Onboarding to professors and students of the School of Plastic Arts - University of Carabobo. Blockchain Technology and NFTs.
Council Near Venezuela.
Near Certified Professors
Coordinator proyect of Onboarding and Education: @NearEducacion
Hello dear Onboarding DAO council, I am Arturo Hernández, here is my presentation:
I have been onboarding developers and other students into NEAR University, helping NEAR VENEZUELA Guild to reach +8 devs NCD, +3 DiR, 2 NCI, 6 NCP, and 34 NCA, during the last 6 months, successfully incorporating the following people into the ecosystem:
-Andrés Domínguez - andresdom.near
-Leyner Aponte - leyner.near
-María Arévalo - maruja.near
-Deisy Vasamón - dvasamon.near
-Wilmer Barico - wilmerbarico.near
-Arturo Hernández - arturoadelante.near
-Luis Auyadermont - lauyader.near
-Rodrigo Franco - rodrigofranco.near
-Wilfredo Franco - wilfredofranco1.near
-Gustavo Maniglia - gustavoamaniglia.near
-Milly Rodríguez - millyrodriguez.near
-Eliezer Ruíz - eliezerruiz.near
-Alfredo Hernández - sehfp.near
-Maria Rivero - mlourdesrivero.near
-Victor Mora - victormora.near
-Jenny Rodríguez - jennyrodriguez.near
-Adriana González - adrign67.near
-Daniela Marcano - danielamarcano.near
-Sergio Afanador - sergioafanadorl.near
-Karely Escalona - karely15.near
-Gregory Verhelst - gregory17.near
-Maria Penso - mariapenso.near
-Joseph Soto - 847a4dc19a0e00b92654ba0c6c2e3a0b354870cbef5b7c631488852f854f76e1
-Nelson Faraco - ad9ec3fdeb72be189491c98c9266536480822b3e0792994b90bfdde0ff502d73
-Frank Pérez - gperez83.near
-Maria Gutiérrez - marialegg.near
-Cesar Coronel - ccoronel7.near
-Linda Rosario - lindaley16.near
I have been working with @franciscogonzalezn in the activities of vector and outreach with Universities, Regional Legislative Councils, Municipal Councils, Governorates and Town Halls in Venezuela, among other events, with the support of Near Venezuela DAO.
All these experiences have been successful for the Near community.
Guided by @FritzWorm, along with my work team, I intend to carry out onboarding new members into the community. Our contributions could fit into the vision of your DAO, specifically aimed at the NFT area and the main dApps that Near Protocol has in the matter.
Project name:
Onboarding to professors and students of the School of Plastic Arts - University of Carabobo, in Blockchain Technology and NFTs.
Target: arturoadelante.near
Total Requested Amount: $500 in NEAR
Onboard profesores y estudiantes de la Escuela de Artes Plásticas - Universidad de Carabobo, en Tecnología Blockchain y NFTs.
Promote the dissemination of educational/informative content about Blockchain technology, NFTs, and NEAR Protocol.
Promote the use of the Wallet and the use of the dapps on NEAR, NFT galleries such Paras, Mintbase, Nativo NFT, and others.
Promote social networks of the NEAR Community.
3 Activities for Vector and Outreach on Universities
(2 Webinars, 1 Talk/Conversational)
Online activities will be developed under the Google Meet platform, with an approximate duration of 60 minutes each meeting. These ones will be about basic notions of Blockchain technology, its origin, functional characteristics, basic bases, web 3.0, dApps and Near technology.
For its part, the face-to-face activity will be carried out according to planning in approximately 180 minutes. It will address: Fungible Tokens and Non-Fungible Tokens, differences, use cases and expectations, review of the main Near Protocol NFTs dApps, creation of wallets (mainnet and testnet) for participants, receipt and sending of NFTs from the Near wallet , web 3 login, exploring NFT dApps, interface overview, profile setup and store creation; how to create, mint and promote NFTs, NFT purchase exercises and interaction with other users, virtual gallery browsing.
Metrics / Deliverable
Promotion on social networks (Twitter, tik tok, Youtube, Instagram)
5 design simple
5 videos - 1000 Reproductions - 5000 Reach
New wallets created
At least 25 new wallets created
New NFT minted:
At least 40 new NFTs minted.
NCA / NCP new students
At least 10 new students on NEAR University.
Initial funding for the creation and customization of 25 Near wallets: $15 (4 NEAR x 3.75).
Audiovisual Content Creation (Design of banners, flyers, videos for social networks): $100
Transportation of facilitators and team responsible for the event: (bus tickets, Uber, vehicle gas) $100
Renting exposition equipment (video beam, screen, laptop, sound equipment) $100
Food and Drinks (snack for all participants) $100
POP Material (folders, stickers, pens, sheets of paper, prints, teaching and instructional material, banners) $85.