[Approved] NEAR BOS Development Workshop in Türkiye / Antalya

Hi everyone,
as mentioned in my last report and proposal, I am creating a separate proposal for the offline workshop in Antalya.

If you’re a developer looking to advance your skills in the blockchain, the Blockchain Operating System (bOS) will help you build scalable applications and explore ways to build composable, multi-chain solutions.
We want everyone to really harness the power of blockchain and smart contracts, and that is why our team is coming to Creawork Antalya


Guild / Community Name: Near Türkiye
User: nearinturkiye.near
Funding scheme : one time
Previous Proposal: https://gov.near.org/t/approved-near-turkiye-june-2023/34721
Previous Report: [REPORT] Near Türkiye March-May 2023

Near.social of all core team members:

Link to the Social Media accounts:


Our main focus is to bring new users to Near Social / Near BOS.

  • NEAR Social: We are already active on Near Social and will invite all event participators to follow our account
  • IamHuman / Fractal: All users needs to proof their humanity via IamHuman to be able to participate in the workshop
  • Near Türkiye DEV&Buidler Team: We will continue inviting devs and builders to the TG group Telegram: Contact @near_aurora_builders_turkiye and let all devs and builders have the abilitiy to learn from each other after the event.
  • The topic of the workshop will be:
    • Why you should use BOS
    • Interact with the blockchain
    • Write a smart contract
    • Javascript
    • Build a widget / component on Near.org
    • Giveaways for the participators
  • Increase transaction via interactions with products on NEAR (eg. keypom for the rewards)
  • Building a NEAR Protocol Developer ecosystem in Turkey!

What problem is the proposal solving?
Currently we have an active community in our social media channels, but unfortunately it’s hard to reach out to new developers without holding an event / workshop together. Our aim is to increase the developer activities on BOS by educating students and crypto enthuasists in an event area in Antalya.

How is the problem being solved

  • Offline workshop in an event area
  • After the training, mentoring work will be done for those who want to specialize in the field of Near blockchain and build projects.
  • NEAR BOS presentation during the event
  • Creating Widgets together with the developers
  • Learning by doing
  • Face to Face education

2. Reach and Metrics

  • 200 event attendees
  • 100 new members on Near Social / NEAR BOS
  • 5-10 new developer and builder team members from Türkiye
  • high on chain transactions from the community



Total Costs : 3700$

AstroDAO: nearprotocol-turkiye.sputnik-dao.near
Near Wallet ID: nearinturkiye.near
Name: Sezer
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @cizi31
E-Mail: sezercoinnet@gmail.com

Thank you for your support! :dizzy:


Happy to support, @cizi31, who shows a good job with KPIs on IAH and NS, I believe CZ with the offline event will engage more people in on-chain transactions and onboard more people to IAH.

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I see your community is doing so well to focus on on-chain activities.

You have my support on this.

@jlwaugh and @marketingdao-council.

Thanks, thanks

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Hello @cizi31 I am happy to support you proposal. Moving to approved.

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