[APPROVED] Physical and MetaEvent Quintas Paralelas-Nomadelabel show - SaoPaulo/br Jan 2022

Event Nomadelabel Show Teatro de Contêiner Mungunzá(SaoPaulo/Br) {21st Jan} and Quintas Paralelas at NxM(DaoRecords parcel) {27st Jan}:

Store Statement : [Introduction] Nomade Label DAO

What will Happen:

  • Screening of audio-visual material from nomadelabel artists;

  • Artist Talk;

  • Live experimental performance of music + live-visuals;

  • Physical and Streamed Event (not live)


Physical event - 21st and

Metaverse broadcast - 27th of January

It won’t be possible to be simultaneously for a a couple of reasons:

Our computers can’t handle live streamings and the internet connection is not reliable on the venue; the physical event must be host in portuguese, and the metaverse event must be subtitled, so it will be edit to be broadcast on 27th.


wasem_simon.near , mauricio_matel.near dannydweirdo.near,daniel_carrera.near - music
manutegus.nes - live visual

The registered material from this event, we generate a series of NFTs produced by the collective, slipted 10% on royalties and revenue

Photos and videos of the event will be taken by the minters filmesdeinfiltracao.near and turned into NFT. There will be a collection for sale on nomadelabel store, with 10% share for NxM, and a giveaway to be distributed active Near users that engage with a promo tweet.

The venue =

  • The location which will host the event is “Teatro-de-Container-Mungunza” a theater socially engaged, in a very poor and dangerous part of Sao Paulo downtown, on 21st January 2022, .the last Thursday of the month

Teatro de Contêiner Mungunzá - presentation of the place[ENG sub]

@blusw at Teatro de Contêiner Mungunzá, camera by @filmesdeinfiltracao, Sao Paulo, Brasil 2021.

A wallet with be made for the theater organizer Leo Akio, to Teatro de Conteiner take it first step in too Near world. Hopefully, on next proposal on early this year, we can continue to collaborate with an onboarding event focused on the local community.


Personel Role Bugdet (Usd)
wasem_simon.near organização, produção e performance 290
manutegus.near Produção-performance 200
filmesdeinfiltracao.near produção-performance 200
mauricio_matel.near meta-performance 55
daniel_carrera.near performance 55
dannydweirdo.near performance 55
NxM Parcel espaço 50
teatro de conteiner espaço 95

History behind:

  • This event started in 2020, on Instagram live streaming, where mauricio_matel.near and wasem_simon.near started to discuss music theory, contemporary music, and debate different philosophical approaches to understand sound and music on decolonial perspectives. The show started as a duo but expanded their crew to an art collective that now forms the foundation of nomadelabel.near, a store on Mintbase. In 2021 we decided to invite as collaborators filmesdeinfiltracao.near , breakneyspirits.near , manutegus.near, denisenuvem.near , severaparaguacu.near , blua_discordia.near, and others outside of the ecosystem.

Learn more about the store and our feature Links:

Quintas Paralelas:
(it´s a Portuguese musical quibble, in the ambiguity of the terms Parallel 5ths and Parallel Thursdays)




Thanks for your proposal @blusw! Once we close the submissions at the end of the month we will be reviewing them all and will announce the decision in the NxM telegram channel. Cheers!

cc/ @zeitwarp @chloe @Grace @Paul @nullzero @Monish016


Hey @blusw we would really like to support this event. I’m just finding it difficult to see how it benefits NxM. if you can figure out some integration of NxM I think we can help with the funding.


Thank you @vandal vandal for the reply.
Maybe I wasn’t clear, this is my first proposal. Lets go!

My idea is to associate the Nomadelabel store, which is the result of a constet from NxM, with simultaneous impact, to metaverse (NxM community), as well for the public at Teatro de Container in downtown São Paulo, a socially vulnerable zone.
The direct benefit for NxM is that we will generate content of interest among other Near DAOs and Near users, and also potential external audiences.
The event has an educational and entertainment nature. it’s not just a lecture, it’s not just a party, it’s both. Why on NxM? the subject is music!
In the debate part, the audience present will be introduced to the Near ecosystem, and get to know a little about NxM, as I will make a speech contextualizing the event, and will introduce the topic.

