Council Members
Target wallet : near-writers-collective.sputnik-dao.near
KYC & Contract: @beet93 (brzk-93444.near)
Total Requested Funding Amount: 1,000 USD in DAI
Hello NEAR Community,
Within the feedback received on our closed Writer’s Guild Funding Proposal for September 2022, a Creatives Mod noted that one aspect of our proposal did meet the guidelines set out by the Creatives DAO. As a result, the Writer’s Guild is requesting funding to pursue our Communications Strategies Proposal.
We also ask that the Creatives DAO mods take the time to review the Free dramaturgical adaptation of the work of Murilo Rubião (September, 2022) as the proponents have significantly revised their objectives, expected outcomes, and additional benefits.
We are asking for:
(1) $500 USD in DAI for Free dramaturgical adaptation of the work of Murilo Rubião (September, 2022) as the proponents have significantly revised their objectives, expected outcomes, and additional benefits.
(2) $500 USD in DAI for Communication strategies for Writer’s Guild (September)
Live events hosted by the Writer’s Guild Council will continue on Fridays at 3GMT despite a lack of funding for council payments. Our community will use this setback to reflect on ways to incorporate further onboarding activities as we plan projects for October.
Total Budget: $1000 USD in DAI
Thank you,
The Writers’ Guild (NEAR Writers Collective)
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