[Approved] Onboarding to professors and students of the School of Plastic Arts

Onboarding to professors and students of the School of Plastic Arts - University of Carabobo. Blockchain Technology and NFTs.

Council Near Venezuela.
Near Certified Professors
Coordinator proyect of Onboarding and Education: @NearEducacion

Hello dear Onboarding DAO council, I am Arturo Hernández, here is my presentation:

I have been onboarding developers and other students into NEAR University, helping NEAR VENEZUELA Guild to reach +8 devs NCD, +3 DiR, 2 NCI, 6 NCP, and 34 NCA, during the last 6 months, successfully incorporating the following people into the ecosystem:


-Andrés Domínguez - andresdom.near
-Leyner Aponte - leyner.near
-María Arévalo - maruja.near


-Deisy Vasamón - dvasamon.near


-Wilmer Barico - wilmerbarico.near
-Arturo Hernández - arturoadelante.near


-Luis Auyadermont - lauyader.near
-Rodrigo Franco - rodrigofranco.near
-Wilfredo Franco - wilfredofranco1.near
-Gustavo Maniglia - gustavoamaniglia.near
-Milly Rodríguez - millyrodriguez.near
-Eliezer Ruíz - eliezerruiz.near
-Alfredo Hernández - sehfp.near
-Maria Rivero - mlourdesrivero.near
-Victor Mora - victormora.near
-Jenny Rodríguez - jennyrodriguez.near
-Adriana González - adrign67.near
-Daniela Marcano - danielamarcano.near
-Sergio Afanador - sergioafanadorl.near
-Karely Escalona - karely15.near
-Gregory Verhelst - gregory17.near
-Maria Penso - mariapenso.near
-Joseph Soto - 847a4dc19a0e00b92654ba0c6c2e3a0b354870cbef5b7c631488852f854f76e1
-Nelson Faraco - ad9ec3fdeb72be189491c98c9266536480822b3e0792994b90bfdde0ff502d73


-Frank Pérez - gperez83.near
-Maria Gutiérrez - marialegg.near
-Cesar Coronel - ccoronel7.near
-Linda Rosario - lindaley16.near

I have been working with @franciscogonzalezn in the activities of vector and outreach with Universities, Regional Legislative Councils, Municipal Councils, Governorates and Town Halls in Venezuela, among other events, with the support of Near Venezuela DAO.

All these experiences have been successful for the Near community.

Guided by @FritzWorm, along with my work team, I intend to carry out onboarding new members into the community. Our contributions could fit into the vision of your DAO, specifically aimed at the NFT area and the main dApps that Near Protocol has in the matter.

Project name:
Onboarding to professors and students of the School of Plastic Arts - University of Carabobo, in Blockchain Technology and NFTs.

Target: arturoadelante.near

Total Requested Amount: $500 in NEAR

Onboard profesores y estudiantes de la Escuela de Artes Plásticas - Universidad de Carabobo, en Tecnología Blockchain y NFTs.

Promote the dissemination of educational/informative content about Blockchain technology, NFTs, and NEAR Protocol.
Promote the use of the Wallet and the use of the dapps on NEAR, NFT galleries such Paras, Mintbase, Nativo NFT, and others.
Promote social networks of the NEAR Community.

3 Activities for Vector and Outreach on Universities
(2 Webinars, 1 Talk/Conversational)

Online activities will be developed under the Google Meet platform, with an approximate duration of 60 minutes each meeting. These ones will be about basic notions of Blockchain technology, its origin, functional characteristics, basic bases, web 3.0, dApps and Near technology.

For its part, the face-to-face activity will be carried out according to planning in approximately 180 minutes. It will address: Fungible Tokens and Non-Fungible Tokens, differences, use cases and expectations, review of the main Near Protocol NFTs dApps, creation of wallets (mainnet and testnet) for participants, receipt and sending of NFTs from the Near wallet , web 3 login, exploring NFT dApps, interface overview, profile setup and store creation; how to create, mint and promote NFTs, NFT purchase exercises and interaction with other users, virtual gallery browsing.

Metrics / Deliverable
Promotion on social networks (Twitter, tik tok, Youtube, Instagram)
5 design simple
5 videos - 1000 Reproductions - 5000 Reach
New wallets created
At least 25 new wallets created
New NFT minted:
At least 40 new NFTs minted.
NCA / NCP new students
At least 10 new students on NEAR University.

