# Section 1. Main information:

Project Name: NEAR-Api Unity Package

Project URL: N/A

Project’s Public Github: TBD

Project’s X (Twitter): TBD

Discord Server Address: TBD

# Section 2. Game information:

About The Game:

Briefly Describe your project:

This package Will allow interactions of Unity Engine based applications with the NEAR

ecosystem and offer Near developers a friendly GUI to set up and test their smart contracts

directly with the Unity Engine editor.

What is the USP ( unique selling point) of your game?:

I-Seamless Blockchain Integration

2-Simplified Smart Contract Interactions for In-App economy

3-Leverage the wide Unity Developers Community and Ecosystem

4-De facto smoother performance & better security

5- Easier integration of the NEAR & Unity Cloud ecosystems

How does your game align with the NDC and Gaming WG KPIs?:

** Support NEAR Gaming Ecosystem*

    • Lower Barrier to Entry*
    • Streamlined Development offering*
    • Gateway for Expanded Features*
      ** Support Emerging Gaming Projects*
    • Indie-Friendly*
    • Reduced Development Costs*
    • Great Community Growth potential*
      ** Strengthen User Engagement with the KeyPom Strategy*
    • True ownership of in-app assets through NFTS*
    • Unique Game / RT 3D Application Mechanics*
    • Direct association of NEAR to successful Unity applications*
      ** Elevate NEAR’s Brand Awareness*
    • Democratize NEARs capabilities in RT3D contexts*
    • Appealing ease-of use / ease-of-integration*

Please Describe Your User Demographic:

Actual Data:

  • Please Share Sources. N/A

Predicted Data:

  • Specify It Is A Prediction: N/A

  • Show Sources You Are Basing Predictions On: N/A

What is your Tech Stack?

** C# Unity Package using DLL(s) targeting the .NET 3.5 Framework*
** access to the NEAR ecosystem via the NEAR RPC Api*
** additional C# libraries for cryptography and asynchronous calls support*
** Custom Antlr4 js to C# Transpiler development tool providing an assisted generation / update of the package following any Near Api update*

# Section 3. Status of the Project:

What is the status of your project?

** Concept*
** ln development - Pre-MVP*

In case your game is not launched yet, what is the current state and when is the launch planned?

The project is currently in pre-production with

** basic proof of concept running in Unity*
** Js to cs transpiling of code base in progress*

What is the financial status of your project?

** Bootstrapped (Team is covering expenses)*

Monthly Burn Rate In USD (include if you wish):


Link to a playable version of the game

As he project is still in its concept phase, showcase application container will be provided.

following the roadmap specified further in this form

Will the game be NEAR exclusive or is it planned to integrate other chains or a web2 version.

** NEAR exclusive*

# Section 4. Team

About Your Team:

How many Team Members are working on the project:


Please Tell Us About Your Development Team

** The team is essentially based in Canada*

    • Lead Developer - VideoGame industry veteran (22 titles shipped, 34y of experience, 3y at Unity as Unity Runtime & Editor, Sr Manager Software Development)*
    • Technical Artist - Senior Developer , specialized in Unity Editor workflows & tools improvements*

Please Tell Us About Your BD Team:


Please Tell Us About Your Marketing / Community Building Team:


Section 5. Support

What Kind Of Support Is Needed?

** Funding*

Please provide more information about the selected areas

** Software Engineering development costs*

Section 6. Grants:

Grant Amount Requested:

** 14024 USD*

Please provide a budget breakdown
Job Profile Development Costs
Milestone#l Software Development, Technical Lead (Profile#l) 3920
Technical Artist / Ul Software Developer (Profile#2) 2400
Milestone#2 Software Development, Technical Lead (Profile#l) 4704
TechArt / Ul & Additional Soft Developer (Profile#2) 3000

Roadmap & Milestones:


    1. Unity project interacting with NEAR (basic transaction, contract call, showcase of a few NEAR Api calls per NEAR package)*
    1. Weeks / Steps*
    1. Week#l Unity project showcasing simple interaction with NEAR (Current State)*
    1. Week#2 RPC Handling*
    1. Week#3-4 Near Classes Implementation*


    1. Near Unity Package ready to be shared on Unity Asset Store or via a Github repository*
    1. Repository of Unity projects showcasing Near functionalities*
    1. Weeks / Steps*
    1. Week#5 Unity Workflow Integration (custom editor tools or property drawers)*
    1. Week#6 Near Classes Consolidation*
    1. Week#7 Tests Suite & Doc*
    1. Week#8 Platform Specific test & Packaging*
    1. Week#9 Api Samples & Github Repository to public*

Have you applied for any other funding programs so far?


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Congratulations! Gaming DAO is happy to support you in March with 14024$

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