagement
    • On-chain participation in ecosystem dApps
      → we launch campaign for new project, new activities development on BOS, Dapp


Base on feedback of the project about Nearity, nearity also express countinue to promote for projects. And when the end of project, we will need the fill the form of owner of project, for confirmed the onchain activities duration time that Nearity serve and promote for projects.
Some specific kpi metrics, that need project confirm in this activities:

  • top funel : new member join social(twitter, telegram, discord)
  • total onchain activities metrics: number of user active on dapp(the metric shoud be also confirmed by projects)
  • Increasing numbers of Tools, dApps on BOS, Increasing numbers of active Developers → educated post inforgraphics, shill post to onboard new BOS developer
  • Increasing the number of people educated about NDC governance, BOS and active projects in the ecosystem → educated post inforgraphics, space about NDC, BOS culture development

overview of main activities:

3-4 AMA about post-NDC elections, formation NDC structure post-election topic
50 - 80 tweet news, update about NF/flagship projects/BOS culture development
10 - 15 inforgraphics about NDC election
5 - 7 infographics about BOS shilling web3 development taret to developer/buider
2 projects are promoted

production detail

  • Daily news: 40 - 60 post news all of the highlight projects on near each month
  • Data analytics last update: 25 - 30 update last performance flagship protocol/event/campaign of Near Foundation
  • Twitter: 10 - 15 advanced / Infographics for flagship project on NEAR
  • Shilling/Report & introduction Megathread: 1 Threads
  • Graphics design: brainstorm idea 2 - 4 unique graphics for per project
  • shout out and news, announcing new of project (unlimitted retweet, require ping post) up to each project we often receive the number of shout out about 5 - 10 news per mont. Total subtask shoutout news
  • highlight graphics, featured summary project: 2 - 3 task each project
  • giveaway…
  • shilling, reaware project on all of our social
  • publish material of graphics, or guest post to our when site, when project have demand
    Each AMA we will prepare script and discuss with partner the script, design graphics, host the prepare question form community, announce the winners, keep user active our channels.

4. Budget

Wallet ID: nearityorg.near

Total request: 2800$ USD

Thank your reviewing my proposal


Thank you for your proposal.

Please can you check your projected goal and main activities are not align, also too much focus on NDC election, do check our September KPIs carefully.

Quick question:

  • How do Nearity activities that is 95% is twitter posts and graphics drive builders and developers?
  • What mechanisms will your team use to track and report onboarded users, engagement, transactions ? apart from impressions

Can you review these and explain also,

  • How Nearity activities help advance those KPIs after noticing in balance in your goal and main activities
  • How you will measure/report on those KPIs? How do you track audience growth, onboarding, etc apart from impressions and likes ?

You are doing great job guys, was happy to work with you!


thank you for reviewing our proposal

drive builders and developers

we are going to have some back-processing during time that we do this shilling compaign post/graphics,

  • emeeting with startup/buiders, founders, Rust-developers and develop relationship with them by onboard support, meeting and support resource, meterial for them when they onboard from our campaign.

In this month we also have campaigns target to those entity sides.
call to action target to those entity → fill form/we reach out them → first meeting our team for new onboard ecosystem → create group for supporting them.
Reactive with those entities on NEAR that postponed to builing in long time.

In fact, we have been working like this for the last over 1 year on NEAR, Because we have the ability to understand stage of product.

I honestly think, I didn’t plan to include this activity in my proposal, but considering that we are the people with the most experience in the activity of back-processing of media production, we also wanted it to be a part of the proposal.

If MDAO dont mention this aspect of driving builders and developers, we still do it on my side for support in top-panel marketing, to back-processing onboard new builder entities.

apart from impressions,

we have a form for projects on NEAR filling by a any periods (weekly, monthly, or by campaign duration) to measure efficiency our work.

the project, or entity that we serve, we still ask the help in the filling the form, base on things that they believe how Nearity bring user to : *Increasing numbers of active Users and Transactions, On-chain onboarding, On-chain engagement…

some evidence our another activities behind the media production

i also sent you in dm the survey form, and the records of filling form.

Meeting for onboard new member/project

we also innovate this survey, and do measure by third-part web3 social-platform such as taskon, link3, zealy, crew3…

in the next month we also onboard new core team Rust-developer that have 3 year experience on Solana Blockchain, right now he is researching about BOS, and some Components on BOS. This help our team have more outderstand ontent for BOS culture, also for our plan educating BOS developer on media.

Thank you, and looking forward your optimize our job and budget for this proposal

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Hi @nearity – thanks for updating the proposal and answering the questions. You have received majority council support for this proposal. Moving to approved.

Next steps:

Your application was approved by Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO at NDC. The approved proposal will be included in the next MDAO budget request to NDC trust. The trust needs to authorize it first and then transfer funds to Marketing DAO treasury: the expected payment date is the last week of September.

So, during this time, please do the following:

  1. Fill out the form to pass KYC

  2. Wait for future instruction from Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO and an invitation to create a transfer on Astro DAO.

  3. Please join NDC Marketing HUB to discuss this and future projects.

  4. Refer to the Marketing DAO Funding Guide as needed.

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