[Approved] Participation of Kalakendra DAO in Namastey NFT Metaverse Summit

In accordance with the [Post]mentioned here.

We DAOs/guild & Marketplaces of NEAR in India would love to Participate in the Event Happening in Bangalore 14 & 15th of May. It is important to attend such events to grow and develop the emerging Metaverse space and Community in terms of Community Growth, Activation, and Collabs between DAOs and Across Chains.

As GOA DAO & Graffiti DAO have Already received Approval for the Event.

We Kalakendra DAO as Also Planned to Attend the Event Collaborating with Goa DAO and Uniq arts.

As per the Meeting with Ashwathy (Namastey NFT), @gurubaran,@johanga @albhion, Me, and @naveen_in, we realized and gathered our Perspectives to make the below decisions.

  • create a separate Astro DAO for the Namstey NFT Event.

  • Sponsoring the Event for Booth/stall for DAOs Activities under Express Sponsorship

  • Create a Separate telegram Group for Easy Onboarding and Guiding Newbies into NEAR. This account will be there until onboarded everyone finds a Way into NEAR

  • Collab Activities with DAOs and Marketplaces

Funding Requested

  • Creation of Namastey NFT Astro DAO - 5N - $65 (@ $13/N)

  • Express Sponsership - $2500
    The Sponsorship will be Taken under the Name of NEAR Protocol, Where All DAOs and Marketplaces can Perform their Listed Activities

  • Neardrop - $1300
    0.1 N x 1000 = 100N @13/N
    As Kalakendra DAO Rooted Mission towards Onboarding Artist into Web3 (NEAR). We use these Funds to Onboard Users Attending the Namastey NFT Event. Expected the Namastey NFT Event Would Attract around 6K to 10K Participants.

  • NEAR Namastey NFT POAP Bounty - $200
    We expect to Conduct a Small Activity for Participants Onboarding into NEAR to Show How Cool NEAR is and one of the Best L1 Blockchain.

Rather than just Opening NEAR Wallets,

We want to Create an NFT and List them on Uniqart or Naksh or Mintbase, or Paras and Ask Participants to Purchase those NFTS with the Wallet Created to create Community Activation for participants.

We Request $200 for the Bounty for the NEAR Namastey NFT POAP Creation to the Near Community on the forum.

  • Travel,Stay & Food Expenses - $300 for 2 Person / 2day

  • KalakendraDAO Presence - $300 for Posters, Banners and Tshirts.

  • VR- Metaverse Experience - $300 (Optional) - Occulus Quest 2 - Rent 2Nos

We Also planning to Provide VR Experience in NEAR For the Participants attending the Event. We would love to Rent 2nos Occulus Quest 2 for the Event.

  • Planning to Show the VR Experience of NEAR Hub Various Rooms

  • Mintbase 3XR Stores/ Libraries

  • NFT Market Places like Uniqart and Naksh (if Possible).

Total Requested funds: $4965

Tagging @marketingdao-council for Visibility.

cc. @johanga @gurubaran


Good day. Overall, support the proposal, but could you please ask Kalakendra DAO share their report? Thank you


it would be great, if we give attendants such an experience - to explore NEARhub during DJ stream to Tamago with Occulus :star_struck:


Hi Dacha,
Thanks for your question.
The proposal took some time to get approved & the council went through a slight change as well, so there was a delay in initiating the activities as planned.
We initiated the marketing activities for this month, and the funds will be disbursed as soon as the work is complete. Right now, it is still in the DAO treasury.
Once the report is posted in the forum, the funds will be disbursed.


Yes @johanga, looking forward to DJ sessions :star_struck:
We are as excited as you to see all the DAOs, Guilds & Marketplaces in a country coming together for the first time and representing NEAR as a community :hugs:


We [NEAR NFT Club] can help with the group online activities. I propose instead of making a new group, the new participants can be sent over to the NEAR NFT Telegram group as we already have 1000+ members in the group who can help them to understand about the ecosystem and redirect them according to their interests.

Additionally we can also assist the new members to create NEAR wallet via online interaction. This will save a good amount of time for you guys who are physically present at the main workshop.

If the team agrees, @gurubaran , @johanga @Albhion and @Monish016 I can take the lead on the online presence to coordinate with the team.


Hey, @Klint @so608 @satojandro @cryptocredit, Last time we had a meeting with Ashwathy (Namsatey NFT), it was Told only a few Sponsorship Slots were left as the Event Approaches in 2 Weeks. Need Quick Action on this Proposal to make All Necessary Planning and Arrangement.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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=)) There’s NEAR India/NEAR NFT Club Group :eyes: Send them here and I’ll make sure to guide them :hugs: And please when you onboard anyone in India to NEAR,ask them to join NEAR India :wink:


Hey, @Kv9990 Am Really hoping to see you at the event. Also Am Happy to Redirect to the Near NFT Club as well as NEAR India.


Ok. Looking forward to seeing report. Thank you



We are absolutely on board with this idea. Would love to collaborate with you guys :slight_smile:


Do these collaborations change the proposal and funding request at all?

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i would say No, as we create a seperate proposal towards the event it is not necessary. Also of there is any surplus it will covered by the individual dao

Also, the event is scheduled on 14&15 of May. We need 2.5k for booking sponsor stall.

Request @marketingdao-council to take a quicker decision


This looks like a great proposal. I’m also attending the event on my own, would love to help and support you guys along with my team.


Hey guys @cryptocredit @satojandro @Klint @so608 @Dacha
Can you pls decide quickly over this proposal as the event is in 1 week. There is a lot to be planned. Especially with the express sponsorship for the event for all the daos and marketplaces in india .


we’re actively preparing our part of presenting NEAR on this Summit: metaverse stream as well as print and decoration for the NEAR booth and activities
but without @Monish016 proposal NEAR even won’t have a booth there :slight_smile:
we hope here approving will go also better and quicker, for common best results :pray:
more than 8 DAOs are going to manifest NEAR Community there, and for that we ask your support


Good evening, I support you guys :+1:


Hi I note that you need a decision quickly and was waiting to see a full response to @Dacha request for a report.

In the meantime I am happy to support your endeavors and now you need just one more council @satojandro @so608 @Klint to move to Poll