Initial funding for the creation and customization of 25 Near wallets: $15 (4 NEAR x 3.75).
Audiovisual Content Creation (Design of banners, flyers, videos for social networks): $100
Transportation of facilitators and team responsible for the event: (bus tickets, Uber, vehicle gas) $100
Renting exposition equipment (video beam, screen, laptop, sound equipment) $100
Food and Drinks (snack for all participants) $100
POP Material (folders, stickers, pens, sheets of paper, prints, teaching and instructional material, banners) $85.


Hello @Arturoahs

  1. AudioVisual content. Why do you need it if you have a strict aim visit and make event in the University?!
  2. Please share your location, the target location on Google maps. how many members in the team?
  3. POP materials: what are happen with the banners from previous events?
    probably you can use materials from another event [Approved] Onboarding & Workshop during NFT BCN -> ONBOARDING DAO part only - #14 by lenara

Total budget: $385 right?

I have participated in onboardings myself and the audiovisual content I have use is a powerpoint presentation as the following: here and here

I have another question regarding this, audiovisual content was not already created? @Arturoahs in former campaigns? :eyes:

The POP material looks good for me, you could use something like the following paper wallet:

As you already have experience in this field, the metrics of success could be meassured on graduated students, and you could add your value proposition as promoter + guide/support/coaching


Greetings leaders @mr_free @FritzWorm

I’m very grateful for your pertinent questions and arguments; Therefore, in response to these, I can limit the following:


We will hold a face-to-face event at the University of Carabobo, which is located 22 kilometers away from the closest residential point to the team members; highlighting that these, in turn, are equidistant from each other and the transfer must be guaranteed for punctual assistance to the activity.

Lomas de Funval- Valencia

Universidad de Carabobo - Naguanagua

Creation of audiovisual content:

Refered to the work of design, creation and promotion of multimedia material (5 videos, 3 flyers and 2 Banners related to the theme - activity) in social networks and technological platforms of the art school of the university, in order to increase the metrics.

The work will be in charge of our Community manager @nicoleadames, wich will carry out:

-Banners and flyers edition, before each event (online and face-to-face mode).
-Recording and editing of promotional videos before and after the event.


@nicoleadames will also manage @NearEducation social media before, during and after the event to build outreach on and off campus.

Work team:


@Franciscogonzalezn: University professor and board member of Near Venezuela, speaker and facilitator at onboarding sessions on blockchain technology and Near Protocol, moderator of communities and working groups at Near Venezuela.

@Nicoleadames: community manager, designer and content creator for social networks, fluent english level.

@albanyher: technical support, registration, control and advicer for onboarding participants to insert them into the Near ecosystem, in addition to guiding their registration at Near University bootcamps during all the process.

@arturoahs: Near Certified Professor, member of the Council of Near Venezuela, outreach leader, coordinator of Onboarding projects in Venezuela, community manager, facilitator of Blockchain - Near Protocol technology workshops.

Success Projections:

Our goal is to train and involve teachers and students of plastic artists in general to the NFT world; through onboarding and blockchain workshops, the creation of a Near wallet and to guarantee an interactive experience between the participants and the MarketPlace NFTs.

Concurrently, invite them to delve into this and other topics of blockchain technology, registering and attending the Near University bootcamps.


It’s not possible to guarantee an exact number of registered and graduated participants in the Near University bootcamps, however, we start from the achievements of previous activities, such as the onboarding carried out with university professors

which was funded by the Onboarding DAO, and where 9 of its participants achieved bootcamp certifications (NCA , NCD, NCP), and also are currently active collaborators of the Guild Near Venezuela.

We reaffirm the petition of 500 usd


Do you have an agreement with University for this event?
Again, you plan the event for the University (for the professors and students). It’s a very clear aim. It’s a very clear target audience. I don’t understand who the target audience for the promotion on social media and why do you need them?!
You can ask Design Guild to help with banners/flyers. @kc_sollano Could the design guild help with banners and flyers?

All other looks good.

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Hello @mr_free, thankfull for your questions it allows us to further clarify the details of the activity.

Target audiences:

The target audience are students, professors and graduates of the Art career of the University of Carabobo.

Previously the target audience was the computing science school, this time we will focus on the art school.


Since we started activities in this university at the beginning of the year, we reached an agreement with the dean of the faculty of education, allowing us to bring the Blockachain content of Near Protocol to the university.

Design, photography and social media management

@nicoleadames would not only make the designs and the video editing, she will also be the photographer and community manager, turning it an integral job.

There is no problem receiving support from the design guild which would be great, in the same way the presence work of @nicoleadames would be needed.

