[PROPOSAL] Light Unity Client-Library

So far there is a first try of a 1:1 port of near-api-js to unity which seems to abandoned since mostly 2 years and had a lot of errors/incompatiblity with current unity version in our test: GitHub - near/near-api-unity: Port of https://github.com/near/near-api-js to Unity.

Our project is not to make a 1:1 port of near-api-js, instead developing a light unity library with some basic functionality to create games:

  • login and store credentials
  • logout
  • call view function
  • call change function

This will have the benefit that the maintenance of the library is easy, but it will still be possible to extend it with more functionality later. The Github-Repository will be public/opensource and open for contributors.

NEAR is a perfect fit for games since the transaction finality time is only 1-2 seconds and with a simple ready to use library we could probably boost the development of NEAR based games a lot.

This proposal includes the library and a simple demo project.


May you clarify what is going to be in the demo project?

Also I feel like it would be beneficial to have some other near-api-js functionality like ability to construct / submit / monitor arbitrary transactions vs only call change functions.

The demo project will be a simple contract + unity3d scene with a few buttons and text output to demonstrate how to work with a contract in unity3d.

Can you explain what you mean with construct, submit and monitor transactions?

Of course the call change function will return the response the call got.

Danielzo - what’s your email?

we slightly changed the process and require service agreement to be signed prior, so i’d need you to provide me your email (so i can send the agreement). After signing it, you’d have to re-send DAO Proposal (can use same forum link), and then Vlad and I will have to decide on your proposal

Apologies for the inconvenience!

messaged you on discord with the mail-address

How is your library doing? Do you have any updates? Thank you.