Also, the connection with the Container Theater could be a great hub for a future onboarding project, so this being a first event, it could be the beginning of a collaboration between the theater and NxM. The organizer Leo Akio has an interest to learn more about NFTs. He will be the the first onboarded, creating the Teatro de Container’s wallet.
maybe wasent clear there :

And also:

  • 10% could sound low, but it will be slip between all crew members involved on the production of the NFTs.

In the end, i dont see exclusive benefit for NxM, but i think can be a start for interactions with the real world.
Let’s see what comes next.

Concil members @zeitwarp @chloe @Grace @Paul @nullzero @Monish016
Any opinion or suggestion of how to upgrade this proposal?


Thanks NxM for accepting my proposal!!

I would like to rearrange the lineup, cause we’v got some over booking with the comrades, but im sure it will feats better on the NxM context, cause it will be more musical than before.

But at least, i’v got a confirmed venue scheduled 21st Jan on Counteiner;

and 27th could keep being the NxM metaverse re-transmission, with subtitles :wink:

is it all good?


one more update on the program:
Else than -
"I just edited the proposal to rearrange the event agenda and schedule.

It just changed from joaomarcosalmeida.near to daniel_carrera.near, i setted up the schedule with the venues, and try to clarify the goals. “”
We also will have @dannydweirdo as a live music feature on @filmesdeinfiltracao movie
I already remaneged the budget to feat. over 1k$

Again i wanna ask:
When it will be the payout?
@zeitwarp @chloe @Grace @Paul @nullzero @Monish016 @vandal

Thanks, all the best


Hi! Will there be an event on the metaverse?
At what time and place?

Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi! We still did not fixed this time, cause i keep wondering about the timezone issues.

Any suggestions of a good timezone to respect @vandal @zeitwarp @cloe @Grace @Paul @nullzero @Monish016 @JohnX @tabear @marianeu ?

Br audience will have they chance on physical event :wink:


The date is good! Let’s coordinate a bit closer with some visuals to share and promote with ok!


im daniel.carrera.near
Trombonist, curator and producer from Sao Paulo, collaborator of nomadelabel.near
i will be there playing on this gig!!

check out our NFT collaboration :
Angélica - Mintbase


Hi there! I’m filmesdeinfiltração.near a.k.a Thais ampr. I’m happy to be part of Nomade Label’s event with two of my films and together with great artists. I’m a multidisciplinary artist, fillmmaker and performer. Hope to see you there!

Check out my collab with fefefernanda.near and with @dannydweirdo :heart::woman_juggling:t4:


Today we visit the venue (teatro de counteiner)
On the pictures:
Paloma(COunteiner Staff) @filmesdeinfiltracao @dannydweirdo @gushlewis @improvise
Me on the phone-cam



Hello Dear Concil

I would like ask you kindly to vote on my payout, cause i had to pay from my pocket some of the collaborators.
Here is the is the payments so far:

May a ask you guys to vote, please:
@vandal @chloe @zeitwarp @Grace


Thanks for approving this Wonderful gig!
See you guy at DAOrecords Playground on 27th ( Thursday!)

PDF clickable links:
nomadelabel no (1).pdf (2.1 MB)



We screened the movie of :
@filmesdeinfiltracao e @dannydweirdo
With live soundtrack by the artist.

And also was screened:

With excerpts of my cryptonoises


NFT made as Celebration of this Great moment of my life:



(soon airdrops)
@chloe @vandal @zeitwarp @Grace
@filmesdeinfiltracao @gushlewis @improvise @pinkalsky
@luixoluixo @dannydweirdo


It was so amazing to share my films in this Physical and MetaEvent of Quintas Paralelas and Nomade Label!!! I hope to contribute more soon!!!


It was such a pleasure to contribute to this project, I’ve been preparing the audio recording so the live soundtrack so we can begin the building of it’s NFT’s

Also, inspired by it, I’m preparing a proposal that I might post today


Hey Danny, was a great pleasure to have you here, close to Nomade Label Family.

Don´t forget to submit a prosposal for this first month that we became a DAO.

Let´s keep on working. I love your artist REALNESS

see you around here



NxM must have a @ZeroLikesRecords Physical Event too!!!

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