NCA Alfredo Hernández
Near Cojedes

Semana 4 de Mayo

Enfoque: Onboarding


Hoy el equipo de @nearcojedes, realizó exitosamente Onboarding a Docentes y estudiantes de Unellez, informática se dictó Taller de Tecnología Blockchain, NFT y Near Protocol, se crearon 21 Wallet y el Próximo jueves, continúa la Jornada para Docentes y estudiantes de Unellez, mensión administración donde se crearán aproximadamente 25 nuevas Wallet.

Link Resultados:


Friday 20th May, 40 attendees, venue: Tecnologia Financiera

AMA about Mining → How to open a NEAR Wallet and do Staking

Link, Link 2


I am pleased to share my contribution in these last 2 weeks of May :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Two AMAs where we obtained the participation of more than 20 members in each one, happy to spread the Near ecosystem and see the interest of the community in learning more every day.

Total participants in the two AMAs : +40 members



Reward AMA 1 = 70$



Reward AMA 2 = 70$

Reward AMA 1 = 70$ + Reward AMA 2 = 70$ = 140$ TOTAL REWARDS

Wallet: samueln1.near


¡Hola! Soy Albany Hernández y desempeño el trabajo de Asistencia Técnica enfocada en el Control y Registro de potenciales participantes en los bootcamps ofrecidos por Near University a través de las plataformas de Near Hispano y Global Near Education en Near Venezuela.

Mi trabajo consiste en la inscripción de los participantes en los bootcamps, asegurándome de que cada persona que haya efectuado su registro en el formulario de Near Venezuela haya escrito sus datos de Discord, Wallet Near MainNet y Wallet Near Testnet correctamente, en caso de que no, procedo a contactarlos para realizar corrección de dichos datos o en caso de que no los tengan, guiarlos en la creación de cada cuenta, considerando la importancia de la tenencia de estos requisitos para la participación en las certificaciones.

Además, realizo un trabajo de acompañamiento al participante en el cual explico la dinámica de las certificaciones, envío recordatorios para asegurar la asistencia a las clases, y en general; aclaro, oriento y guío en cualquier duda o necesidad relaciona a la certificación que puedan tener los participantes inscritos.

A continuación dejo evidencia del número de participantes inscritos para los bootcamps llevados a cabo el 04/04, 16/05, 23/05 y 27/05:

Para un total de 208 participantes inscritos en bootcamps.

Además, quisiera dejar algunas capturas de pantalla como evidencia de mi trabajo de acompañamiento y asesoria:

Wallet: albanyher.near


Hi Team

Hope you are doing well

I was on traveling a couple of weeks ago, that is the reason that I was not capable to report my work with the project of the NEAR NEWSLETTER

I attached below what is this type of project and then the metrics of success and the results:

The main objective of this project is to design/implement a Newsletter with a clear purpose that is part of the strategy to increase the applications and uses of the projects and services of the NEAR Venezuela guild and other guilds, cooperatives, or initiatives that are wanted. include the Newsletter as well as the capture of new clients, leads, or Near users, informing about the brand, the crypto, its use, and its news.

Among the benefits of this communication channel we have:
✓ It is an Immediate tool. It allows you to communicate with your clients and users at the time they require it, the messages can reach anywhere in the world instantly.
✓ Low investment.
✓ Quick measurement of results. The Newsletter allows you to measure the
repercussion that the message has had in order to know the strengths and weaknesses of the strategy, through the use of very diverse tools.
✓ Identify the success of a campaign.
✓ The notoriety of the guild and its services.

Why do we design/implement a Newsletter in Near Venezuela?

  1. To make ourselves known even more, reach a greater number of people and likewise convert and capitalize on new users. The message sent by the Guild Newsletter appears directly in the customer’s inbox (both his email) and on other platforms and this user, with a single click, can send the message to another person by extending
    in this massive and fast way, the campaign in an unimaginable way.
  2. To retain our Customers. The fact of sending recurring messages to our users and participants is a way of being in continuous contact with them, which will make them remember the brand.
  3. Attract new Clients. Another objective is to attract new customers. In fact, designing a good campaign allows you to reach more customers in different areas of the world.
  4. Better knowledge of our users through interaction with them. This mode of communication allows the company to relate to its entire target and achieve an immediate response. Additionally, it is a way of achieving notoriety in social networks, by including links to company social platforms


  • Minimum of 850 views
  • Maximum of 1600 interactions
  • 25 members and outsourced collaborators of the project
  • 3 integrated platforms of NEAR VENEZUELA
  • 6 to 7 content developers nurturing the project
  • 2 web pages integrated into the campaign
  • 3 guilds included
  • 2 languages developed

We hope in week 3 of the first phase to complete the project at the execution and design level directly


Let me know if you have any questions



Nice :blush:
I like this, let’s get near to greater heights


Saludos familia Near Venezuela por aquí dejo lo que fue nuestra gira por el Edo Barinas donde fuimos recibidos por el Gobernador y en donde pudimos desarrollar un taller de induccion a la tecnologia Blockchain de Near Protocol, dirigido a los trabajadores de la Gobernacion y profesores de distintas instituciones educativas.
Realizamos un sorteo donde se regalo una taza de Near entre los participantes que entraron al telegram de Near Venezuela y saludaron.

Tambien partiicpamos en una entevista de Radio con Juan Moran en 96.1 FM la nueva de Barinas

@Franciscogonzalezn @Albanyher

Área: contacto

Actividad: Onboarding



1100 Alcance

Alcance 437

Alcance 277


Alcance 375

Alcance 390

Alcance 550

Alcance 90


Alcance 231

Alcance 212

Alcance 61

Alcance 21


Alcance 349

Alcance 275

Alcance 673

Alcance 590

Total alcance 5631


Hola! Equipo de Near , será un placer demostrarle mis actividades realizadas en el post del mes de Junio.
Nos vemos allá!

Saludos a todos.


Amazing project and we look forward in achieving this!!


@FritzWorm congrats on growing NEAR Venezuela like that.

I want to grow NEAR Canada and love to get some tips from you.

How do you grow a regional NEAR community, what challenges did you face, and what do you recommend we pay attention to?


Haha thats the real question, we can ask that to Chat GPT :grin: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So, the most important activity was to certified new members with Near University. Basically: Onboarding professors, university students into NEAR, by teaching them about web3.

In order to connect with them we run activities with Universities and also other kind of activities such as Crypto Beer marketing campaign =)

Big challenge is to make it self sustainable, I wanted to do so, but we needed more resources. Right now we are a little stuck, and the most active members are building right now with the help of Aurora.


the campaign we run helped us to build the lovely community we have today, as you can see from all the interaction and reports on #near-venezuela and the recognition of the community :hugs:

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