[APPROVED] REGGAEDAO monthly activities FUND MARCH 2022

Hey @Jahzonemusician you can add the council work / Dao management in here in the main March proposal rather than in the reggae mixtape project! So, reggae mixtape would be 2000$ then in this main report just create a new section for 500$ as council work… Hope that makes a bit more sense now.


Thanks boss I just completed it now was bit short of Data

Ok, just noticed that the council members listed in the mixtape and the main proposal have two different names? is this the same person but one is the forum tag and the other is the wallet or they are seperate people?

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Is the same person but one is the near wallet

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I just did the changes now all are the same

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@Jahzonemusician thanks for clarifying and thank you for the patience.

Your proposal follows the Creatives DAO Guidelines, so it is approved by the Community Moderators. Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO astrodao [link: Astro ] so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guidelines: [New Process] Community Payouts


Hey @Jahzonemusician just checking in to say that I would be wary of initiating any project/payments until the funds are received, or at least let people know the status of your proposal if doing so. Just saw that you are posting it around in various groups.


Yes brother am trying to make the team understand every status of the proposal,am praying not to disappoint anybody again