[APPROVED] MarmaJchan's Birthday Party

You Are Invited to MarmaJchan's Bday!

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The birth of MarmaJchan has been a rallying point for the creatives of the NEAR and Marma J communities [see the OG version of her by @bianca below], and now we’d like to gather folks to celebrate everyone’s awesome interpretations of her through a birthday party.

When: December 19 @ 11am EST / 4pm UTC for 2 hours

Where: NEAR Hub (exact room currently being built thanks to @chronear @orztirrstudio @jefedeoro & the NEAR Hub team!)


  • The party will feature a rotating gallery with interpretations of MarmaJchan for guests to admire & purchase.

  • Would also like to include a live auction of the original design of MarmaJchan that started it all - to be hosted on Mintbase and will conclude by the end of the party:

  • Music! Reply below if you would be interested in performing and you will be compensated with 15 marmaj tokens [see CoinGecko for current comparable value] for a 30-mins set (3-4 performers).

  • Guest book linked to marmaj.org through NEAR wallet log-in

    • A loot bag in the form of a sweet marmaj token Airdrop for attendees (details and amount tbd pending agreement of the Council).

Comment your own ideas for the party below and we hope to see you there! I’m also looking forward to comments from my fellow Marma J DAO Council members @chloe @bianca

There’s still time if you wanted to submit to the MarmaJchan DTIYS challenge and your MarmaJchan NFT could get collected by the Marma J DAO, and/or be listed at the party.

:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:



Design ideas for the NEAR Hub Room:

@bianca please review and provide feedback!

  • think ‘childhood party dream’ with lots of excitement and entertaining activities as the focus - cotton candy / dreamy space, relying on the pink from [MarmaJchan’s colour palette] as the prominent colour (https://marmaj.org/marmajchan/)

  • balloons & a “Happy Bday MarmaJchan” banner, lots of seating of different kinds (couches, cluster seating, big cushions) throughout the space

  • screen (with Twitch API) in the corner to represent the stage for musical performers & for the live auction – changed to pre-recorded so it would be pre-loaded on the stage for us to press play - should use Vimeo over YouTube

  • MarmaJchan interpretations gallery / rotating screen somewhere prominent in the space

  • selfie walls (x 2)

  • using contrast colours from her colour palette

In NEAR Hub, we can also have:

  • scavenger hunt / selfie competition - selfie walls: one with the Marma J Foundation vertical stack logo, other with the Marma J membership NFT GIF

  • cake food fight activity

  • changing rooms - try out different MarmaJchan avatars designed by the NEAR Hub team, @bianca, and the community!


  • draft build of entire room (2-3 weeks) - Nov. 29 - DONE
  • Marma J Council to provide feedback & check-in meeting - Nov. 29 or 30 - DONE
  • Avatar creation, edits, & check-in meeting - Dec. 1-11
  • Marma J Council & special guests preview of space - Dec. 12
  • Last round of changes and tweaks / polishing - Dec. 13-18

Total Draft Budget:

  • USD $2,500 - 5,000 for NEAR Hub room build, avatar creation included (~318 marmaj @ $15.72)
  • 15 marmaj x 3 musicians = 45 marmaj
  • 1 marmaj Airdrop x 100 potential attendees = 100 marmaj (@chloe please edit as desired)
  • other costs? scavenger hunt prize?

Estimated Total = 463 marmaj (as of 08 Nov)

Community members, you can also design a skin (or look) for a MarmaJchan avatar for the party in NEAR Hub! More details to follow and indicate your interest below so we’re sure to reach you.