Social networks and target audience

We believe that it is necessary to disseminate audiovisual material on social networks in order to strengthen NEAR’s marketing in our community, making it able to other people (at least 10,000) be aware of the activities that Near develops and offers to everyone.

In addition, this marketing work helps to create a positive profile, recognized and valued at the national level, which would facilitate the execution of new onboardings in other public or private institutions.


Share please links to the social media and share please screenshots with stats (on English)



Table of metrics of the previous approach






Thanks, for sharing, but I am not able to translate Spanish to English from pictures.
I still have doubts about this point.
When will the events happen? I mean schedule/dates

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Greetings Mr. Free, I’m @franciscogonzalezn ,member of the team that will develop this onboarding with your support. The events will be held according to the following schedule:

  • Creation of content for promotion/call for events (Video, flyers): July 18 and 19.

-Promotion/call on social networks (Ig, Twitter, tik tok): July 20 to 22.

  • Registration of participants in form: July 23 and 24.

  • Telephone contact with registered participants: July 25.

  • Creation of telegram channel for event communications: July 26.

  • Webinar - AMA #1: July 27 - 5:00 p.m. (Venezuela), Estimated duration: 60 minutes.

  • Webinar - AMA #2: July 28 - 5:00 p.m. (Venezuela), Estimated duration: 60 minutes.

  • Workshop in the auditorium of the School of Art - University of Carabobo: July 29 - 9:00 am - Estimated duration: 180 minutes.

Programmatic content:

  • Introduction to Blockchain technology, basic definitions, NFT and Near Protocol.

  • NFTs use cases - Near DAPPs.

  • Creation of Near wallets (testnet and mainnet).

  • Receipt and sending of NFTs through Near wallet.

  • Web login 3 - dApps mint: Initial configuration, store creation, interface tools.

  • Creation, Publication and Purchase of NFTs.

  • 3D NFTs virtual gallery exploration.

  • Management of social networks and media for promotion.


Hello @Franciscogonzalezn

ok. Thanks.
I like the initiative, but I as I mentioned before, I have doubts about the sense of:
Audiovisual Content Creation (Design of banners, flyers, videos for social networks): $100
POP Material (folders, stickers, pens, sheets of paper, prints, teaching and instructional material, banners) $85.

But ready to support.


Hello Mr_free. @mr_free

The “Content Creation”: refers to all new audiovisual material, created and widely disseminated through social networks, community groups and project groups, among other communication channels, in order to massify, disseminate, increase the reach of the activities developed. Each video, flyer design, or other material requires the attention and dedication of experts in the area to ensure its success. These materials will help to publicize and increase the impact of the activities, before and after their realization.

It is worth noting the difference between “content creation” and “audiovisual resource”, understanding that the former refers to any material created to publicize the activities and massify their scope (this material does not yet exist. It will be designed, created and disseminated as of the execution of the planning). On the other hand, the audiovisual resources are those used in the pedagogical and andragogical facilitation process, and they are available, they already exist, they are not incorporated in this application.

As for the POP material: the teaching-learning processes are usually more effective if physical tools are used to accompany and stimulate the generation of knowledge, understanding these resources as means to facilitate the educational process, i.e.: sheets of paper, pencils, folders, pens, markers, printed material, labels, posters, among others. They are recommended and very useful at the time of developing face-to-face activities, increasing the levels of interaction with the participants and increasing the success of the activity.

An example of the impact of this is evidenced in the report I presented to this honorable DAO last February, after having conducted a very successful onboarding activity with computer science students and professors at the University of Carabobo. You can see the report at the following link:

Once again place your trust in me by supporting this request, and you will soon see positive results.

We confirm that the funding request is for 500 USD.

Thank you, our faith in your timely approval.


Reviewed the proposal and answers given to my fellow councils. I am happy to support this initiative in its form. Thanks for your great work of onboarding :blush:


@FritzWorm how to make this proposal Approved on forum?


Done :wink: Approved on forum! @Arturoahs you can follow @mr_free and @zubairansari07 instructions asking for the funding to the Onboarding DAO


@Arturoahs Congrats your proposal is approved, please make a transfer proposal to Onboarding DAO for the approved amount in $USDC



@zubairansari07 @fritzworm @mr_free We are very grateful for the trust they have in us and for the support they have given us for the second time, we are committed to continuing to add valuable people to web 3.0, and to our Near Protocol family.

ready the request for funds in the DAO

Hello @Arturoahs

How it’s going?
We will need the report by the end of the month.
Thank you.