Visited the 2 out of 3 rooms (main party room, avatar skin change room) - the third room, the Gallery, still needs more build time

Build Requests for the Team:

  • asked that the white satin carpet in the change room become a darker blue or purple like what’s in the wall
  • change the text on the change room wall to read “MarmaJchan” instead of “Marma J”
  • when hitting the “i” key would like it customizable to match the individual person’s name/username
  • build out ‘selfie mode’ for easier selfie capture
  • “Happy Bday MarmaJchan” banner/streamers around the stage
  • wishlist big dream item: ability to send tokens to people

Notes for design generally:

  • Capacity for 20-25 pieces of art work - will be entirely flat as NFTs or GIFs and we shouldn’t exceed this so will require curation from the council for which pieces from the DAO’s collection will be shown (cc: @bianca @chloe)

Next steps:

  • no community designs will be done at this time for avatars - NEAR Hub team will design the reskins in the colour pallette (6 - one per changing room)
  • Remaining Timeline confirmed:
    • Gallery finish, avatar creation, edits, & check-in meeting - Dec. 1-11 - DONE
    • Marma J Council & special guests preview of space - Dec. 12 - DONE
    • Last round of changes and tweaks / polishing - Dec. 13-18



Walked through all 3 rooms and they look incredible!!

Remaining action items:

  • @jefedeoro to update us on whether or not the move to Mainnet wallet log-in is possible in time & if the Twitter integration/minting integration will be live (when possible this week)
  • NEAR Hub Team submits their invoice below for payout
  • @chloe to do a live-stream walkthrough on YouTube with instructions on controls, features, etc. [@bianca to include as a blog post as well?]
  • Rebecca to manage musical submissions + @chloe to pre-record a welcome message; @bianca / @chloe to edit together all pre-recorded content to be added to the main party room in the media screen by the stage.
    Pre-recorded music from the musicians will also be played in the Gallery.

See folks on Sunday @ 11am EST! Instead of the Marma J Foundation Community Call this Sunday there will be this birthday party instead.


Looking forward to this! Will be a fun usecase for near-multicall and a greta way to distribute marmaj tokens to the community :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. We should have some sort of guestbook that users “sign” by interacting with it :eyes:. And maybe we can even check how long attendees are at the party? So many questions for Monday :kissing_heart:.


Wow ! Interesting . Would really love to attend this party !


I would like to perform my music for MarmaJChan birthday… It would be fun


Ooo nice - please drop a link to any of your work so we can have a listen :+1:t4:


Looking forward to this!


Looks good to me in general. Build and musician budget seems reasonable.

I am thinking that we may want to use the Cryptovoxels parcel as well for a persistent Twitch stream for the musicians and then share the twitch streams into NEARhub as well/as needed? Trying to think of how to keep NEARhub not the only space used and keep it as a “choose your own adventure” party. (The parcel would need a little redesign, but would keep that room-like feel either way)

As for the airdrop, 100% fine with getting 1 marmaj to each attendee (and we can check against those who have submitted MarmaJchan entires as well :eyes: :smiling_imp:)

As for other costs, I think that if we have a variety of community skins for avatars, it would be very reasonable/fun to have a “selfie contest” where attendees could share their best selfies in the NEARhub world with their fav skin as well. Grab your fav skin, find the coolest backdrop you can, get with some friends, and share the metaverse selfie on Twitter with the #MarmaJchanSelfie hashtag?


Would really love to be a part of it

Awesome @6cezer - could you link to your Soundcloud/Spotify/YouTube?

Moving this proposal to APPROVED and looking forward to getting this set up for December 19th :revolving_hearts:


@JohnX @6cezer are you up to pre-recording a 30-mins set each? Please be sure to include a ‘happy birthday’ message or serenade to MarmaJchan in there if you could!

And send to me on Telegram at @mecsbecs by this Friday.

Looking forward to hearing your sets!

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Be sure of that… am on it. It’s cool vibes anticipating marmajchan’s birthday . Congratulations

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@AugustKinge happy to have you contribute a 30 mins set as well. Please see the instructions above and confirm that you’re okay to meet the timeline!

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Awesome! I’m happy to be here. It will be my pleasure.


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Great! Looking forward to receiving your set.

@6cezer - waiting on your confirmation and then we’ll be booked for our pre-recorded musical performances for the birthday party :birthday:


@AugustKinge @JohnX thank you for your sets for the birthday party! Please use this Forum post to make your payout for 15 marmaj to the Astro DAO.

We greatly appreciate you lending your creativity to this event! We’ll keep the playlist up in the room until we ‘renovate’ so you can direct folks to continue to enjoy your performances here.


Payout received with thanks.
@bianca @chloe @mecsbecs